To characterize the hemodynamics of the heart, indicators such as heart rate (HR), stroke and minute blood volumes, ejection fraction and others are used. Consider separately such an indicator as systolic volume (SD), and how it affects other body functions.

For people involved in sports, it is extremely important to monitor the hemodynamics of your heart. What is SO? Systole is the contraction phase of the heart, and diastole is the relaxation phase of the chambers.
Stroke volume
Systolic or stroke volume characterizes the amount of all blood that one contraction of the cardiac ventricle throws into the arterial system. It is calculated using the following simple formula: V=Vv. Where V is the systolic blood volume and v is the mean beats per minute. Therefore, 7070 \u003d 4900 ≈ 5 liters per minute in normal he alth at rest pumps the heart.

But in reality, each person has an indicatorindividual. Moreover, in women it is less by about 15%. During physical exertion, this number increases, with heart problems or immobility, it decreases.
Factors affecting stroke volume
What determines the amount of blood that the heart can throw into the bloodstream in one beat? There are several factors:
- Weight, the physical development of the body.
- Having bad habits, in particular smoking.
- Pregnancy.
- The condition of the veins. Venous return to the right ventricle.
- Myocardial contractility.
- Preload.
In addition, the rate depends on the size of the left ventricle of the heart. Those young people who have a small muscle chamber from birth have difficulty exercising and often do not keep up with others.

The ejection rate per minute is 4.5-5 liters. If CO decreases, then there is a high probability of atherosclerosis, arrhythmia or internal bleeding.
Factors of change in the IOC indicator
Blood minute volume (MBV) depends on the fitness and age of the person. The IOC should be determined in order to find out how the heart copes with its function.
The indicator primarily depends on three main characteristics:
- HR;
- systolic volume;
- venous return values.
To improve performance, you need to pay attention to your lifestyle and think about prevention. With age, CO decreases greatly, and withany load increases heart rate.
IOC can rise in an athlete from 5 liters per minute to almost 20 liters. Such volumes can only be pumped by the heart muscle prepared by long exercises.
CO Norm
We have already mentioned that in a normal person in a relaxed state, the normal systolic ejection volume is about 65-70 ml. It changes significantly when a person is actively involved in sports and does not miss training. Maximum CO is observed in athletes with significant and prolonged physical activity.
The indicator often reaches the level of 200 ml per systole. The athlete must control the systolic and minute volumes of blood. To do this, you need to measure your heart rate before and after training.
How to determine systolic and minute volume accurately?
IOC can be more accurately defined using the following methods:
- Fick method.
- Ultrasonic flowmetry.
- Introducing color indicators into the blood.
- Integral rheography. Rheography is a method in which the electrical resistance of the body to ultrahigh frequency vibrations is recorded. These frequencies do not harm a person, therefore they are widely used in medical practice.
Systolic volume can be calculated by dividing the minute by the personal rate of heart rate.
How to increase cardiac output?
To increase CO, athletes are advised to conduct long-term physical training of medium intensity, in which the pulse will not exceed 140-150 beats perminute.

Such loads will stretch the left ventricle, but not increase the mass of the heart. It is forbidden to build up the heart muscle constantly with the help of only strength training. This is harmful to the organ and leads to a heart attack.
Heart failure in the elderly
In old age, if a person has moved little during his life, the walls of his heart become thinner, and the systolic volume does not exceed 20 ml. This is very little. The heart is not accustomed to completely emptying the chambers, it is weakening.
As a result, the elderly begin to develop heart failure. When the valves are damaged, the heart cannot work at full capacity, and then cardio is dangerous.

It is necessary to lead a he althy lifestyle and walk more often in the fresh air. Hypokinesia (immobility) contributes to the aging of the body, loss of strength and heart failure.
But the situation will be different if a person tries not to be lazy and goes to the gym. Training triggers a certain mechanism - an increase in negative pressure in the chest. This leads to increased venous return to the heart.
Effect of training
For the normal functioning of the heart muscle and valves, training is required. In physically fit people, the heart can handle the load with good systolic volume without an increase in the number of heartbeats per minute.

You need to exercise to the best of your ability. We must not allow the pulse tocardio time exceeded 190-200 beats per minute.
Even non-professional and irregular workouts have a positive effect on the preservation of blood CO2 and help the heart adapt to stress.
It must be said that systolic blood volume decreases with age. To maintain your he alth and physical strength, you should run for 30 minutes every 2-3 days.