Postpartum depression: symptoms, signs, causes. What is postpartum depression and how to avoid it?

Postpartum depression: symptoms, signs, causes. What is postpartum depression and how to avoid it?
Postpartum depression: symptoms, signs, causes. What is postpartum depression and how to avoid it?

Already during pregnancy, a woman prepares for the future role of a mother on a psychological level, as well as for all the difficulties that lie ahead in this period. After giving birth, many women experience fear of breastfeeding and caring for the baby. There may also be fear for the he alth of the newborn. However, very soon all fears are left behind, the woman calms down and gradually enters the role of mother. Unfortunately, not everyone has a happy ending. Some women have a painful state of anxiety, unjustified by objective reasons. In medicine, this kind of change is called depression. In this article, we will go into more detail about this condition, the main causes and how to prevent it.

What is postpartum depression?

This is a rather serious mental illness that develops exclusively in the postpartum period and is characterized by a depressed mood, loss of former interests. Such a pathological condition most often occurs in the first or second week after the baby is born.

postpartum depression symptom
postpartum depression symptom

Thisthe type of depression is directly related to social, chemical, and psychological changes in the life of a lady. Fortunately, this pathology is highly treatable.

Chemical changes observed in the body are explained by fluctuations in hormone levels after childbirth. However, experts still have not been able to find scientific confirmation of the connection between hormones and depression itself. It is known that during the period of bearing a baby, the level of progesterone and estrogen increases 10 times. After the birth of a child, these figures fall sharply, and after another three days they return to the level that was before pregnancy.

Along with hormonal changes, social and psychological changes also influence the onset of depression.

Main reasons

It is not only possible, but necessary, to fight this state. Better yet, prevent signs of postpartum depression and prevent the development of serious mental disorders. Not all women who have given birth are susceptible to this condition: someone was able to survive it very quickly and now enjoys every new day with the child, while others experience daily bouts of irritability and anger, as a result, it even comes to divorce. Why is this happening? In order to prevent the development of depression, it is important to know its causes and try to avoid them as much as possible. Triggers:

  • Unwanted or difficult pregnancy.
  • Problems with breastfeeding.
  • Conflicts with the father of the child (betrayals, quarrels, scandals, parting).
  • An upset nervous system even before the baby was born.
  • Excessive exercise.
  • Financial problems.
  • Moral exhaustion.
  • Lack of basic help from outside.
  • Unmet expectations.

Of course, not all causes of depression depend on the woman. Often they are dictated by social and living conditions. However, the emotional state of a young mother directly depends on her thoughts and daily mood, on her attitude to life and others. That is why psychologists strongly recommend minimizing all negative emotions.

postpartum depression causes
postpartum depression causes


How does postpartum depression manifest itself? How to understand that you have this particular problem, and not another disease? After all, this can be the most common fatigue from accumulated cases, which often goes away on its own. Experts identify a number of signs that indicate a depressive postpartum state. When they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can confirm the presence of a problem such as postpartum depression.

  • Symptom 1. A woman's regular complaints of suffering from loneliness and excessive fatigue. In addition, the mother may experience tearfulness, sudden mood swings, uncontrollable outbursts of anger. Already now, relatives and friends should sound the alarm, because this is how postpartum depression begins.
  • Symptom number 2. Panic fear about the condition and he alth of the newborn. Very often, a woman has a feeling of guilt due to the most insignificant failure. There may also be suicidal thoughts, a dark vision of the future.
  • Symptom number 3. Provoking conflict situations, daily tantrums, grumpiness. Relatives and friends, as a rule, are not aware of the main reasons for this behavior of a young mother. However, it is precisely this that indicates that postpartum depression is taking place.
  • Symptom No. 4. Feeling of panic and anxiety, accompanied by a strong heartbeat, loss of appetite, regular headaches, insomnia. Sometimes a woman has an irresistible desire to commit meaningless, according to others, actions. Simple conversations with a young mother most often end in serious scandals.

These are the symptoms of depression after childbirth. If you find one or two of the above signs, there is no reason to worry, as it may be commonplace fatigue. If this figure goes off scale, it's time to sound the alarm and immediately seek help from specialists.

postpartum depression
postpartum depression

Why is it so important to recognize the existence of a problem in a timely manner? The thing is that prolonged depression after childbirth, which in some cases can last for months, often ends in psychosis without the intervention of doctors. This state is characterized by confusion of consciousness, delirium, hallucinations, complete inadequacy. Of course, here we can already talk about restricting the mother's access to the baby.

What factors increase the likelihood ofdiseases?

There are several of them, and they all have a different nature:

  1. Age. The earlier a woman becomes pregnant, the higher the risk.
  2. Loneliness.
  3. Lack of psychological support from relatives and friends.
  4. Ambiguous perception of pregnancy.
  5. Children. The more children, the greater the chance of depression with each subsequent pregnancy.

Types of postpartum depression

Specialists distinguish three types of disorders of this nature, which are formed exclusively after the birth of a child:

  1. Postpartum blues. Every woman is familiar with this condition, it is a normal reaction of the body to the changes that have occurred. A young mother can change her mood dramatically. Only now she feels the happiest in the world, and after a few minutes she begins to cry. The woman becomes irritable, intolerant, excited. According to experts, postpartum blues can last for several hours or a couple of weeks. This condition does not need specialized treatment, as it most often resolves on its own.
  2. Postpartum depression. Symptoms that characterize this condition most often appear a few days after the birth of the baby. They are similar to the signs of postpartum blues (sadness, despair, irritability, anxiety), but they are manifested to a greater extent. During this period, a woman, as a rule, cannot perform the daily duties assigned to her. When this happens, you should immediately seek help from a psychologist. Despite the complexity of this disease, postpartum depression is highly treatable. Moreover, modern medicine offers a variety of solutions to this problem, so that every woman can choose the most suitable option for herself.
  3. Postpartum psychosis is the most serious mental illness diagnosed in new mothers. The disease appears unexpectedly and develops rapidly (within the first three months from the moment of birth). Initially, a woman loses her usual ability to distinguish the real world from the imagined one, and sound hallucinations occur. Other symptoms include insomnia, constant agitation, anger at the world around. When primary symptoms appear, it is extremely important to seek help from a qualified doctor. In some cases, even hospitalization is required, as there is a risk of harm not only to yourself, but also to the newborn.

When does postpartum depression start and how long does it last?

Postpartum depression is considered more of a problem than the common blues. If young mothers who have overcome the blues have already managed to cope with all the difficulties and experience the joy of caring for a baby, then women with postpartum depression feel more unhappy and exhausted every day.

Sometimes a lady struggles with depression even before the baby is born, and childbirth only exacerbates the problem that had previously developed.

In some cases, the symptoms of this mental illness appear months after the birth of the baby. Originally a young motherexperiences only positive emotions and pleasure from communicating with a child, but after a while all these chores begin to wear out, and the woman herself feels unhappy and depressed.

how long does postpartum depression last
how long does postpartum depression last

How long does postpartum depression last? It depends not only on the mother herself, but also on her environment. Very often, a woman is in no hurry to seek qualified help from a psychologist, believing that the problem will be solved by itself. Sometimes the fair sex is simply afraid to seek support because of complete disappointment in themselves and constant concern for the he alth of the child.

Of course, this attitude only makes things worse. Don't be afraid to ask for help. First of all, psychologists recommend talking with loved ones, talking about all the anxieties. If they agree to take over some of the housework, mom will have time to relax and even consult with specialists.

What should be the treatment?

How to get rid of postpartum depression? It is this question that is most often asked by relatives and friends of women who had to face this problem. First of all, you should seek qualified help. Trying to help a young mother on her own is not recommended, as in some cases medications and psychological consultations are required. Self-medication can only aggravate the current situation, which will lead to the development of postpartum psychosis.

Depending on the type and complexity, depressiontreated either on an outpatient basis or in an inpatient setting. The decision on the latter option is made solely on the basis of identifying the risk of suicidal tendencies and the severity of the general condition. Modern medicine offers several treatments:

  • Psychotherapy. This treatment option is carried out either individually or in groups.
  • Use of antidepressants.
  • Tranquilizer use.
  • Prescribing antipsychotics (these are drugs responsible for reducing motor activity and overt psychotic symptoms).
  • how to get rid of postpartum depression
    how to get rid of postpartum depression

As a rule, the use of the above drugs implies a complete rejection of breastfeeding, as these drugs can harm the baby. It is important to note that any medication should be taken only after consulting a doctor. When the postpartum depression passes, the drugs are gradually canceled, and the woman returns to her normal life.

What should a husband do?

Psychologists recommend that relatives and friends help young mothers who are faced with such a problem as postpartum depression. The causes of this disease, as you know, often lie in the lack of rest. A husband can help his wife by taking on a number of household responsibilities to meet the physical needs of the newborn. It's no secret that this type of disorder is less likely to be diagnosed in couples where the husband was initially active in common family affairs.

when does it passpostpartum depression
when does it passpostpartum depression

Invaluable support for a woman is also the fact that her husband is ready to listen to all her experiences and worries, to cheer. It is recommended to avoid sharp criticism and condemnation.


Unpleasant consequences include the following:

  • Prolonged depression (more than one year).
  • Suicide attempts.

In addition to complications of a medical nature, quite serious social consequences are possible. First of all, this is the breakdown of the family. Indeed, constant changes in a woman's mood, dissatisfaction with her own life, increased irritability - all these factors often push both spouses to divorce. In addition, some women in a fit of desperation decide to abandon the child. As a rule, this kind of situation is common among single mothers.


How to avoid postpartum depression? The exact causes of this condition are still unknown. That is why experts cannot offer effective measures to prevent it.

However, psychologists name a number of activities that, to one degree or another, help reduce the likelihood of depression:

  1. Planning pregnancy.
  2. Preparation for future motherhood (reading specialized literature, a course at the maternity hospital, talking with a psychologist).
  3. Identification and timely treatment of the so-called postpartum blues (this is a condition characterized by emotional instability and tearfulness,develops after the baby is born).
  4. Psychological support of pregnancy.
  5. how to avoid postpartum depression
    how to avoid postpartum depression


In this article, we talked about what constitutes postpartum depression in women. The symptoms and causes of this condition may vary from case to case. It is important to remember that depression is primarily a rather serious illness. The young mother herself is not to blame for the fact that she has to suffer so much. That is why a woman cannot simply pull herself together and cope with the problem. After all, no one can overcome the flu, diabetes or a heart attack by sheer force of will.

On the other hand, the attention of a husband and family helps a woman feel truly loved. It will be much easier for her to find free time for relaxation or a hobby. This kind of care contributes to the rapid recovery of the young mother and her return to the family.
