Phimosis - what is it? Symptoms, causes, treatment

Phimosis - what is it? Symptoms, causes, treatment
Phimosis - what is it? Symptoms, causes, treatment

Phimosis is a narrowing of the foreskin of the penis. The head with phimosis opens difficult and painfully or does not open at all. Phimosis can be physiological or acquired. With physiological phimosis, a natural narrowing (without cicatricial changes) is observed in the place where the mucous sheet passes into the skin. The skin is pliable, elastic, easy to stretch.

Phimosis symptoms:

  • inability of the foreskin to fully open;
  • difficulty urinating, thin stream of urine;
  • may have frequent urinary infections.


Almost every male baby has their foreskin removed at birth. This is physiological phimosis. What might this entail? Phimosis is not a problem as long as it doesn't cause inflammation or difficulty urinating. Only in half of the one-year-old boys, the foreskin is able to move above the neck of the penis. By the end of the third year, the foreskin can be retracted in 90% of boys. In children aged 6-7 years, phimosis occurs in 8% of cases, by the age of 17, 1% remains. There are no clear age limits that determine physiological phimosis.

what is phimosis
what is phimosis

Ifthe child was diagnosed with phimosis, what does this mean and how should parents act? Treatment of this form of phimosis is carried out individually, in some cases, surgery can be avoided. It is necessary to stretch the foreskin very carefully and delicately. The procedure should be carried out after the child has taken a bath, so that the tissues are more elastic and extensible. The use of Akriderm cream will help improve the result. The tension of the tissues should be slightly increased each time, in no case allowing a sharp withdrawal of the head. Sudden movements can lead to injury to the narrowed part, scarring and psychological trauma to the child.

If the opening for the foreskin is very narrow, the child has problems with urination, phimosis of the penis is removed surgically.

Boys with this physiological feature should pay great attention to hygiene. Before opening the head of the penis, it is advisable to treat the penis with antiseptic preparations every day.

phimosis circumcision
phimosis circumcision

Hypertrophic phimosis - what is it?

Proboscis (hypertrophic) phimosis is a pathology in which the foreskin grows so much that it completely covers the head of the penis even in an erect state. Excessive foreskin creates a favorable environment on the penis for the development of pathogenic bacteria. An unpleasant odor appears, the likelihood of developing inflammatory diseases is high. In addition, boys may be ridiculed by their peers, adult men may have problems in their sexual life.

There are two ways to cure hypertrophicphimosis - circumcision and conservative treatment. During circumcision, the foreskin is excised under local anesthesia. The stitches dissolve after a week, sexual activity can be resumed after a month.

phimosis of the penis
phimosis of the penis

Cicatricial phimosis

What is dangerous cicatricial phimosis, what kind of disease is it, what is it expressed in? The impetus for the development of acquired phimosis can be a genetic predisposition, trauma to the penis, as well as balanoposthitis (simultaneous inflammation of the head of the penis and foreskin). Often cicatricial phimosis develops in diabetics and men who ignore the rules of hygiene. The disease progresses rapidly and can lead to the development of urethritis, impaired urination and gangrene of the head. Conservative treatment is ineffective. For a quick final recovery, circumcision is recommended - circumcision of the foreskin.
