Regulation of vital processes in the body is carried out in a neurohormonal way. In other words, regulation is observed in the blood not only with the help of nerves. The hormones secreted by the pancreas perform various functions in the body. What exactly? Consider what the pancreas is, what hormones it secretes, and their features.
What is the pancreas?
It is she who is one of the main organs in the body. The pancreas perform both external and internal functions. The first is the formation of digestive enzymes that help digest food. The second group of functions involves the production of hormones involved in various metabolic processes. The gland is located in the abdominal cavity, approximately near the navel.
When should I be concerned?
When problems occur with this organ, the following symptoms are observed:
- sharp pain on left side after eating;
- full orpartial loss of appetite;
- vomiting and flatulence.
If these symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor. He will write a referral to the laboratory for testing. The main thing is to diagnose the disease in time so that there are no serious consequences.

Pancreas, hormones and functions
All hormones are produced by different types of endocrine cells:
- A cells are responsible for the production of the hormone glucagon or the "hunger hormone". They contain 20% of the total. The hormone plays a major role in increasing the amount of glucose in the blood.
- B cells produce the hormone insulin. In endocrine cells, its vast majority. The main function is to reduce the level of glucose and maintain it in a given amount.
- C cells produce the hormone somatostatin. It is 10% of the total. This hormone regulates and coordinates the external and internal functions of the pancreas.
- PP cells are responsible for the appearance of the digestive polypeptide. The pancreas produces the hormone in small quantities. It can be found in protein metabolism and regulation of bile secretion.
- G cells produce the hormone gastrin in small doses. The main source of its appearance is the gastric mucosa. It affects the appearance of digestive juice, and also regulates the content of its components.
This is not the whole list of released substances. The pancreas secretes the hormone C-peptide, which is part ofinsulin and occurs in carbohydrate metabolism. To determine its number, blood is taken for research. Based on its results, it is concluded how much insulin is produced by the gland. In other words, they establish the deficiency or excess of the substance in question.

Other hormones produced by the pancreas are found in small amounts. Their required volume is formed by other organs. An example is the hormone thyroliberin, which is secreted in significant amounts by the hypothalamus.
As previously reported, insulin is a significant element that occurs in various processes. It plays a special role in the metabolism of carbohydrates. In addition, it is present in biochemical reactions that occur throughout life. Main Features:
- Regulation of glucose metabolism. The hormone is transferred to various muscles and prevents the appearance of glycemia.
- Ensuring the vital activity of the body by filling the liver and other muscles with glucose.
- Accumulation of the required amount of glucose and its deposition in the form of glycogen in the liver and muscles.
- Accelerating the appearance of lipids and subsequently participating in lipid metabolism.
- Coordination of actions during protein metabolism. Promotes the synthesis of a sufficient amount of amino acids, which contribute to the rapid growth of cells.
The main function is to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood and transfer the required amount to organs, muscles and tissues. producedThe pancreas converts glucose into glycogen, the hormone insulin. The latter, in turn, accumulates in the liver and is the source of vital activity of the organism in dangerous situations. The list of benefits of insulin does not end there. Lack of this hormone leads to metabolic disorders.

The hormone glucagon
The amount of glucagon in the blood, compared to the previous hormone, is several times less. However, carbohydrate metabolism is not complete without it, and it also helps to control the content of glucose in the blood. Glucagon is a product of insulin, so it raises the amount of sugar in the blood. However, this is only one of the functions of the hormone. He takes part in other processes:
- helps break down fats and controls cholesterol;
- participates in magnesium metabolism and rids the body of excess sodium and phosphorus;
- supports heart he alth;
- affects B-cell insulin production;
- controls the amount of cholesterol and brings it back to normal;
- restores damaged areas of the liver;
- when an overvoltage occurs, a large amount of glucose enters the bloodstream, which, when interacting with adrenaline, provides additional energy.
A cells produce glucagon under these circumstances:
- low blood sugar;
- physical activity;
- malnutrition in various diets;
- emergencesurge;
- getting into the blood of a high dose of adrenaline.
Lack of this hormone in the blood indicates various diseases, such as pancreatitis. An excess of glucagon indicates the occurrence of a glucagonoma (tumor). In this case, the level of the substance rises to high limits. Also, an excess of glucagon indicates diabetes, pancreatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

The hormone somatostatin
Another significant hormone is somatostatin. It is produced by C cells at sites in the pancreas and intestines. In addition, it is on the list of hormones produced by the hypothalamus. The name "somatostatin" itself contains its main purpose. It reduces the production of other hormones and nutrients found in the human body.
Main functions of somatostatin:
- reduce sugar;
- restraining the production of key hormones and substances found in the body;
- affects the formation of gastrin and hydrochloric acid;
- regulates blood circulation in the abdominal cavity;
- restraining the breakdown of sugars in food;
- effect on the synthesis of digestive substances.
By examining pancreatic hormones and their characteristics, scientists have been able to develop drugs.

Medications containing insulin
Pancreatic hormone preparations can be made fromnatural and synthetic substances. They are used to treat diseases in which insulin deficiency is observed. In practice, three types are used: pork, beef and human. The first type is most often used. All medicines are carefully filtered. As a result, crystalline, monopeak and monocomponent agents are formed. To date, insulin is obtained from the gland of animals, as well as by other methods:
- from chemical elements;
- extraction of substances from the pancreas;
- use of semi-synthetics;
- genetically engineered.
Semi-synthetics and the gene method are used more often. The first type of hormone is obtained from pig insulin. In this case, the amino acids alanine are replaced by threonine. In the future, all medicines will be genetically engineered.
According to the duration of action, the hormone is:
- Simple - a short duration of action, the substances are contained in the body for 3 hours. These pure insulins are administered subcutaneously.
- Long-acting - is a suspension of insulin with a high content of ionized zinc.
- Mixed influence is a crystalline substance based on insulin and zinc, which is made from beef insulin.

Glucagon drugs
Pancreatic hormones produced by A and B cells are closely related. The latter are used for growththe amount of glucose in the body. Due to its antispasmodic effect, it is used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, as well as in mental disorders. The medicine can be administered by any method: intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous.
Somatostatin drugs
In medical records there are other names for this hormone: modustatin and stylamin. It is used in the treatment of ulcers, problems with the esophagus, gastritis and other diseases in which profuse blood loss occurs. Somatostatin is necessary for a person in the formation of ulcers and other formations in the pancreas, intestines and gallbladder.
The drug enters the body with a dropper. Introduced within a few days.
All medicines made from pancreatic hormones are not recommended for use on their own. First you need to undergo a medical examination and pass the necessary tests. The hormonal drug is selected by the endocrinologist according to the results of the study. An overdose leads to serious consequences. With an excess of insulin in the body, glucose levels fall. It threatens coma or death.

Setting goals
Pancreatic hormones are distributed through the blood to the organs along with oxygen and nutrient enzymes. They play an important role in the human body.
Pancreatic hormones perform the following functions:
- Growth and tissue repair.
- Participation inmetabolic processes.
- Regulate sugar, calcium and other substances found in the body.
Pancreatic hormones can be in deficiency or excess. This leads to various diseases. Determining the cause and treating it is a difficult task that requires a lot of effort. The diagnosis is made by an endocrinologist on the basis of studies and laboratory tests. Be sure to do blood biochemistry and hormone analysis.
The most common disease is diabetes. The pancreas must be protected, as there are many other serious diseases that negatively affect a person's life.
Another disease is pancreatitis. To cure it, you must adhere to a diet - this is the main rule. If it is not observed, the disease can go into a chronic stage.
When pancreatitis or other disease of the pancreas, the following symptoms are observed:
- pain on the left side;
- sweating;
- yellow color of the skin and whites of the eyes;
- weakness;
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- high temperature.
To avoid problems with the pancreas, you must follow a few rules. First of all, follow a certain diet. It is forbidden to eat smoked, spicy, s alty foods, as well as give up bad habits. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day.
Important! The daily ration should make up for the costs of physicalload.
The fate of the pancreas depends on the person. When realizing the seriousness of the disease of this organ, the patient will have a chance to save an important organ. Violation can occur in any part. The main thing is to diagnose and start treatment in time.
Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited.
Self-medication has always been dangerous to he alth. Yes, very often it is possible to cure the disease, but also more serious problems develop due to improper use of drugs. It is better to spend money on specialists and quality medicines than to grab the last strings of life later.