Medicine 2024, October

Kidney cortex: anatomy, location, structure, functions and effects on the human body

Kidney cortex: anatomy, location, structure, functions and effects on the human body

Kidneys are excretory organs that help purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. This task is carried out with the help of nephrons and glomeruli, which are located in a special layer called the cortex. The role of this part of the urinary system is very important for the full functioning of our body. That's what we're going to talk about in this article

Treatment of the surgeon's hands: methods and techniques

Treatment of the surgeon's hands: methods and techniques

Processing the surgeon's hands is one of the elements of preparation for operations and outpatient manipulations. It is used for mechanical and chemical cleansing of the skin

Cystectomy - what is it

Cystectomy - what is it

An operation to remove benign growths is called a cystectomy. This surgical intervention is performed by doctors of various surgical speci alties, since cysts can appear in any organ. In addition, cystectomy is called the removal of the bladder in oncological processes

Innervation of the tongue. The structure and functions of the language. Anatomy

Innervation of the tongue. The structure and functions of the language. Anatomy

Not only the brain, but also the tongue can be called one of the organs that make a person human, because it serves a unique function - speech. In addition, this muscular organ serves digestion and receives taste and tactile sensations

Vaccination exemption: registration rules, who and for what reasons issues

Vaccination exemption: registration rules, who and for what reasons issues

Today we will find out with you what a medical exemption from vaccinations is, how to get it and why you need it. This document can be extremely important. Therefore, it is impossible to avoid its registration in any case, if there are prerequisites for the implementation of the process. Vaccination may not go as smoothly as you would like if you neglect the medical tap. So what is this document?

How to feed a child with rotavirus infection: menus, recipes and nutritional features

How to feed a child with rotavirus infection: menus, recipes and nutritional features

Many mothers have faced such a problem as rotavirus infection. The baby's he alth deteriorates sharply, the disease is accompanied by vomiting, indigestion. This raises the logical question of how to feed children with rotavirus infection. In the article you will find a complete list of recommendations, a list of allowed and prohibited foods, an approximate menu

Laser treatment: effectiveness and contraindications

Laser treatment: effectiveness and contraindications

Laser treatment plays a special role among non-drug therapies these days. The biostimulating effect on the human body consists in the effect of a directed light flux on living tissue

OPV (vaccination): reviews and complications after it

OPV (vaccination): reviews and complications after it

OPV is the polio vaccine given to our children several times throughout their lives. Up to 1 year old, babies are prescribed three vaccinations with a monthly interval. Today we will find out what the OPV vaccine is, are there any side effects after it, and also what parents think about it

What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, how to provide first aid?

What to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning, how to provide first aid?

In our article we will analyze the question: what to do in case of carbon monoxide poisoning? On how correctly and quickly first aid is provided to the victim, not only his further he alth often depends, but also whether he will survive

Sympathetic trunk: structure and functions

Sympathetic trunk: structure and functions

The sympathetic trunk is a paired formation that lies on both sides of the spinal column and consists of four sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral

Vaccination is The essence and scheme of vaccination

Vaccination is The essence and scheme of vaccination

The article is devoted to the issue of vaccinations, which is so important now and of concern to many. So what is vaccination? Is it a forced measure that guarantees protection against terrible diseases, or is it a “universal evil” that brings side effects and harm to he alth? We will talk about the history of vaccination, its main schemes and myths associated with the immunization process

Possible complications of insulin therapy: types, treatment and prevention

Possible complications of insulin therapy: types, treatment and prevention

Insulin therapy is a way to treat type 1 diabetes, and in some cases type 2 diabetes. Each patient with such a pathology should adhere to the dose of the drug prescribed by the doctor. Sometimes such therapy causes a number of side effects. Every diabetic should know them. The complications of insulin therapy will be discussed in the article

Anatomy. Elbow joint: structure, ligaments, muscles and functions

Anatomy. Elbow joint: structure, ligaments, muscles and functions

The structure and functions of different parts of the body, including bone joints, are studied by anatomy. The elbow joint refers to the bone joints of the free upper limb and is formed as a result of the articulation of separate parts of 3 bones: the humerus, ulna and radius

DGP No. 30: where is it, reviews

DGP No. 30: where is it, reviews

The Russian he althcare system is aimed at preserving and strengthening the he alth of citizens. In each subject of the country there are budgetary medical institutions for adults and children. Despite the traditional disdain for free he althcare in Russia, the flow of visitors to municipal organizations does not dry out even in the capital

"Essays on purulent surgery". V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky

"Essays on purulent surgery". V. F. Voyno-Yasenetsky

"Essays on Purulent Surgery" is the fundamental work of a Russian and Soviet professor of medicine, published for the first time in 1934. This essay has become a reference book for surgeons of several generations. Moreover, "Essays on Purulent Surgery" are still relevant today

Doctor of Medical Sciences - a well-deserved title of the best doctors. Notable MDs

Doctor of Medical Sciences - a well-deserved title of the best doctors. Notable MDs

Doctor of Medical Sciences is a significant scientific degree in Russia, which confirms the serious scientific research that its holder conducts

Spine traction at home

Spine traction at home

An article about who, how and why it is necessary to perform spinal traction, and is it possible at home

Why is my knee swollen and sore? Causes and treatment

Why is my knee swollen and sore? Causes and treatment

Knee swelling is a symptom of many pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. It occurs with trauma and osteoporosis, bursitis and gout, as well as with other ailments. With complaints that the knee is swollen, many patients go to the doctor. This phenomenon is quite common

Sparing operation - laparoscopy

Sparing operation - laparoscopy

Operation Laparoscopy is a new method of diagnosis, as well as surgical intervention, if necessary, treatment. This is a gentle method in which the patient loses very little blood, without serious complications

Mercury thermometer - a faithful and indispensable assistant

Mercury thermometer - a faithful and indispensable assistant

In this article, we will analyze the main types of devices for measuring human body temperature, as well as discuss their main advantages and disadvantages

Urogenital system of a woman: structure, possible diseases, symptoms

Urogenital system of a woman: structure, possible diseases, symptoms

What is the genitourinary system of a woman. What illnesses can she be exposed to? What are the symptoms of diseases

The cerebellum of the brain. The structure and functions of the cerebellum

The cerebellum of the brain. The structure and functions of the cerebellum

The cerebellum ("little brain") is a structure located at the back of the brain, at the base of the occipital and temporal cortex. Although the cerebellum makes up approximately 10% of the volume of the brain, it contains more than 50% of the total number of neurons in it

Polio: Immunization schedule for children

Polio: Immunization schedule for children

Polio is an acute infectious pathology in which the virus infects the gray matter of the spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Its consequences are paralysis leading to lifelong disability

How to choose a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset?

How to choose a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset?

For many, the back is a very vulnerable spot. Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, neuritis, spondyloarthrosis, injuries - this is not a complete list of diseases that threaten the spine. In the event that they are already available, a semi-rigid lumbosacral corset can provide invaluable assistance. How to choose this device, what to look for when buying and what may be contraindications for its use - we will tell you more

Trigger point in the muscles. trigger point massage

Trigger point in the muscles. trigger point massage

Probably, many found small painful areas of muscle seals on their bodies or on their loved ones. Most consider them to be s alt deposits, but in official medicine they are known as trigger points

SanPiN: disinfection and sterilization of medical devices

SanPiN: disinfection and sterilization of medical devices

In Russia, all institutions engaged in medical activities are required to work according to strict standards, among which an important place is occupied by the proper disinfection and sterilization of medical devices

HCT blood test interpretation, normal

HCT blood test interpretation, normal

We all go to doctors, and the first thing our communication begins with is laboratory research. And if for a specialist the data indicated on the results obtained are understandable, then an ordinary person is often confused even by a simple decoding of a blood test. HCT - this is how such a parameter as hematocrit is now denoted - is an important indicator of human he alth. Let's talk about it in more detail

MPV in a blood test what does it mean? MPV: deciphering the analysis

MPV in a blood test what does it mean? MPV: deciphering the analysis

Human blood includes many different cells (shaped elements), and they all perform certain functions. In the article we will talk about what MPV means in a blood test and what are its normal indicators

Mononucleosis in a child: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Mononucleosis in a child: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Talking about an illness is always unpleasant, especially about a child's illness, but one has to. Today we will talk about how mononucleosis is treated in children

Endoscopic adenotomy: preparation for examination and rehabilitation period

Endoscopic adenotomy: preparation for examination and rehabilitation period

Adenotomy is an operation on the adenoids. It is carried out at any age. In children, such an intervention is indicated when the presence of overgrown formations poses a greater he alth risk than their removal. This refers to difficulties, and often the impossibility of nasal breathing, hypoxia, accompanied by developmental delays, persistent hearing impairment and chronic otitis media that threaten complications, asthma, malocclusion and adenoid face

Palpation of the liver: procedure, decoding and norms

Palpation of the liver: procedure, decoding and norms

Palpation of the liver is an important diagnostic method that allows you to identify the pathology of the organ at the stage of the initial examination

How is a kidney MRI done? MRI of the kidneys and urinary tract: diagnostic features

How is a kidney MRI done? MRI of the kidneys and urinary tract: diagnostic features

MRI of the kidneys is a high-precision procedure used to diagnose the abdominal organs, which allows establishing the correct diagnosis, as well as determining the pathogenesis of the developing pathology. This method is based on the use of a magnetic field, as a result of which this procedure is painless and safe

Contracting human organs: features

Contracting human organs: features

Everyone knows that due to the presence of muscle tissue it is possible to move the human body and its individual parts in space. But in our body there are also contracting organs. All of them perform functions indispensable for normal life

First aid for dislocations: procedure

First aid for dislocations: procedure

No one is immune from accidental injury. One wrong turn or awkward movement of the body can lead to a dislocation, sprain or bruise. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to properly provide first aid to yourself or another person if it was not possible to avoid injury

Nosocomial infections - what is it? What contributes to the spread of nosocomial infection?

Nosocomial infections - what is it? What contributes to the spread of nosocomial infection?

The urgency of nosocomial infections is not decreasing even now. It is important to identify and start therapy in a timely manner, eliminating the cause of the pathology

Differential diagnosis of diseases: types, methods and principles

Differential diagnosis of diseases: types, methods and principles

Differential Diagnosis (DD) is an opportunity to accurately recognize a disease and prescribe the necessary therapy in each case, since many pathologies have the same symptoms, and the approaches and principles of treatment for diseases differ. Thus, such diagnostics makes it possible to establish a correct diagnosis in a short period of time and conduct adequate treatment, and as a result, avoid adverse consequences

What is a dysentery bacillus. Symptoms of dysentery, treatment and prevention

What is a dysentery bacillus. Symptoms of dysentery, treatment and prevention

Dysentery bacillus is a dangerous and very easily transmitted pathogen. This bacterium causes an infectious inflammation of the intestine - dysentery (shigellosis). Cases of this disease are quite often observed in the summer season. Often, patients mistake this pathology for food poisoning. What are the symptoms of dysentery? And how is the causative agent of this intestinal infection transmitted? We will consider these questions in the article

What is a lobotomy or leucotomy?

What is a lobotomy or leucotomy?

Lobotomy is a surgical intervention in psychiatry. In its process, one of the lobes of the brain, namely the frontal, is disconnected from other areas of the brain. In another way it is called leukotomy

Hermaphrodite people: who are they?

Hermaphrodite people: who are they?

Hermaphrodite people are individuals who have the sexual characteristics of both men and women. The name has its roots deep in Greek mythology, when the ardently in love Hermaphrodite (the son of Hermes and Aphrodite) decided to unite with the nymph Salmacis together

Can I wear high heels while pregnant?

Can I wear high heels while pregnant?

Shoes are one of the most desired accessories for women. And they look mostly at her beauty than comfort. As for high heels, it is useless to ask if they should be worn - you will definitely find such shoes in every woman's closet