The work of the human brain. Through what "wires" does the brain receive messages?

The work of the human brain. Through what "wires" does the brain receive messages?
The work of the human brain. Through what "wires" does the brain receive messages?

The human brain, even today, remains a real mystery to researchers. However, they have already managed to find out a lot. So how does the brain receive messages, and what is the basis of its work?

How the human brain works

The brain of a mature person weighs about one and a half kilograms, which "fits" about a hundred billion active cells. Most cells are neurons that serve as conductors of nerve impulses.

how does the brain receive messages
how does the brain receive messages

How does the brain work? The principle of its operation can be roughly compared with the operation of an electrical switch. Neurons can be either in an "off" or "on" state, when electrical impulses are transmitted along the appropriate pathways.

Neurons are formed in the form of a cell body and axons that transmit nerve impulses. In turn, neuron axons are interconnected by synapses, thanks to which information is transmitted between individual neurons.

Rolechemicals in brain activity

brain structure and function
brain structure and function

Features of the human brain involve the activity of specific chemical compounds known as neurotransmitters. The presence of substances such as dopamine or adrenaline contributes to the activation of certain of its functions. Moreover, different departments, as well as their neurons, “use” different chemical components in their work.

Due to the chemical activity of the brain, its neurons are able to reproduce an electrical charge, the power of which in general can reach about 60 watts. Brain activity based on electrical activity can be measured with specialized equipment.

Where does the brain get messages?

The main conductor for transmitting information to neurons through nerve synapses is the spinal cord. You can compare the pathways of the spinal cord with a stranded telephone cable. Damage to such a “cable” can lead to a loss of control by a person both over individual limbs and the body as a whole. It is through electrical impulses that the commands of the brain are transmitted to the body.

Bypassing the synapses of the spinal cord, information is transmitted directly to the brain only from auditory and visual receptors. That is why, with paralysis of the whole body, a person retains the ability to hear and see.

brain activity
brain activity

In general, the activity of the brain is due to the functioning of the gray matter, which is located on its surface and formscerebral cortex. A special role in the work of the brain is played by white matter, which almost entirely consists of axons conducting impulses.

Brain: structure and functions

The human brain is formed from two hemispheres - left and right, which are responsible for the performance of individual functions. So, the right hemisphere of the human brain allows you to group incoming information. In turn, the left hemisphere is mainly responsible for the analysis of "incoming" data. For example, the right hemisphere identifies an object, while the left hemisphere determines its features, qualities, characteristics, etc.

brain activity
brain activity

Which "wires" the brain receives messages? According to researchers, receiving electrical impulses, the right hemisphere of the brain perceives mainly abstract things and concepts, analyzes shape and color. At the same time, the left hemisphere reserves mathematical abilities, speech and logic. From year to year, scientists find more and more evidence for such a specific division of the functions of the human brain and its differentiation.

Myths about the human brain

Today, it is widely believed that a modern person is able to use no more than 10% of his own brain. Despite numerous disputes around this issue, there is a whole mass of evidence that a person uses the full potential of the brain. According to the researchers, even performing fairly simple tasks requires the activation of almost all areas of the brain.


It is also a mistake to believe that blind people have better hearing than sighted people. However, the blind can boast of a more developed auditory memory. Such people quickly identify the sources of sounds, and also more actively capture the meaning of foreign speech.

The size of the brain has absolutely no effect on intellectual abilities. The determining factor in the development of intelligence is only the number of neural connections between individual neurons.

Interesting Brain Facts

It's hard for a person to tickle himself. It's all about the mood of the brain to perceive stimuli from the outside world, which allows you to select signals that are really important for the body from a vast stream of sensations. After all, the cause of most of them are the unconscious actions of the person himself.

Yawning is not just a conditioned reflex when waking up from sleep, but also allows the brain to come to an active state faster due to its active oxygenation.

Computer games give the brain rest and relaxation due to distraction from everyday tasks, and also teach you how to do several things at the same time. Moreover, the best brain training in this case is active games, such as action games and shooters, when the player has to repel the attacks of a whole group of enemies that come from different sides in a limited space. Participation in such virtual entertainment allows a person to react with lightning speed to a rapid change in the situation and disperse attention.

how does the brain work
how does the brain work

Physical exercise helps keep the brain in good shape. Regular physical activity increases the number of capillaries in the brain, which makes it possible to better saturate it with nutrients and oxygen.

A simple song without a complex musical structure and a special semantic load is much more difficult to forget compared to truly "intellectual" works. The reason lies in the ability of the brain to build automatic, habitual algorithms of actions, where such melodies can be embedded.

In closing

The human brain is an extremely complex structure, including a whole host of functional departments, whose work is based on the activation and attenuation of billions of neurons.

Which "wires" the brain receives messages? The role of such pathways is performed by neural connections. Each neuron acts like a microscopic electrical switch, turning on which activates the transmission of nerve impulses to the desired parts of the brain. The information coming from the outside world is eventually transmitted to the cerebral hemispheres, where it is finally analyzed and processed.
