Medicine 2024, October

Where can I code for alcoholism? Coding methods for alcoholism: review, reviews

Where can I code for alcoholism? Coding methods for alcoholism: review, reviews

After perestroika, in the 90s, many alcoholics in a state of acute delirium "flowed like a river" to be hospitalized in the PND. Like mushrooms after rain, coding methods began to multiply. This is a special procedure that involves the development of a patient's resistance to ethyl alcohol - he must find the strength to refuse the destructive drink. From this article you will learn where you can encode from alcoholism and how the procedure takes place

Diet for a 10 year old child. Diet with acetone in children. Diet for allergies in children

Diet for a 10 year old child. Diet with acetone in children. Diet for allergies in children

Any diet you choose for your child must be approved by the doctor. By self-medicating, you take responsibility for the he alth of your baby, since excess weight can be the result of serious diseases that require special treatment

Why do people need vitamins

Why do people need vitamins

Why does a person need vitamins? Our body is unique - it can work at full strength for some time even with a lack of nutrients. But how does he succeed and what are the consequences? Is it worth bringing yourself to such a state, or is it better to avoid it by taking vitamins?

Choose the right medicines for bronchitis

Choose the right medicines for bronchitis

Bronchitis is a serious disease that requires immediate treatment. It usually develops against the background of SARS (acute respiratory viral infection) or after an untreated cold. It is safe to say that almost every person in his life at least once suffered from this insidious disease

Maternity hospital in Kronstadt: address and reviews

Maternity hospital in Kronstadt: address and reviews

Emergency hospitalization and proper delivery are sometimes the most important factor in keeping the unborn baby he althy. In this small town, which is located on the island of Kotlin, surrounded by water, there is only one maternity hospital

First aid kit on the road: collection features

First aid kit on the road: collection features

A long-awaited vacation, a long excursion, a picnic outside the city, a business trip - these and many other trips can be overshadowed if you are not familiar with such a concept as "first aid kit on the road"

Anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, its branches

Anatomy of the trigeminal nerve, its branches

The trigeminal nerve is the main formation that innervates the face and some muscles. It is necessary to study its anatomy, topography, as well as some diseases characteristic of the defeat of this nerve

Gynecologist Mark Kurtser: biography

Gynecologist Mark Kurtser: biography

Professor Mark Kurtser is one of the best obstetrician-gynecologists in the country and perhaps the most successful business doctor. The network of perinatal private clinics "Mother and Child" created by him is a rare example of effective business conduct in the field of medicine

15 maternity hospital. Doctors of the 15th maternity hospital. 15 maternity hospital, Moscow

15 maternity hospital. Doctors of the 15th maternity hospital. 15 maternity hospital, Moscow

GKB No. 15 im. O. M. Filatov is the largest medical center in the capital. The hospital is designed for 1600 people. The maternity hospital at the 15th hospital is considered one of the most modern in the Eastern District

How is tube feeding done?

How is tube feeding done?

When a patient cannot eat normally, the doctor may prescribe artificial nutrition. It involves the administration of nutrients through a tube, enema, or intravenously

MID in a blood test: what is it, decoding

MID in a blood test: what is it, decoding

One of the important hematological indicators is mid in the blood test. What it is? Mid means the ratio of different types of leukocytes. To determine this indicator, you do not need to undergo a special examination, it is enough to pass a general blood test, which is taken from a finger

Support walking stick: types, description and selection rules

Support walking stick: types, description and selection rules

Everyone may need to use additional walking aids. This may be necessary after an injury to the lower extremities, with diseases of the joints, impaired coordination of movements. In mild cases of such pathologies, when a person has preserved walking functions, but he needs support, a support cane is used

What is a gland? What are its functions?

What is a gland? What are its functions?

In the human body there is a whole system of glands, the work of which is responsible for ensuring the normal functioning of all internal organs. In medicine, this concept is called the "endocrine system". We often hear about it, but most of us have little to no idea about the vital properties of the endocrine glands

Hallucinations - what is it? Auditory hallucinations: causes, treatment

Hallucinations - what is it? Auditory hallucinations: causes, treatment

Hallucinations are a person's perception of an object that is absent in reality, arising against the background of various mental disorders or problems with the senses. At the same time, a person can see, hear, or even feel and touch an object that not only is not at the moment next to him, but may not exist at all in nature

Cardiogram interpretation is the most reliable diagnostic method

Cardiogram interpretation is the most reliable diagnostic method

The heart is a living motor that gives life to a person and is sensitive to all external factors. Like any finely tuned engine, it needs maintenance and sometimes repair

Types of temperature curves for various diseases

Types of temperature curves for various diseases

Since the body temperature of a he althy person is a constant value, with slight fluctuations of tenths of a degree, its increase on a larger scale always indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, including those of an infectious nature. The level of warmth of the human body in dynamics is called the temperature curve, which is often identified with fever (a temporary increase in temperature)

STD - what is it?

STD - what is it?

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are potentially dangerous for both men and women. Unfortunately, medical statistics indicate that the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases is steadily increasing

How to get tested for infections? Where to get tested for infections in Moscow

How to get tested for infections? Where to get tested for infections in Moscow

Tests for infections make it possible to detect pathogens of the most common pathogens, such as papillomaviruses, cytomegaloviruses, genital herpes, along with chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis and others. Let's start with the question of sexual infections

Outpatient card: what is it and why is it needed?

Outpatient card: what is it and why is it needed?

What is an outpatient card? You will learn the answer to this question from this article. In addition, your attention will be provided with information about why such a document is being created, what items it includes, etc

Military sanatorium "Feodosiysky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: address, reviews

Military sanatorium "Feodosiysky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: address, reviews

Military sanatorium "Feodosia" - description, profile of the sanatorium, what diseases are treated in the he alth resort, address of the sanatorium, infrastructure and reviews of vacationers

Why don't Tanzanian albino blacks live to adulthood?

Why don't Tanzanian albino blacks live to adulthood?

Negro albino is very vulnerable, because, no matter how wild it sounds, he is the object of a real hunt. “Classic blacks” chop them into pieces, and then eat them like a medicine. According to ancient belief, albino flesh has healing properties

"Good giant", "Ukrainian Gulliver" and the tallest man in the world

"Good giant", "Ukrainian Gulliver" and the tallest man in the world

Giants taller than two meters amazed the imagination in ancient times. Giant people became heroes of legends and myths. However, it is possible to believe in the reality of the existence of individuals with huge growth only on the basis of reliable data, evidence, supported by indisputable evidence. Such data appeared in the 20th century

Ischemia on the ECG: signs, classification and treatment

Ischemia on the ECG: signs, classification and treatment

What to do if ischemia was detected on the ECG? As a rule, to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor uses a whole list of additional examinations. These include stress testing, radiopaque examination, computed tomography, dopplerography, electrophysiological examination, etc

ECG for PE: symptoms and signs, diagnostic methods, treatment, reviews

ECG for PE: symptoms and signs, diagnostic methods, treatment, reviews

PE - pulmonary embolism, which is diagnosed by electrocardiogram. Pathology consists in the formation of a blood clot in the arteries of the lungs. PE is one of several types of venous thromboembolism that occurs in different parts of the body. According to statistics, this pathology ranks third among other diseases of cardiovascular origin, which provoke a lethal outcome

Massage cups: the effect of the application

Massage cups: the effect of the application

The article tells about massage jars, indications and contraindications for their use, and also indicates the main effects that can be obtained during jar massage

What is the pituitary gland? Where is the pituitary gland located?

What is the pituitary gland? Where is the pituitary gland located?

The secrets of the human body have not dried up for many centuries in a row. And although scientists have figured out what the pituitary gland is, much remains unknown. This endocrine gland is located under the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres in the saddle bones of the skull. The importance of this gland is difficult to overestimate, because it affects the metabolism, growth and development of the body

Lobotomy is

Lobotomy is

Lobotomy is a surgical intervention in the cerebral cortex, which was previously used in psychiatry. Basically, such an operation was resorted to for the treatment of schizophrenia and depressive conditions

Veterinary clinic in Vladimir: history of foundation, doctors, services

Veterinary clinic in Vladimir: history of foundation, doctors, services

Currently, there is not one veterinary clinic in Vladimir - there are several such medical institutions. Find out how they appeared and what services they offer

What is remarkable about the Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital?

What is remarkable about the Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital?

Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital is a multidisciplinary institution that provides planned and emergency medical care to residents of the city and nearby settlements. Today it is considered one of the best in the city

Przhevalskoye, sanatorium. Przhevalskoye, Smolensk region - he alth resort

Przhevalskoye, sanatorium. Przhevalskoye, Smolensk region - he alth resort

In the Smolensk region there is a wonderful place - the village of Przhevalskoe. The Przhevalsky Sanatorium, located in this place, specializes in the treatment of many serious diseases. Learn more about this medical institution, read the reviews of vacationers

Pressure 100 over 70: causes and treatment

Pressure 100 over 70: causes and treatment

In some cases, a blood pressure of 100/70 is normal, but often it indicates certain diseases. Find out its causes and treatments

Where to get an examination? Where do medical examinations take place?

Where to get an examination? Where do medical examinations take place?

Each citizen must clearly understand how and where to undergo an examination, if such a need suddenly arises. Examinations can be different: for the state of intoxication (most often occur on the highway), psychiatric - this type is often required when applying for a job, when obtaining a driving license or to carry a weapon, etc. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between two important concepts: primary examination and medical

Treatment with s alt. Recipes

Treatment with s alt. Recipes

S alt treatment has been practiced since ancient times. With its help, people got rid of rheumatism, nephritis, cholecystitis, chronic appendicitis, abscess, pneumonia, headaches, and so on. Did it with s alt dressings

How to strengthen the heart muscle: exercises, drugs, products

How to strengthen the heart muscle: exercises, drugs, products

The correct and precise functioning of the heart muscle is affected by the presence in the diet of elements such as magnesium and potassium. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the use of foods that contain these minerals

Personal hygiene - what is it? Items and a set of hygiene rules

Personal hygiene - what is it? Items and a set of hygiene rules

Following the rules of personal hygiene, a person takes care of his body. Since its principles are aimed at preserving and strengthening human he alth

What is immunity? Innate immunity, factors of innate immunity

What is immunity? Innate immunity, factors of innate immunity

Every person at birth has his own immunity. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against invading foreign objects. It has its own cells, mechanisms and ways of protecting the body

Red spots on the chest: causes and treatment

Red spots on the chest: causes and treatment

For what reason can red spots appear on the chest? What diseases cause this symptom? What does it mean if the body itches and red spots appear on the chest?

Bacteria in the urine of a child: symptoms, causes, prevention

Bacteria in the urine of a child: symptoms, causes, prevention

What does it mean if the analysis showed bacteria in the urine of a child? What do red blood cells show in the urine of a child? What do phosphates in the urine of a child mean?

Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn: what is needed for this and how the procedure is performed

Treatment of the umbilical wound of a newborn: what is needed for this and how the procedure is performed

What is the primary treatment of a newborn. How is the umbilical wound of a newborn treated and what is needed for this

X-ray of the stomach: indications for the procedure and stages of the procedure

X-ray of the stomach: indications for the procedure and stages of the procedure

What is a stomach fluoroscopy and x-ray procedure? How is this examination of the gastrointestinal tract carried out?