There is probably no person who would not see an ant. Different types of these insects live in almost every corner of the world. There are no ants only in Antarctica and on several islands located in the middle of the ocean. In our latitudes you can meet them, going to the forest and the meadow, working in the garden and in the garden. Some species settle in houses and apartments and cause a lot of inconvenience in such a neighborhood, regularly eating all the sweets and meat products that they could get. And due to their size, they can penetrate almost anywhere. So you have to get rid of these "domestic" insects by all means.
Walking through a forest or a meadow, you may come across anthills of other, larger representatives of these insects. You need to be careful not to step on or touch these structures. Insects will bite when defending their territory. Ant bites in small amounts cannot cause severe harm, but they will definitely deliver many unpleasant minutes. After a fleeting pain, redness, irritation and itching will appear. Such "pleasant" symptoms can last for several days. ATthe wound gets formic acid, which causes itching.

The bite of the red ant is especially unpleasant. Sufficiently strong pain lasts about half an hour. Insects of this species are large (8-14 mm), and inject a significant dose of acid at a time. Ant bites are especially unpleasant for children. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the child throughout the day after the incident. In case of any deviations, it is necessary to call an ambulance without any doubt.
To reduce the intensity of irritation, ant stings, that is, the affected area, should be washed with water and wiped with any disinfectant. You can use folk methods: wipe with a solution of soda or aloe juice, apply cold to reduce swelling. If there is a tendency to allergies, it is advisable to take an antihistamine. You should pay more attention to the problem if the ant bite fell on the mucous membranes: lips, eyes and larynx. In this case, the poison quickly spreads throughout the body. If you have a fever, nausea or dizziness, headache, heart palpitations, or shortness of breath, seek immediate medical attention. In some cases, ant stings can lead to severe allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.

It is necessary to see a doctor and if several days have passed and the wound has not healed, there is redness and swelling. Sometimes there is the appearance of pus in the center of the wound - this is a sign that it is infected. Most oftenthis happens with children who can't help scratching the itchy spots. To prevent this trouble, you should use ointments that reduce unpleasant symptoms (sold in pharmacies without prescriptions).
If you have been bitten by these insects, you can take comfort in the fact that you have taken a course of therapy. Ant venom is used in the treatment of neuralgia and joint diseases. Formic alcohol and various tinctures are made from dried and live insects. In some countries of Asia and South America, several species of ants are eaten: they are fried or used to season meat dishes.