HRT is an abbreviation for hormone replacement therapy. It is usually performed on women who have reached menopause. This is a rather complicated topic, which has gathered around itself a lot of myths and prejudices. Unfortunately, HRT is not always adequately perceived in the post-Soviet space, in contrast to the West. So, according to statistics, only 0.2% of Russian women take it today.
What is menopause?

Practically all modern women are literally afraid of menopause. However, in reality, there is nothing terrible in it, because in translation from Greek this word means “step”. It should be perceived as a new round of life, and not a period that you just need to "survive". Thanks to the possibilities of modern medicine (namely, hormone replacement therapy), they canenjoy.
Climax is most often accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. They arise due to a deficiency of female sex hormones. In particular, we are talking about estrogen. The work of many vital organs of a woman's body depends on the level of this hormone. This applies not only to the genitourinary system, but also to the brain, heart and blood vessels. In conditions of estrogen deficiency, their work worsens. In this regard, women of mature age are faced with the so-called hot flashes, excessive sweating, frequent headaches, changes in blood pressure, depressed mood, insomnia and many, many other symptoms. These signs and manifestations depend on a large number of factors, in particular, the age of the patient and the characteristics of her state of he alth. According to statistics, only 20-30% of the fair sex relatively easily overcome this difficult period of their lives. It should be noted that many of them do not feel the tides. This only indicates the presence of a stable vegetative system, but does not confirm the absence of any problems during the period of hormonal adjustment. That is why you should visit a gynecologist during menopause even when ailments do not appear. Hormone replacement therapy for menopause may be required even if everything seems to be going well at first glance.
Androgens and estrogens

In the female body there are many different hormones that regulate various aspects of life. Themimbalance can lead to the most unexpected consequences. Excess and lack of androgens (male hormones) and estrogens (female) equally negatively affect he alth. And this is true not only in childbearing age, but also in the climatic period.
Low levels of androgens in a woman can cause a loss of interest in sex. This is due to the fact that testosterone (the main male hormone) is responsible for sexual arousal. Along with this, these violations can provoke a significant increase in cholesterol levels. At the same time, the blood becomes thicker, and the capillaries become fragile. The combination of these negative factors can lead to problems with blood pressure and constant hot flashes.
Androgens in women have a significant impact on physical activity. With their lack, reduced performance and increased fatigue are noted. In addition, drowsiness and weakness throughout the body may appear.
It is also worth noting that the lack of male hormones can affect the hairline. This applies not only to the whole body, but also to the head. Hair can become thinner.
Estrogens are the main hormones in women. Their reduced production is considered one of the main causes of aging in the fair sex. The lack of estrogen leads to the fact that during the menopause, the fair sex begins to gain weight. Of course, a slowing metabolism also contributes to this, but a decrease in hormone production also plays a role. Lack of estrogen can create a predisposition tofluctuations in blood pressure and hot flashes. Finally, a low level of this hormone in a woman often causes such unpleasant symptoms as discomfort and burning in the mammary glands.
What is HRT for?

Aging of the female body is a complex process. Usually it begins at the age of 40 - just from the onset of menopause. The essence of hormone replacement therapy in menopause is to make up for the lack of its own hormones, which were previously produced in the female body naturally. Estrogens of animal and artificial origin are introduced. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid unpleasant symptoms that are caused by a lack of one's own sex hormones, as well as slow down the aging process. This significantly improves the woman's well-being and helps her maintain self-confidence.
Harmful myths
Many are unreasonably afraid of HRT. Despite the rapid development of science, some still tend to believe in various myths and stereotypes, depriving themselves of a higher quality of life. Patients who consider hormone replacement therapy unnatural may refuse it even when they need it. Thus, in addition to chronic stress, the fear of losing a job and noticeable signs of aging, a woman aged 45-55 additionally "falls" all the symptoms of menopause. As a result, the quality of life can deteriorate by an average of 79%.
Some patients refuse HRT drugs becausethat they are sure of the addiction they will cause in the future. It must be understood that these funds are not narcotic substances that can cause persistent addiction. They only make up for the deficiency of hormones that occurs with age for physiological reasons. Properly selected therapy does not affect the natural processes in the body at all. It only helps a woman survive hormonal changes with the greatest possible comfort. However, you can stop taking the medication at any time. Only prior consultation with a doctor is required.
“Mustache and beard” is a very old myth, which, unfortunately, many contemporaries continue to believe in. It used to be thought that taking hormones caused just such side effects. The roots of this myth "grow" from the middle of the last century, when new drugs - glucocorticoids - were actively introduced into medical practice. The fact that they made a real breakthrough in medicine is ignored by many for some reason. But their side effects, due to which women acquired masculine features (gruff voice, excess hair on the body and face), were remembered very well. Also not taken into account was the fact that many older women who had never taken HRT or even heard of it developed noticeable thick hairs on their chin and above their upper lip. This is due to the fact that, first of all, the production of estrogen fades, and the production of male hormones - then.
To be fair, medicine has come a long way since then. That is why the attribution of "old"side effects of new generation medicines, at least unreasonably. The hormones contained in specialized preparations are almost identical to natural ones. The drugs themselves are becoming more effective, and side effects from them are less pronounced.

HRT is required by so many women. The main reason for its appointment is premature exhaustion of the ovaries. In simple terms, we are talking about the early onset of menopause - up to 40 years. At this age, ovarian failure should not be observed. However, if this does occur, then the lack of estrogen should be corrected.
Also, HRT is prescribed for those women who have a climatic period with complications. Treatment is necessary if numerous unpleasant symptoms prevent the patient from leading an active life.
Indications for hormone replacement therapy may be as follows:
- Persistent and prolonged hot flashes.
- Excessive sweating.
- Decreased sex drive.
- Vaginal dryness.
- Deterioration of sleep quality.
- Urinary incontinence.
Along with this, HRT is indicated for women who have lost their ovaries due to their removal for medical reasons (for example, malignant tumors). It is also prescribed as an aid in the prevention of osteoporosis (a serious condition that causes brittle bones).

HRT has not yet become ubiquitous. Has hormone replacement therapy for and against. Before prescribing it, the doctor must conduct a comprehensive examination of the patient's body and determine the general state of her he alth. Family history is also extremely important. This is due to the fact that there are many contraindications to hormone replacement therapy. It is not prescribed for women whose relatives have been diagnosed with breast or endometrial cancer. This is due to the fact that HRT can increase the risk of its development with long-term use. In addition, there are the following main contraindications:
- Predisposition to thrombosis.
- Endometriosis.
- Uterine fibroids.
- Skin cancer.
- Disorders of the liver or kidneys.
- Various immune diseases.
Medicine reimbursement

Hormone replacement therapy drugs are currently available in a wide variety. Almost all funds (with rare exceptions) have a common focus - replenishing the lack of female sex hormones. So, for example, the combined medicine "Femoston" acts in two directions at once. Its main active ingredients are estradiol and dydrogesterone. The tool has different forms of release - depending on the dosages of hormones. The drug allows you to compensate for the lack of estrogen. Thanks to him, age-related changes in mucous membranes are leveled.membranes of the genitourinary system (irritation, itching, dryness, and so on). Dydrogeston, in turn, restores the secretory function of the endometrium. This prevents the development of hyperplasia and malignant transformation of cells.
After the removal of the ovaries and uterus, there is also a lack of estrogens. In this case, a variety of drugs can be prescribed, for example, Proginova. The tool differs from many similar ones in that it contains only estradiol in its composition. If the uterus is still preserved, then additional progestogen may be required.
After 50 years
The older a woman becomes, the more age-related changes affect almost all systems of her body. This affects the deterioration of the quality of life, causing discomfort. The imbalance of hormones that occurs during this period can have quite serious consequences. Hormone replacement therapy for women over 50 and drugs can be prescribed only after passing all the necessary tests and consulting with a specialist. You should take a referral and donate blood in the laboratory. Properly selected therapy allows not only to fight age-related changes, but also significantly improve a woman's well-being. HRT stimulates sexual activity and improves mood. In addition, according to studies, it prolongs life.
Hormone replacement therapy for women over 50 may include the following:
- "Angelique". Facilitates the condition during menopause. At the same time, it improves memory and concentration.
- "Qi-Klim". Herbal medicine. Therefore, many women prefer him.
- "Divina". This hormonal drug is taken on the principle of contraception.
- Climodien. Usually given one year after menopause.
For men

It's not just women, contrary to stereotypes, who need hormone replacement therapy. With age, the work of the endocrine system can be disrupted in any person. So, men often face a decrease in the concentration of testosterone in the blood serum. This negatively affects the work of various organs and systems of the body, due to which the overall quality of life decreases. The lack of testosterone production sometimes begins after 30 years. By the age of 40, against the background of this process, sexual desire can significantly decrease. There is also a possibility of developing osteoporosis and serious vascular diseases. Hormone replacement therapy for men provides them with the opportunity to avoid many unpleasant consequences.
All representatives of the strong half of humanity aged 50 years and older are recommended to take appropriate tests in order to diagnose androgen deficiency syndrome in a timely manner. It is worth paying attention to such disturbing manifestations as:
- Fatigue and constant loss of strength.
- Decreased sex drive.
- Increasing the size of the mammary glands.
- Excessive irritability.
- Depressive states.
- High blood cholesterol.
If you have several of the above symptoms, you should consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.
In closing
In the West, the experience of using hormonal drugs has more than half a century, while in Russia this period is less than 15-20 years. In 2005, at the International Congress on Menopause, which was held in Argentina, restrictions on the duration of the use of such drugs were completely abolished. The so-called hormone phobia is just a harmful myth that the citizens of the developed countries of the world have left far behind. This not only increases their life expectancy and its quality in general, but also helps them to stay active, alert and cheerful. We can say that HRT allows you to maintain youth in many ways, even after stepping over the threshold of maturity.
Hormone replacement therapy is a conscious choice for women who want to prolong their youth and beauty, as well as maintain he alth. However, HRT can be much more effective if you eat right and stay active.
Despite the fact that such therapy has certain contraindications, there is no reason for concern if you take tests in a timely manner and follow all the recommendations of a qualified doctor.