A good memory is needed in everyday life. Without it, one cannot become a successful person. However, many people now suffer from bad memory. In this case, various ways to improve it can help: medication methods, games, the use of special foods and vitamins. Today we will learn how to develop an excellent ability to preserve and reproduce skills and knowledge even in adulthood.

Drugs that improve brain function and memory: names
Many people believe that pills for better memory and retention of information are necessary only for the elderly. However, this is misleading. After all, students before the session will not interfere with drugs for memory. And young moms raising kids also need medication, because they often forget about many daily tasks.

Drugs that stimulate cerebral circulation are callednootropics. People taking such medications begin to perceive and remember information more easily. Such medicines are: Nootropil, Isacetam, Pramiracetam, Oxiracetam, Piracetam.
You can't take any nootropic on its own. Before you start using certain pills, you need to consult a doctor.
Products for mental alertness
How to improve memory at home quickly and for the benefit of the whole organism? Useful products will help with this:
1. Nuts. They contain lecithin, which improves brain function and stimulates memory. You can eat 5 walnuts a day.

2. Fish. It contains phosphorus, special fatty acids that improve brain function. Especially useful are sardine, salmon, herring.
3. Cabbage. This vegetable helps to overcome age-related disorders of the nervous system, as well as normalize normal brain activity.
4. Tomatoes. They contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which prevents brain cell damage and dementia.
5. Apples. These fruits help maintain mental clarity even in old age.
6. cocoa beans. They improve the blood supply to the brain.
7. Berries. Strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, blueberries protect blood vessels and provide excellent brain activity.
8. Garlic - improves memory, and also does not prevent the onset of senile dementia.

Liveness trainingcrazy for kids
How to improve a child's memory so that he learns better at school, remembers the information received in the lesson faster? To do this, parents should work with their son and daughter, and the following classes will help with this:
1. Learning foreign languages. This is a great memory training. You can enroll your child in group classes to study English, German, French and other languages, or hire a tutor.
2. Mom, father, together with their son or daughter, should learn poems and aphorisms at home. It’s not worth doing this every day, it’s enough to learn 2 poems a week, which need to be repeated periodically.
3. Remembering your home address will help activate your brain activity: your own, relatives, acquaintances. You can also ask your child to find out the birthdays of his friends and then make sure that he does not forget about them.
4. Morning seven-minute brain exercise will help the child to remember information faster and better. You need to do the following exercises:
- The child must clearly and slowly pronounce all the letters of the alphabet in order, while coming up with a word for each. He must do this quickly. And if the child can't think of a word, then they must skip the letter.
- Now you need to quickly count from zero to one hundred, and then in reverse order.
- After such a numerical charge, you need to go to the nominal one. The child needs to name 10 male and the same number of female names in alphabetical order, and use numbers. For example, 1 - Alena, 2 - Barbara, 3 - Vasilisa, etc.
- From the names now you needmove on to food. The scheme of the exercise is similar to the previous one.
Thanks to this morning brain exercise, the child will not have problems remembering information, and parents will no longer have the question: "How to improve the child's memory?"

Make a son or daughter an excellent student
Undoubtedly, memory is an important condition on the way to successful studies. But there are other points that distinguish an excellent student from all other children. And that is attention as well as thinking. For your child to be successful in school, you need to develop them too. Below are exercises for the development of attention, memory, thinking for younger students. In fact, there are many such examples, but for example, let's consider some of them.

1. Find differences. The child is offered two seemingly identical pictures, but still there are dissimilarities in them. These are the ones you need to find.
2. An adult reads a short sentence aloud and at the same time taps the pencil softly on the table. The task of the child is to remember the text, as well as correctly count the number of strokes.
3. Find an extra word, picture.
4. Mind flexibility exercise: an adult should tell the child one word, and he should think and write words that are related to the word that mom or dad thought of. For example, a parent calls the word “tree”, and the child answers him: “oak, pine, birch, poplar”, etc.
5. consecutive drawings. Adultshows the child random pictures, the task of the baby is to put them in a logical sequence.
The above exercises to develop attention, memory, thinking will help the child quickly and efficiently complete homework.
Memorize by playing
Is it possible to gently train mental alertness? Of course. And that's where memory games come in handy. There are a huge number of all kinds of applications on the Internet, thanks to which you can easily train your brain. However, if parents do not really welcome the pastime of their son or daughter at the computer, then you can easily train mental alertness without using a laptop. Memory games can be:
- Collecting puzzles, puzzles.
- Sudoku.
- Chess.
- Card games ranging from "fool" to solitaire.
- Game “What has changed?” You need to lay out 10 different items on the table, the other person must remember them. After that, he leaves, and 1 item is removed from the table. The person must guess which item is missing.

Essential Vitamins
How to improve memory at home quickly for both an adult and a child? For this, it is important to eat vitamin B. It is he who activates memory and thinking. The vitamin B group includes components such as:
- B1 - thiamine. It has a positive effect on the ability to quickly remember information.
- B2 - speeds up mental reactions.
- B3 - stimulates brain activity,struggles with decreased concentration, fatigue.
- B6 - increases intelligence, prevents depression, irritability.
- B9 - speeds up the speed of thinking, helps to focus faster.
- B12 - prevents the development of senile dementia, confusion. It improves memory, fights fatigue.
Grandma's methods for mental alertness
You can improve memory with folk remedies and natural gifts such as:
- Pine buds.
- Clover.
- Elecampane.
Using pine buds
How to improve memory at home quickly and inexpensively? This will require pine buds. They need to be collected in early spring, then prepare a medicinal infusion. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of pine buds per 200 ml of boiling water. The infusion should be kept for 1 hour, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals.
Using clover
This plant will help to memorize and retain information for a long time in memory in men and women. How to improve memory for an adult using clover? To do this, just pick the flowers of this plant, identify them in a half-liter jar, and then pour vodka. Set aside this tincture for 2 weeks, shaking it occasionally. After that, strain the healing liquid and take 1 tablespoon once a day before bedtime. Clover tincture improves memory, reduces intracranial pressure, reduces the manifestations of cerebral vascular sclerosis.
Now you know how to improvememory at home. Special training games such as sudoku, puzzles, puzzles, etc. will help to quickly teach a child to memorize information. For older people, folk remedies for memory, as well as medications are suitable.