INR: norm and methods of control

INR: norm and methods of control
INR: norm and methods of control

The abbreviation INR is unknown to many. Usually only medical professionals understand its meaning. Those who have not previously had to take such an analysis, and whose relatives have not been prescribed it, hear about this test for the first time from their doctor. Find out how this abbreviation is deciphered in medicine and get acquainted with the features inherent in the blood coagulation system. After reading this article, you will understand why INR text analysis is carried out, what should be the frequency of prescription and normal values, and where they offer to take the analysis.

Features of the system responsible for blood clotting

The normal level of blood density is achieved as a result of the joint well-coordinated work of the coagulation and anti-coagulation system. The liquid state is maintained by anticoagulant mechanisms. And the process of thrombosis is controlled by them. When there is no balance, problems arise in the form of increased bleeding and the formation of blood clots.

INR norm in men
INR norm in men

When performing a comprehensive analysis for blood clotting, specialattention is paid to the level of prothrombin, which is a complex protein. Another name for this substance is also used - factor II. Prothrombin is produced in the liver, for its presence in a normal amount, it is important to provide the body with the required amount of vitamin K.

How to check the status of this system?

It is the protein prothrombin that reflects the features of the functioning of the coagulation system. According to its level, one can judge the risk of thrombosis and bleeding. The content of prothrombin is determined by applying the following methods:

  • MNO;
  • PTV;
  • PTI;
  • Quick method.

Most often, patients are prescribed INR and the prothrombin index technique, because according to the results of these tests, the work of the coagulation system can be best assessed.

INR effectiveness

The abbreviation stands for "International Normalized Ratio". The test is carried out in the laboratory, its results are extremely important, because the doctor receives the required information in the right amount from them. During the analysis, the prothrombized time for a particular patient is determined. As a result, the normative indicator characteristic of a he althy organism is compared with the indicator established for the patient who underwent the study.

Using this standardization of protein values, based on different methods of studying the system, doctors managed to obtain a single generally accepted indicator. The results of the INR are stable, when passing the analysis in different laboratories, the indicator is always the same. Test Efficiencyconfirmed by experts from WHO and international organizations.

Deciphering the analysis of INR norm
Deciphering the analysis of INR norm

Possible disorders and regulation of prothrombin levels

The unified standard made it possible to provide reliable control of prothrombin and safe methods of correcting its level. It is possible to adjust the protein content with the help of special medications that thin the blood. It can be "Finilin", "Warfarin" or "Sinkumar".

Patients who are at high risk of blood clots are prescribed anticoagulants by doctors. Such changes occur in many pathological processes occurring in the body. Among the possible pathologies are thrombophlebitis, myocardial infarction, heart disease. Also, a tendency to increased formation of blood clots is observed with thrombosis and thromboembolic complications associated with coronary insufficiency. A high risk of blood clots is also present in pulmonary embolism.

If, according to the results of the INR, the norm is exceeded, the doctor has reason to suspect a tendency to bleeding. In this case, it is required to reduce the dose of the previously prescribed anticoagulant. When, after starting treatment and undergoing an INR analysis, the norm of a specific protein is violated, the values \u200b\u200bare lower than required, there is a high risk of blood clots. This means that the prescribed blood thinner is not working properly. The doctor may choose a different drug or increase the dose of the previously used medication.

INR norm in the blood
INR norm in the blood

Regulatory indicators

What is the INR norm for a person without he alth problems? When everything is in order with he alth and there are no serious disorders, the protein values are within the range of 0.7-1.3. Most often, the indicator is at least 0.85 and can reach up to 1.25, that is, about 1. These indicators indicate about the absence of violations. In cases where you have to take one of the well-known anticoagulants, for INR the norm is approximately 2-3.

It is these quantities that are normal in the situations considered. If the values change in patients who are not taking any drugs that affect the blood, the doctor establishes certain pathological disorders. The ability to maintain the required level of protein is the basis for reliable prevention of thrombosis.

0, 8-1, 25 - the norm of INR in the blood of women carrying a child. Values of the indicator can change throughout pregnancy. Also, after passing the INR, the norm in women depends on age-related changes and hormonal levels. Factors affecting the change in protein levels may be different. Why exactly its content has increased or decreased, the doctor will be able to say after a thorough study of the problem.

It is worth noting that according to the results of INR, the norm for men and women taking different medications may differ from the accepted standard. To effectively normalize the indicator and he alth status, contact a qualified specialist.

What is the norm of INR
What is the norm of INR

INR blood test, decoding: the norm is exceeded

When the level of prothrombin is determined to be elevatedaccording to the results of INR and blood norms are violated, the indicator usually exceeds 1. Such changes may indicate the development of the following diseases and conditions:

  • liver disorders;
  • congenital pathology of the coagulation system;
  • failures that occur during the absorption of fats in the digestive tract;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • the occurrence of negative reactions of the body to anti-gout medications, anabolics, antibacterial agents and steroids.

Hypocoagulation is a danger in the form of bleeding occurring both inside the body and externally. If after the INR the norm is significantly exceeded, the indicator is about 6, the patient's condition is critical. Such jumps pose the greatest danger to humans with hypertension, problems in the urinary system and pathologies in the vessels, as well as in the presence of ulcers and inflammation in the digestive tract. If, after determining the protein by the INR method, the norm in the blood is significantly overestimated, the patient needs urgent hospitalization followed by therapy.

INR norm in women
INR norm in women

What to do if the numbers are low?

If, after the INR blood test, the norm was not detected, instead a decrease in the normal indicator was recorded, the patient is diagnosed with such violations and errors:

  • high antithrombin III content;
  • change in hematocrit up or down;
  • negative reactions of the body that occurred during treatment with glucocorticoids, drugs,that have an anticonvulsant and diuretic effect, or after taking drugs that prevent conception;
  • the study was conducted under conditions where blood plasma was exposed to a temperature of 4°C for longer than allowed by the regulations;
  • the results are erroneous due to the fact that the blood was taken using a catheter placed in the central vein.

Changes during treatment with special medications

If a decoding of the INR analysis is required for patients undergoing treatment, the norm in this case is not always detected. For example, when a person is taking Warfarin or undergoing therapy based on the use of another drug from the anticoagulant group, changes may indicate the need to correct the previously selected dose of the drug.

Reduced blood clotting at high blood test results should be taken as a risk of bleeding. To normalize the patient's condition, the doctor takes measures aimed at reducing the dose of the drug and reducing the severity of side effects. Given the vulnerability of blood vessels, external blood loss is possible even due to a slight mechanical impact. At the same time, internal bleeding, for example, in the stomach, uterus or abdominal, occur against the background of the development of diseases or are the result of physiological processes, among which is menstruation.

Patients with low INR protein levels and excessive blood clotting have a high chance ofthe formation of blood clots, the development of serious complications in the form of thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and others. To improve the patient's condition, the doctor recommends using an increased dose of a blood thinner.

Blood sampling for analysis
Blood sampling for analysis

Who needs a mandatory test?

There is a list of specific indications for analysis. According to the obtained values, the presence or absence of a particular disease is judged. Since the technique is effective, the results obtained are reliable and make it possible to determine the causes of he alth deterioration as accurately as possible.


  1. Surgical planning. The level of prothrombin is close to unity. Indicator values can be 0.7-1.3, but usually reveal 0.85-1.25.
  2. Passing aortic valve replacement with a mechanical implant. Standard values are 2-3.
  3. Treatment of PE. Protein should be determined in the amount of 2-3.
  4. The need for blood thinning by medication. The norm is 2-3.
  5. Installation of the mitral valve through the use of a mechanical implant. Standard values are in the range from 2.5 to 3.5.
  6. Preventive measures for PE in patients with heart disease. As in most cases, the norm is 2-3.
  7. Prophylactic effect on the body in patients with thrombosis in case of damage to deep veins after surgery. The normative values of the indicator are determined from 2 to 3.
INR norm in the bloodwomen
INR norm in the bloodwomen

How often can I take a test?

After prescribing an anticoagulant, doctors recommend that patients regularly re-test. For patients, specific time intervals are established, taking into account individual characteristics and the course of the underlying disease.

When a patient is in the hospital, the blood is examined daily. After discharge and in the future, monitoring of protein levels is required. It is performed every week, that is, the interval is 7 days. If stable results are achieved, the frequency of the test is reduced to once every 2-3 weeks.

Need for extraordinary review

Analysis is not always carried out according to plan, sometimes you have to deviate from the schedule. The reasons are as follows:

  • determination of blood in the composition of urine, feces, sputum or vomit;
  • moving to other climatic conditions;
  • long-term cold or other illness;
  • bleeding gums;
  • changes in concomitant treatment regimen;
  • Hematomas and nosebleeds for no apparent reason;
  • adjustments in diet or lifestyle;
  • difficulties associated with stopping bleeding from cuts;
  • long periods with copious discharge;
  • the formation of seals, the appearance of pain and swelling in the joints.

Where is the analysis done?

To complete the study, choose one of the following options:

  1. Visit the local doctor. The specialist will listenyour complaints, study the anamnesis and write out a referral for analysis in the laboratory or in the clinic.
  2. Buy a device designed specifically for this purpose. It is very convenient and you can do the analysis yourself at home.
  3. Come to the therapist's office, where there is special equipment, and go through the examination directly there.

The analysis is prescribed for all patients who have gaps in blood clotting. Do it regularly on a customized schedule and stick to your doctor's recommendations.
