Composition and calorie content of breast milk

Composition and calorie content of breast milk
Composition and calorie content of breast milk

Breast milk is considered the best natural food for a newborn. It contains many nutrients that a baby needs during the first months of life. In the second half of the first year, it satisfies the needs of the baby by more than half, and in the second year of life - by one third. Over time, the calorie content of breast milk also decreases (100 ml - kcal 53–80).

It protects the newborn from chronic and infectious diseases, favors cognitive and sensory development. In addition, breastfeeding reduces neonatal mortality due to the spread of childhood diseases such as pneumonia and diarrhea, and also contributes to a speedy recovery from diseases. Breastfeeding is good for a mother's well-being and he alth, and it also reduces the chance of breast and ovarian cancer.


Breast milk has an interesting property. Calorie content and its composition varies depending on the needs of the growing baby. Its main componentscarbohydrates, proteins and fats are considered. Consider them in more detail:

  • Proteins. Breast milk contains 1.03 g of proteins per 100 ml. It seems to be a little, but this is quite enough for the optimal development of the child. This amount of protein reduces the risk of developing hypertension, obesity and atherosclerosis in subsequent years of life, protective properties appear during puberty. Protein is necessary for the formation of tissues and cells, the synthesis of enzymes, as well as hormones. It plays a significant role in the development of he althy intestinal microflora and has immunomodulatory properties. In addition, milk contains non-food proteins, such as lactoferrin, lysozyme, nucleotides, immunoglobulins. They help protect the body from bacteria, viruses and, accordingly, from intestinal, respiratory and other diseases. And you should also know that a certain part of the biologically active molecules that are contained in mother's breast milk are species-specific. This means they are only good for your child.
  • Fats. The fat content is in the range of 4.0–4.3 grams. Breast milk contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, they are required for the development of the sense organs, the nervous system, as well as the intellectual development of the baby. In addition, fatty acids enhance protection against infections.
  • Carbohydrates. They are usually composed of lactose (milk sugar) and oligosaccharides. The content of carbohydrates in milk is 6.89 g per 100 ml. Lactose is essential for the body of a newborn. First, it is the basis for galacocerebrosides, which, inin turn, are components of the cell walls of body tissues. Secondly, lactose, together with other oligosaccharides, contributes to the favorable reproduction of he althy microflora in the intestine, which has a positive effect on digestion, the absorption of the required vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and also helps to protect against various infections. Mother's milk is high in milk sugar, while other milks are much lower.
  • Vitamins and trace elements. Despite the fact that there are a large number of them in breast milk, they are quickly absorbed by the baby. For example, up to 70% of iron is absorbed, thanks to which children are less likely to suffer from anemia. And also in the composition there is potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc.

What affects the calorie content of breast milk?

Many mothers who are breastfeeding their baby believe that the fatter the milk, the better. However, this is not always true. Sometimes fatty milk can cause dysbacteriosis in a child. Thus, if the newborn is cheerful and mobile, gaining weight rapidly enough, then everything is in order with milk.

baby with mom
baby with mom

And if a newborn is not gaining weight well or very often asks for food, then the quality of milk is worth thinking about. What determines the calorie content of breast milk? Young mothers are interested in this issue. There is an opinion that if you eat a lot, then the milk will become fatter. This is not entirely true, the fact is that not all foods, and especially fatty ones, lead to a change in the composition of milk. To increase itnutritional value and fat content, mother should not overeat. Still, she should pay attention to her diet and lactation.

What happens?

The calorie content of women's breast milk is fickle. Primary milk gradually passes into mature milk, color, composition and fat content also change. In the first hours after birth, the baby receives colostrum, it is very high in calories. After two or three days, the newborn feeds on low-fat, clear transitional milk. The benefit lies in the fact that it contains rare nutritional and protective elements that are so necessary for a baby who has just been born. Despite the low fat content of milk, additional fats are not required, since the baby's body is not yet accustomed to new living conditions, and excess fat will only provoke colic and other unpleasant stomach upsets. The protein content in colostrum is 11-15%, which is three times more than in the mature milk of a woman who is breastfeeding.

In mom's arms
In mom's arms

Even in small portions, all the necessary elements are present. The composition of colostrum contains a small amount of water, which, in turn, reduces pressure on the still fragile kidneys. After about five to six days, a change in composition occurs in breast milk. The content of carbohydrates and fats increases, and the amount of proteins decreases. Such a change favorably affects the he alth of the baby, and he also receives all the necessary substances. Moving to the next stage, breast milk becomes lighter, as its water content increases. Breast milk has about 700 calories.calories per liter. This is enough for the proper development of the baby. With an increase in fat content, problems such as constipation or colic may occur. It must be remembered that the quality of mother's milk does not depend on percentages, but on the constituent components, so the more useful elements are present in it, the better for the baby.

When do you need to increase the fat content of milk?

Before you increase the fat content of breast milk, make sure you really need it. To do this, you need to analyze breast milk for calories or fat content. You will need to purchase a regular test tube, which can be bought at any pharmacy. 15-20 minutes after feeding the baby, it is necessary to express the milk into a test tube. The liquid should fill the vessel by 10 cm. Next, leave the test tube at room temperature for six hours. During this time, the milk will be divided into several parts, the top one is the fattest, and it is this that will need to be measured with a ruler. Centimeters are equal to percentages. But do not forget that such calculations are approximate. The average fat content of women's breast milk is 4–4.5%.

Diet for breastfeeding women

Multiple studies have shown that the fat content of foods does not affect the composition of breast milk. If a child is sick a lot and grows slowly, then most likely he lacks vitamins. In order for milk to be of high quality, in sufficient quantities, simple rules must be followed. In addition to proper nutrition, it is necessary to massage the breasts and feed the baby often, all this will improvelactation.

Nutrition for a nursing mother
Nutrition for a nursing mother

Thus, a woman who is breastfeeding should monitor the correctness of her diet in order to maintain a certain level of caloric content of breast milk. A few simple rules for nutritious and he althy milk:

  • It is recommended to eat before each feeding, but never overeat.
  • The menu of a nursing woman should consist of carbohydrates. First of all, these are fruits and vegetables, as well as cereals. Approximately twenty percent are proteins, for example, veal, fish, beef. And fats - a maximum of thirty percent.
  • It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, especially after feeding. It is advisable to drink green, white tea or plain boiled water. After a month, you can add natural juices to your diet (apple juices are best). Black tea can be drunk only after the baby reaches the age of three months.
  • It is recommended to avoid stress, sleep at least seven hours a night and get more rest.
  • To improve lactation, massage your breasts every day in circular motions.

Increased milk fat

Many are wondering how to increase the calorie content of breast milk? To do this, add foods such as:to your diet

  • milk tea;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • liver;
  • high-fat hard cheeses;
  • nuts;
  • seeds.

It should be remembered that if the child has an allergy, then these products should not be consumed. If aSince a nursing mother has decided to introduce new foods into her diet, it is recommended that you first try a small portion before lunch. Next, you should observe the condition of the baby for two days. If everything is in order and there is no negative reaction, then you can eat new foods in small portions. How to increase the calorie content of breast milk using the products listed above? Doctors advise introducing them into the diet no earlier than three months after the birth of the child. Before each new product, a three-day pause must be maintained in order to accurately determine the reaction of the child. It is important to remember about dosages. After all, literally a handful of walnuts is enough to increase the fat content and calorie content of milk.

Virtues of human milk

Important benefits of breast milk include:

  • sterility;
  • balanced amount of nutrients;
  • content in milk of a large number of biologically protective substances;
  • optimum temperature;
  • good digestibility of nutrients in the baby's body with low energy costs;
  • beneficial effect on intestinal microflora.
baby sleeping
baby sleeping

Milk produced at the beginning of feeding is called foremilk. It has a bluish tint, is produced in large enough quantities and provides the newborn with all the necessary nutrients. The milk produced at the end of a feed is called hindmilk. The calorie content of breast milk of the anterior and posterior is different. So, the back contains in three-four times more fat and calories than the front.

Interesting breast milk facts

Here are some of them:

  • Women's breast milk (which contains the calories listed above) contains immune cells that provide protection against a wide variety of infections.
  • Hormones and growth factors are present in milk. They affect metabolism. As a result, at an older age, the child is less susceptible to metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity and hypertension, as well as cancer and many others.
  • Calorie content of breast milk per 100 grams is 70 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are easily absorbed by the newborn, as mother's milk contains special digestive enzymes, with the help of which the baby's intestines easily break down nutrients.
  • Breast milk contains several dozen different bifidobacteria that are needed to form immunity and fight inflammation and infections.
  • 87% of breast milk is water. It is active and quickly absorbed, so the newborn does not need to be specially supplemented.

Mother's milk is a unique nutrient substrate that helps the child develop and grow harmoniously. Forms intelligence, develops immunity and sets the level of he alth for the rest of your life.

How to increase the calorie content of breast milk?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the diet. Mothers who are breastfeeding should make a special menu. Can't sit ondiet, nutrition should be complete and varied, contain vitamins, trace elements that are required to maintain the he alth of mother and baby. As a result of the interaction of the organs of the circulatory system and lymph, breast milk is formed. The diet of a woman who is breastfeeding must consist of 20% protein, 30% fat and 50% vegetables, fruits and cereals. One of the most important trace elements is calcium. It is present in milk, cottage cheese, fish, cabbage. Its deficiency will affect the woman's nails and hair, as the child will take as much as he needs. The mother's food intake should be compared with the needs of the newborn, if he eats seven to eight times a day, then, accordingly, the mother should eat the same amount, but in small portions.

Broccoli soup
Broccoli soup

At first it will be quite difficult to readjust, but gradually it will become a habit. Soups and cereals are mandatory in the diet of a nursing mother. Be careful with rice, as it can cause constipation in the baby. Porridge is best cooked with milk. For soups, it is recommended to use lean meats, such as turkey, chicken or beef. Fresh greens contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are required for he alth.

How to increase the calorie content of breast milk? Foods such as broccoli and walnuts increase the fat content of milk, but they should be eaten in small portions so as not to cause allergies in the child. You can also make a milk drink out of them. In 200 ml of boiling milk, add two tablespoons of nuts, then giveinfuse for about half an hour. It is advisable to drink the drink every day 1/3 cup three times a day.

Nutrition plays a major role in the feeding process. Nevertheless, only a balanced diet is not enough, you need a good rest and daily walks in the fresh air. In addition, it is necessary to exclude stress and increased physical activity. A great mood and positive emotions play a big role, as the well-being of the mother is reflected in the baby.

Breastfeeding the baby

On the first day after the birth of a baby, little colostrum is produced, but this is quite enough, since the calorie content of breast milk is high. The composition of foremilk contains significantly more protective substances than in mature milk, since at first the baby needs maximum protection. When a newborn groans or cries, offer him milk. This feeding is called "on demand". After about three months, breastfeeding becomes routine. On average, a child wants to eat every three hours, over time, the interval increases to four hours. For the first six months, the baby has enough breast milk - no other food is required. Further, the needs of the growing organism increase, and it is difficult to satisfy them with milk alone, so the baby begins to be given other food. The calorie content of breast milk at 9 months is still high, and then begins to gradually decrease.

First food
First food

The emerging discrepancy between the baby's energy needs and the possibilities of breast milk is filled with complementary foods.

Complementary food

When a child outgrows the six-month milestone, his food needs gradually begin to change. This time is marked by the introduction of the first complementary foods and begins at about six to eight months, but, of course, this period is conditional, since each child is individual. The calorie content of breast milk and complementary foods should cover the baby's need for energy. Complementary foods are introduced gradually, no more than three or four new products per month. Its purpose is to introduce the child's gastrointestinal tract to the food that he will eat in the future. Breast milk remains the main food.


There are circumstances in life when breastfeeding is not possible in part or in full. In this case, the newborn has to be fed or supplemented with various mixtures. The average calorie content of breast milk and formula is approximately the same, and is 67–68 kcal per 100 ml. All breast milk substitutes can be divided into partially adapted or fully adapted.

Agush mix
Agush mix

If the mixture is as close as possible to breast milk in composition, then it is called adapted, and if it only imitates the composition of a natural product, then it is partially adapted. However, it must be remembered that breast milk is unique, and the components that are present in it are almost impossible to introduce into mixtures. For newborns, adapted formulations are better than partially adapted formulations.


Mother's breast milk is a special food that nature has created. All easily digestible and usefulfor the body of the newborn substances are in it, so it is recommended to continue breastfeeding as long as possible. Breastfed babies are less susceptible to respiratory and infectious diseases. The composition of breast milk is unique and constantly changing depending on the needs of the baby, and its benefits are invaluable. The decrease in the calorie content of breast milk after a year is due to the fact that the child receives more adult food, i.e. complementary foods are slowly replacing breastfeeding.
