Aspergillus niger is the most common pathogenic fungus, familiar to us by the frightening name "black mold". You can find entire colonies of this amazing adaptable organism right at home - in the basement, in a dark, damp corner, in an old book.

Morphology and physiology of Aspergillus niger
What are Aspergillus niger mushrooms? They are able to take root and grow into a colony even at temperatures above +40 0С. The rate of mushroom ripening during the capture of large areas is simply unique - within three days. Darken, acquiring a characteristic dark gray or black color, fungi as conidia mature - microscopic formations at the top of the thickened conidial head of the parasitic organism.
The morphology of Aspergillus niger includes several strains of black mold that choose indoors, food, or even the human body.
Good environment for black mold
Mold spores are present everywhere, they are absent only in an environment of complete sterility or vacuum. Particles separated from the mycelium hover in the air and begin toactively multiply wherever the spore can catch on and go unnoticed.
The mold unit itself is formed from two filamentous bodies, one of which creates a vegetative formation, and the other stretches upward and, ripening, gives life to new spores.
Favorable factors contributing to good survival of Aspergillus niger:
- lack of inflow and outflow of fresh air; this creates a stuffy, fumes-laden atmosphere that is ideal for the growth of multiple mold colonies;
- Humidity close to 100% is one of the most common conditions for detecting Aspergillus niger;
- sharp temperature fluctuations, conducive to the formation of steam and condensate;
In addition, one of the factors is the lack of tightness of food packages.

Aspergillus niger strains
No mold is the same when viewed under a microscope. The expressive and intimidating appearance of black mold markedly distinguishes it from the light-colored fluffy balls of Aspergillus of another variety, which seem less dangerous, but this is a misconception. The mycelium of several strains can be black at once, depending on the periods of maturation of the fungus, the type of surface covered and the rate of spread of the colony.
There are strains of Aspergillus niger:
- The color of the mycelium is light, only mature spores are black. Such a fungus lives in the dark damp corners of residential and non-residentialindoors and is the cause of aspergillosis.
- Phoma - refers to the 4th pathogenicity group. In them, on the contrary, the vegetative body is a black blob with a white edge of mature spores.
- The next look is always a rich dark color. Separated spores willingly settle in the human digestive tract and cause intoxication and a pronounced allergic reaction.
- There is a kind of frightening dark color and with rare vitality, but at the same time almost not dangerous to human he alth.
- Among the varieties of black mold are penicillin fungi, often grown in difficult adaptive conditions to obtain a valuable substance on the basis of which antibiotics are made.
- The following type of mycelium resembles slimy plaque spots that appear on long-lying vegetables, fruits, nuts.
So Aspergillus nigeria is not only a substance of deep mourning color that is familiar to us. An ominous fungus can hide under a completely harmless white fluff.

Infection with Aspergillus niger in humans
Aspergillosis is a consequence of the inhalation of black mold spores freely moving in the air. Most often, people whose professional activities are associated with conditions in which mold feels most comfortable are exposed to fungus attacks. These are grain processing, bakery production, shops for aging ready-made cheeses, weaving and spinning factories.
A he althy person can breathe spore-affected air withoutdanger to oneself, but weakened immune defenses, previous or actual diseases of the bronchi, lungs, and nasopharyngeal sinuses make the body vulnerable. Based on the original strain of the fungus that has settled in the humid environment of the body, a specific type of aspergillosis develops.
Infection with the fungus Aspergillus niger can occur in other ways:
- through food;
- through wounds, microcracks on the epidermis or mucous membranes.
Sometimes the successful penetration of the fungus into the human body is facilitated by the transferred radiation therapy and long-term antibiotic therapy.

Despite the fact that spores of the fungus can attach themselves to any organ, the oxygenated lung tissue becomes the most common area of their damage. An infected person experiences all the symptoms of acute bronchitis:
- violent cough with dirty white sputum, sometimes with blood clots;
- constant fatigue, weakness, general decrease in activity;
- weight loss.
Treatment that does not correspond to the elimination of the cause of the disease leads to the development of pulmonary mycosis. This stage of lung damage is characterized by a deterioration in the patient's condition. Appear:
- severe wet cough with stable expectoration;
- chill;
- chest pain;
- shortness of breath;
If at this stage of the disease a study of biological material (sputum) is carried out, then in the secretionsfind Aspergillus spores.
Aspergillosis of the hearing organs and nasopharynx, may resemble rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsillitis according to the algorithm. The hallmarks of a fungus infection of the ENT organs are:
- flaking of the external auditory canal and itching in this area;
- hearing loss;
- hyperemia.
When the disease progresses, looking through the ear canal will show the presence of a gray loose substance. Examination of the sample will give a positive result for the presence of parasitic mycelium.
Aspergillosis eye infection masquerades as:
- blepharitis;
- dacryocystitis;
- conjunctivitis.
The lack of proper treatment leads to complications in the form of partial or complete loss of vision.
So, it is already approximately clear what kind of fungi Aspergillus niger. On the hands (which is manifested primarily by the defeat of the nail plate), they can also settle. Signs of this infection are difficult to confuse with other types of disorders in the body. They are as follows:
- appearance of dark scales;
- itch around the nail;
- infiltration;
- heavy smell coming from the nail.
Over time, if you do not use complex therapy, the color of the nail finally changes to yellow-brown or green-brown, the plate thickens and acquires a porous structure.

Biological materials for research in cases of suspected Aspergillus are samples,taken from the intended affected area. With a skin lesion, these are scrapings from the epithelium or a nail; with a lesion of the lungs, sputum discharge. A clinical blood and urine test may also be required to determine the fungus.
Sometimes, culture can only be isolated through serological testing and culture. It is possible that with severe lesions of the epidermis, the doctor will insist on skin-allergic tests.
Only after confirmation of aspergillosis and establishing its form, the patient is referred to a narrow specialist for treatment.
Traditional treatment of aspergillosis
Topical treatment of Aspergillus niger is carried out in combination with antifungal drugs: amphotericin B, voriconazole, flucytosine, itraconazole. The method of using funds - by inhalation, intravenously or orally, is negotiated with the doctor based on the nature and degree of damage to the body.
Means for topical use are antiseptics and antifungal agents. Treatment of cutaneous aspergillosis is the most favorable according to forecasts, but only on the condition that patients complete a full therapeutic course lasting from a month to three.
Aspergillosis of the lungs in a neglected or complex form gives a high percentage of mortality - up to 50%. Weakened immunity becomes a factor that aggravates the patient's condition and worsens the prognosis.
The life-threatening form of the disease may require the patient to stay in a hospital, but, as a rule, therapy is carried out at home with periodicdelivery of control tests. Treatment of Aspergillus nigeria with folk remedies is unacceptable!

Aspergillosis in children
As in adults, Aspergillus niger in children develops in several forms:
- allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis;
- Aspergillus bronchitis;
- Aspergillus pneumonia.
General symptoms that aspergellosis masquerades as bronchial and acute respiratory diseases are shortness of breath, cough with sputum discharge, pain in the sternum. Sometimes symptoms are accompanied by fever.
Aspergillus is recognized by the nature of sputum, which has a putrid or dirty gray color, in an advanced stage - with a blood admixture.
From a bunch of signs addressed to the doctor in the form of a he alth complaint, the pediatrician must draw up a general clinical picture and prescribe a diagnosis, which includes laboratory tests of blood and sputum, and skin tests. After confirming the presence of aspergillus in the biological material, clarifying examinations or tests may be needed to determine the degree of damage to the body:
- computed tomography;
- spirometry;
- bronchoscopy;
- biopsy.
Examinations are carried out quickly to prevent the main complication - sepsis, in which fungi spread through the blood to he althy organs.
Treatment of aspergillosis in children
The child is hospitalized immediately after the diagnosis. From the first day into the patient's bodyantifungal drugs are being introduced to suppress the spread of aspergillus. The intake of immunomodulators is an important point in the treatment of Aspergillus nigeria in children, since it was the weakening in the body's defense response that led to aspergillosis.
In rare cases, they resort to surgical treatment - when it is not possible to save the affected area of the lung and a decision is made to remove it. An indication for such a cardinal action is the onset of bleeding from a tumor that appeared during the formation of aspergilloma, a particularly complex form of aspergillosis.

Black mold is most often found by residents of old houses or corner apartments in high-rise buildings, therefore, in rooms of this type, the walls should be inspected as carefully as possible. Aspergillus likes to hide behind loose wallpaper, tiles, and clogged vents. At least once every three months, you need to make a general cleaning of the sanitary unit using antibacterial agents and grouts.
We must not allow dampness in the basement of the house, the appearance of deposits of rotting vegetables. Wooden shelves, ceilings in damp rooms are unacceptable. If there is a section of the wall in the house that is regularly covered with mold, despite all measures, it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the wall in this place.