Arsenic anhydride (arsenic oxide) has been used in Chinese medicine since ancient times. It has also been used in homeopathy since the 17th century. This inorganic compound is also used today in the treatment of autoimmune diseases, oncological tumors, as well as a necrotic agent for skin pathologies, in dentistry.
Characteristics and description of the substance
Arsenic anhydride is a substance presented in the form of vitreous pieces or heavy white powder, which slowly dissolves in water, caustic alkalis. In order to obtain a powder, pieces of arsenic are moistened with ethanol, then ground and dried.
Today you can also find arsenic anhydride in coated tablets. One such pill contains ferrous sulfate in addition to arsenic.

Arsenic anhydride found application in medicine. The drug in the form of tablets is taken orally with such pathologies:
- exhaustionorganism;
- anemia;
- neurasthenia;
- anemia;
- chronic digestive disorders;
- rickets;
- osteodystrophy.
Externally, the powder is used as a necrotic agent for skin pathologies. In dentistry, the drug is used to necrotize the pulp.
Therapeutic action, or Properties of arsenic anhydride
When the drug is applied topically, irritation, pain and inflammation are observed after three hours, then necrosis of the skin or mucous membranes, tooth pulp occurs. When ingested, there is an improvement in digestion, hematopoiesis, nitrogenous and phosphorus compounds begin to be actively absorbed.
Tablets, which include arsenic anhydride, are easily absorbed in the digestive tract, but not completely. The active substance enters the bloodstream, begins to accumulate in all organs and tissues, to a greater extent in the liver, lungs, spleen and kidneys. According to the results of the research, it became clear that the substance is able to penetrate the placenta and accumulate in the organs and tissues of the fetus.
Arsenic anhydride is excreted from the body slowly, along with urine and bile, feces and sweat.

Instructions for use
Pills are taken in the amount of one piece twice a day, after a meal. In the treatment of anemia, the drug has recently been used infrequently, as it shows insufficient effectiveness. The maximum daily dosage is 0.015 grams.
External powderapplied to tissues if necessary, their necrosis. The procedure must be performed by a doctor.
Use restrictions
It is impossible to use drugs with this active substance in the presence of such pathologies and conditions:
- Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
- Neuritis.
- Dyspeptic disorders.
- The period of bearing and breastfeeding a child.
The drug must be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable.
Manifestation of adverse reactions, overdose
Side effects are observed when the permissible dosages of the drug are exceeded. First of all, small vessels, skin, nervous tissue and liver are affected.
Arsenic anhydride is highly toxic. The maximum allowable concentration is 0.010 mg/m³. The semi-lethal dose is 19.1 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Prolonged drug poisoning contributes to hearing loss. When taking tablets in large quantities, gastrointestinal poisoning develops. Two hours after taking the drug, a metallic taste is felt in the mouth, the stomach begins to hurt a lot, vomiting is observed (vomit is green), and diarrhea. Then dehydration of the body occurs, convulsions develop, jaundice, anemia, and acute renal failure appear. Then comes collapse, coma, respiratory paralysis.
In chronic intoxication, paresthesias, neuritis, discoloration of the skin, dermatitis, nausea and vomiting, anemia,exhaustion of the body, disruption of the cardiovascular system, swelling and so on. Chronic poisoning leads to death due to the development of pneumonia, cirrhosis of the liver, myocardial necrosis, etc.
In acute intoxication, a 5% unithiol solution is administered intramuscularly in an amount of 5 or 10 ml every six hours. For chronic intoxication, take one capsule with 0.5 g of unithiol for three days.

Additional information
According to the results of numerous studies, it became clear that the toxic effect of the drug is reduced if phenobarbital, diphenin or spironolactone is first introduced. With the simultaneous use of thyroxine, prednisolone, estradiol and triamcinalone, the toxicity of arsenic anhydride increases.
In addition to medicine, the substance is actively used for the manufacture of colored glass, as well as in forest chemistry and electrical engineering.