Headache: what can you drink during pregnancy? Permitted remedies for headaches during pregnancy

Headache: what can you drink during pregnancy? Permitted remedies for headaches during pregnancy
Headache: what can you drink during pregnancy? Permitted remedies for headaches during pregnancy

Women in position are gentle creatures. The restructuring of the body causes serious he alth problems. Expectant mothers may experience unpleasant symptoms. So, they are often tormented by nausea, and a headache. What can you drink during pregnancy so as not to harm the fetus in the womb and relieve pain? There are not too many options, but they still exist. Let's talk about how you can deal with discomfort and whether there are alternatives to medication.

Internal factors causing pain

If your head often hurts during pregnancy, you will need to choose a special treatment, ordinary pills in this case will be contraindicated for you. It will be necessary to determine any methods for alleviating discomfort together with a gynecologist responsible for the condition of the future mother and fetus.

It is worth mentioning right away that a significant number of women who are expecting a child face a similar phenomenon (headache, migraine). The cause of such a condition can be many factors, including a change in physiological parameters and a greater susceptibility to externalirritants. The main causes that can trigger a migraine are:

  • hormonal surges;
  • blood volume increase;
  • stress situations and depression;
  • dehydration.

Unpleasant sensations are most characteristic of the first trimester, if they do not leave you in the future, be sure to undergo a detailed examination.

Need to remember, if you are prone to these sensations, then most likely they will increase significantly and will be repeated many times.

External factors causing pain

Dull pain in the temples can be triggered by a number of external factors. To eliminate such an irritant means to get rid of its negative consequences. So, if your head hurts during pregnancy, the reasons for this may be due to:

  • tobacco smoke;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • loud noise;
  • excessively high or low air temperatures, as well as their differences;
  • flashes and flickers of bright light;
  • too active fragrances, bad smells.

Oddly enough, certain foods can also provoke discomfort. Carefully study the list below and try to eliminate them from your diet. Potentially dangerous foods include:

  • marinades and sauces;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked products (especially fish);
  • separate groups of legumes and nuts;
  • avocado and citrus fruits, bananas in abundance;
  • ripe cheese;
  • artificial sweeteners.
  • headache during early pregnancy
    headache during early pregnancy

Simple first aid measures

After you have identified all the possible causes, it is time to eliminate them. Let's talk about how to take action if you have a headache during early pregnancy. What to do in this situation. First of all, create the most comfortable conditions for yourself. What they will be known only to you! Limit extraneous noise, dim the lights, dress in comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Provide fresh air to the room, and if necessary, go for a short walk. To relieve possible tension and stress, do not forget to eat right, eat more often, but limit the portion size, drink clean, unsweetened water.

headache during pregnancy how to treat
headache during pregnancy how to treat

Additional general recommendations

Now you know what you can do if your head hurts during early pregnancy. In the event that these measures do not help, and you do not feel like drinking pills, try to implement the following recipes:

  • Take a cold or contrast shower (watch your temperature so you don't get cold or burn).
  • Apply a warm or cold compress to your head. Simply wet a cloth with water and apply it to your forehead for at least 20 minutes.
  • Try to lie down for a nap. Sleep is your best assistant if you don’t plunge into the realm of Morpheusit turns out, try to just relax, dream or think about something pleasant.
  • Tune in to the positive. A joyful mood heals, protect yourself from stress and unpleasant emotions, spend free minutes planning your family's life after the birth of a child.
  • Try a light massage. Place the pads of your fingers on your temples, gently press on the painful points and make smooth, circular movements. This will minimize the sensations somewhat.
  • headache during early pregnancy what to do
    headache during early pregnancy what to do

Drugs banned

What to do if these manipulations do not help and you still have a headache. What can you drink during pregnancy from special medications? Before determining the list of permitted means, we will compile a specific list of taboos, something that is strictly forbidden to use. This list includes:

  • "Ergotamine". Provokes premature contraction of the uterus and bleeding, regular use may affect the intrauterine development of the child;
  • "Atenolol". In the later stages, it causes a slowdown in the physical development of the child, may lead to heart problems;
  • "Amigren" - is a narcotic drug. Able to provoke various defects in the child and premature birth;
  • "Sumatriptan". With regular use leads to miscarriage;
  • "Citramon". Perhaps the most popular drug. Due to the presence of aspirin incomposition, can lead to weakened labor activity. Among other things, it causes childhood malformations of the circulatory system.
  • headache during late pregnancy
    headache during late pregnancy

Your main drug helpers

Now you know what not to take if you have a headache. What can you drink during pregnancy? Most likely, the doctor will prescribe you Paracetamol or No-shpu. Let's talk about them a little more.

"Paracetamol", or "Panadol", is suitable for both pregnant women and small children. Its use in reasonable quantities is permissible immediately after the moment of conception and until the very birth. The permitted dose of such tablets is usually determined after consultation with a doctor. The general rule is, as follows, no more than 3 grams of the drug in 24 hours. In terms of tablets, the daily dose will be equal to 6 pieces. It is forbidden to take such painkillers for more than three days in a row.

Gynecologists quite often recommend taking "No-shpu". The main purpose of such tablets is to reduce vasospasm. Additional properties of the drug include the possibility of reducing pressure, relaxing muscles. The daily dose is also equal to six pieces of the remedy.

headache during pregnancy causes
headache during pregnancy causes

Conditional drugs

If you have a headache during pregnancy, how to treat it, the question is quite urgent. A number of tablets that relieve discomfort can be classified as conditionallyapproved drugs. The thing is that their use is permissible only for a certain period of waiting for offspring. These include the funds "Nurofen" and "Pentalgin". After the thirtieth week of pregnancy, such drugs can provoke difficulties in the work of the heart in the fetus, as well as early closure of the arterial flow. The properties of these drugs include a negative impact on the development of the lungs of the child.

In the first and second trimester, after consulting a doctor, it is allowed to use such tablets at a dosage of no more than 3 grams per day.

headache during pregnancy treatment
headache during pregnancy treatment

Later pains

Headache during late pregnancy? Be sure to contact your gynecologist with such a complaint. Unpleasant sensations may well be a symptom of something much more serious. Pay close attention to the frequency and severity of pain, as well as possible additional manifestations. A detailed examination of the body is required if regular migraine is accompanied by the following factors:

  • Gagging and nausea.
  • Significant weight gain.
  • Short-term loss of vision, flies before the eyes.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Significant sensitivity (sensations prevent you from eating, sleeping, doing your usual activities).

A few words in conclusion

What can be said in conclusion? If you have a headache during pregnancy in the early stages, in the middle or in the last trimester, do not tolerate unpleasantFeel. They are just as negative for the child as the medications taken. Be sure to consult a doctor and get qualified help (examinations and appointments). Self-treatment should begin with the simplest procedures (massage, compress, shower). Of course, it happens that they do not help and you still have a headache. What can you drink during pregnancy? "Paracetamol" and "No-shpu", remember these two names, as well as the dosage of their intake, this will help you cope with migraine.
