Everyone sooner or later has to seek help from a doctor. Sometimes it is necessary to contact the municipal clinic. In order for the doctors to accept you, you need to attach to their medical facility.

Why do I need to join the clinic?
We all get sick, and it is not always possible to visit a private clinic. Therefore, in case of malaise, you have to go to the municipal. In addition, sick leave certificates and other similar documents required to receive various social benefits are issued at municipal medical institutions. In order to make an appointment at a state clinic, you need to attach to it. In principle, you can choose any, but the best option would be a clinic at your address. Why? Because sometimes you need to call a doctor at home, and the doctor will not agree to come to the neighboring area, he has enough workload in his own.
How to join a clinic in Moscow without registration?

BIn principle, according to the law, one can be assigned to a polyclinic without having registration, both permanent and temporary. Unfortunately, registry staff often violate this rule of law and refuse to register people who do not have a residence permit.
How can a nonresident citizen join a polyclinic in Moscow?

Not everyone knows that it is quite possible to be treated in a Moscow clinic without registering in the city. A nonresident citizen living in Moscow must visit a polyclinic close to the place of his actual residence and register with it. This should be done, if only because many social payments are possible for those people who have only a temporary residence permit. Non-residents can be attached to the polyclinic on the same grounds on which people who have a permanent residence permit can do this. Registry employees may require a certificate of employment, documents on the rental of housing, even a copy of the passport of a citizen who lives in a non-resident. Many polyclinics even, without hesitation, post the list on their official website, although it often contains “extra” documents. These claims are illegal. So clinics are trying to deal with congestion, without having a legal right to do so. There is only one difference in the procedure for attaching to a polyclinic for citizens registered in other cities. They are attached to the clinic for a period of one year. Then they will have to repeat the procedure again.
What to do for nonresident citizens who are deniedmedical care without registration or require additional documents?

A nonresident citizen against whom such illegal actions are being carried out can recall the law that outlines the procedure for providing medical assistance under the CHI policy or clarify whether it should be attached through the Department of He alth. It is highly unlikely that receptionists will send a non-resident patient there. Their demands are illegal, and municipal polyclinics are very afraid of complaints from this department. If the reception staff in this case also refused to attach to the clinic after providing the documents required by law, you should go to the head doctor or the head of the clinic. They have no right to refuse. If the ambulance refused to provide emergency assistance without registration, then this is already a criminal offense and you need to contact law enforcement agencies.
How to attach to a polyclinic in Moscow for citizens who have a residence permit?

Those citizens who have permanent registration need to do the following:
- Find where your local he alth center is and visit it.
- Find out at the reception if you are automatically assigned to the clinic. This happens sometimes.
- Submit a passport, policy, TIN, insurance certificate in the pension insurance system, photocopies of all these documents. Of course, the originals will not need to be given away. They areneeded for presentation only.
- Fill out an application according to the established pattern. The front desk staff should present it to you.
According to the law, the district clinics of Moscow must independently deal with the attachment and detachment of citizens. However, this process can actually take up to two weeks. If you need to quickly register with another clinic (for example, in the event of a move), it is advisable to independently come to the district office at the place of residence, fill out an application for attachment and visit all the authorities that are necessary to obtain the necessary documents. Many polyclinics give their patients the opportunity to join online, on their official website on the Internet.
How to attach to a polyclinic in Moscow, if it is specialized?

If you want to join a dental clinic, you need to go through the same procedure as in a regular one. If you need to register with polyclinics that treat venereal, oncological and other really serious diseases, this can only be done with a referral from a doctor, which indicates the appropriate diagnosis.
How to join a children's clinic?

The child is attached to a children's clinic, which is located at the place of residence of the parents, and all the necessary actions are also performed by the parent. In the event that the parents are not registered in the city of residence, the child is served by a polyclinic for up to three months.actual place of residence. Employees of the maternity hospital call the doctors, and they go to the child at home. Then the child must be registered in the city, because. without a residence permit, he will not be issued a policy, and this document is required to perform a lot of actions. Or you can go to the place of residence of the parents, register the child there and get a policy on him there. In addition, you can consult only in paid clinics, but this is not available to everyone.
If we talk about the fine for late registration of a child, then in different cities there are completely different situations, but in fact, the sooner the child is registered, the better.
How can I unsubscribe from the clinic and how often can I do this?
In accordance with federal law, you can change the medical organization that provides primary care no more than once a year. You need to think carefully before doing this. As already mentioned, home care in the presence of medical indications will be provided by the old polyclinic, and not the new one. The new clinic can only be visited. In addition, to attach to a polyclinic not at the place of actual residence, you need to contact its administration and perform a number of other actions. They are listed below:
- You must send an application for enrollment, indicating your full name, date and place of birth, insurance policy number, full name and address of the clinic to which you are attached at the time of application, the reason for choosing a clinic not in your place of residence.
- When applying, you mustprovide original passport and medical insurance policy.
- Then you need to wait for an answer. There can be only one reason for refusal - overcrowding of the polyclinic.
- If you receive a notification of acceptance for medical care at the selected clinic, you need to contact its registry. There they should issue a detachment coupon.
- Next, you need to fill out this coupon and take it to the head doctor for signature.
- Then you should go to the old clinic so that they remove you from their register.
- From there, the administration will send a copy of the medical records to the clinic that accepted the application.
After completing these steps, you can visit the municipal clinic, which is not located at your place of residence, but where it is simply more convenient to walk. For example, near the place of work or study.