What happens if you drink vinegar: first aid and consequences

What happens if you drink vinegar: first aid and consequences
What happens if you drink vinegar: first aid and consequences

Unfortunately, many people are interested in such a question as "what will happen if you drink vinegar". After all, such cases are no exception, especially among children. The carelessness of the hostess can lead to dire consequences. Therefore, is it worth saying that such substances should be treated with all caution and stored separately from other food products and out of the reach of children. However, if something goes wrong, you need to know for sure what actions to take and how it might end.

what happens if you drink vinegar
what happens if you drink vinegar

What is the difference between natural and synthetic vinegar

When a hostess buys a product in a store and sees the inscription "table vinegar" in front of her, then, naturally, she makes her choice in his favor. By the way, it compares favorably in price. But this is the most harmful and dangerous product for he alth. It is made by synthesizing natural gas or from waste wood processing. It does not bring any benefit to a person, even if it is used in small doses. Is it worth it then to talk about what will happen if you drink vinegar of synthetic origin in large quantities?It is already clear that nothing good will happen.

Natural types of vinegar: apple, wine, balsamic, rice and others. These types of food product, in addition to the original and exquisite taste (if vinegar is used in small doses), contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to he alth. But if you drink vinegar of natural origin, then at least a burn of the esophagus threatens.

drink vinegar
drink vinegar

Poisoning with table vinegar

If we talk about what will happen if you drink a bite of a high concentration, for example, 70% acid, then the consequences can be sad, even fatal. A dose of about 80 grams is guaranteed to lead to death. Therefore, you should not keep such a dangerous substance at home, and even more so use it in cooking.

If we talk about poisoning with 6% or 9% vinegar, then the consequences depend on the amount of liquid you drink. If you drink 1-2 sips, you can get off with a slight burn of the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. Such poisoning is not life-threatening and can pass without serious consequences.

If the amount of vinegar drunk, even at a low concentration, reaches 200 grams, then the poison from the tissues of the esophagus and stomach will penetrate into the internal organs and blood. First of all, red blood cells in the blood suffer.

if you drank vinegar what to do
if you drank vinegar what to do

What happens if you drink vinegar:

  • burn of mucous membranes;
  • burning and severe pain appear;
  • toxic poisoning occurs;
  • kidney failure occurs.

First aid to the victim

So, we know what happens if you drink vinegar. What to do and what assistance to provide to the victim before the arrival of doctors? Many mistakenly believe that a soda solution will help neutralize the action of acids. But giving baking soda to an injured person is extremely dangerous; the walls of the esophagus can burst from the formation of gas.

You can rinse your mouth and throat with a weak solution of soda. Then you should give the victim cold water, preferably with ice, to relieve pain and burning.

what happens if you drink vinegar
what happens if you drink vinegar

The consequences of a burn with vinegar

In fact, the consequences of a burn depend on the degree of damage to the mucous membranes. Firstly, the treatment takes place in a hospital, and gastric lavage is carried out using a probe. Secondly, subsequently, not every patient is able to eat independently, because there is no swallowing reflex, and food enters directly into the stomach or intestines through a tube. In a mild degree of burn, the patient is prescribed a diet sparing for the digestive organs.

In general, the answer to the question of what will happen if you drink vinegar is unequivocal: nothing good awaits the victim. At best, damage to the mucous membranes of the digestive system. And at worst, death.
