No one is immune from difficult situations at home and at work, from troubles in the family, from the negative influence of others. If a person cannot cope with his emotions on his own, synthetic or herbal sedatives will always come to the rescue. But if the tablets are dispensed only by prescription, then the herbal sedative collection or herbal remedies can always be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared on your own.

General recommendations
Herbs have practically no contraindications, but there are a number of recommendations for their use.
- Drinking a sedative collection is recommended at night. In the event that nervous tension does not give rest in the morning, the portion can be divided into the whole day.
- Don't take herbal remedies for more than 3 weeks.
- Try to change the components of the collection, replacing one herb with another.
- After suffering complex injuries, diseases, in the presence of tumors or a tendency to alcoholism, a herbal sedative can be used with the permission of the attending physician.
List of soothing herbs
- Tincture of angelica (angelica) officinalis, made on white wine, perfectly helps in stressful situations. To prepare it, you need to insist 30 g of the root in 500 ml of white wine for a day, stirring occasionally. This tincture is taken in the morning and in the evening, 50 ml each.
Hypericum perforatum description For the prevention of nervous breakdowns, the treatment of insomnia, headaches, and just as a good sedative, it is recommended to use a sedative collection with Ivan-tea (fireweed). Dry grass in equal proportions with mint and chamomile is poured with boiling water and infused for 3-4 hours. Strained infusion is consumed 2 tablespoons 4 times a day.
- Valerian in its pure form and as part of fees is one of the most powerful natural sedatives. For example, for one of the complex potions, you will need valerian root, mint, chamomile, cumin and fennel seeds. All this is brewed in 200 ml of water and infused for 20 minutes. You need to drink tincture in the morning and in the evening for half a glass. There is also another equally effective recipe: valerian root, lemon balm, buckthorn bark, chamomile, hop cones and peppermint are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. This infusion is drunk three or more times a day.
- St. John's wort is not the last place among natural sedatives. The description of its properties is found in very ancient recipes. It helps to cope with increased irritability and nervousness. St. John's wort is consumed as an alcoholic tincture or as a tea. To prepare the tincture, 10 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with 1 liter of alcohol. The tincture is stored strained, in a dark container, and is used in 1 teaspoon mixed with milk. To prepare a soothing tea, you need to take a tablespoon of St. John's wort, lemon balm, lavender and orange leaves, pour boiling water over it and use strained with honey.
- Extremely effective soothing collection of peppermint. This plant is very soothing on its own and in combination with other herbs. Peppermint tea can be drunk warm or cold throughout the day as a tonic. If mint leaves and chamomile flowers are brewed before going to bed, then you will have a restful sleep until morning.

There are many more proven plants with a pronounced sedative effect, for example, adding soothing heather, yarrow, flower petals to the collection can enhance the effectiveness of teas, give a unique aroma or taste.
Contraindications and precautions
Folk remedies are considered harmless only if all the rules for preparing tinctures, decoctions and dosage are followed. With prolonged use, some people experience allergic reactions and addiction, so it is recommended to alternate herbs, as mentioned above. The main contraindication for the use of sedatives is pregnancy andlactation. Even something as harmless as valerian should be taken with the permission of a doctor.