Medicine 2024, October

Lifespan of human and animal erythrocytes

Lifespan of human and animal erythrocytes

Erythrocytes are called cells whose role is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In humans and mammals, these are non-nuclear shaped elements that are formed by the red bone marrow. Performing their function, they acquire more and more damage

Caudate nucleus of the brain: anatomy

Caudate nucleus of the brain: anatomy

The brain is a vital symmetrical organ that controls all body functions and is responsible for human behavior. The structure of the brain. Tailed nucleus. Consider the clinical manifestations in pathologies. Parkinson's disease, Tourette's syndrome, kernicterus

Frequent farting - is it normal or a disease?

Frequent farting - is it normal or a disease?

The topic we have today is somewhat delicate and not entirely pleasant, but what to do - someone has to cover it! To be honest, each of us at least once in our lives … farted! Unlike Germany, in Russia it is customary to restrain your desire to fart. But sometimes the situation gets out of hand and there is a sudden (and sometimes loud) fart! This is probably terrible, friends … Why do we fart is the topic of my today's article

Hypofunction of the adrenal glands: symptoms and treatment

Hypofunction of the adrenal glands: symptoms and treatment

The glands of the internal organs produce and release into the blood special chemicals - hormones. The latter are reflected not only in the functioning of body cells, but also in the functioning of the brain. One of the most dangerous diseases associated with impaired hormone production is adrenal hypofunction. It is about this disease that we will talk in the presented material

Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue

Family Planning Center on Sevastopol Avenue

The Family Planning Center on Sevastopolsky Prospekt is a multidisciplinary clinic whose specialists manage normal pregnancies and childbirth, as well as provide professional obstetric care to patients with various blood diseases, with Rh or group incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the unborn child

Causes of disability and disability groups

Causes of disability and disability groups

Unfortunately, a tragic event can occur in a person's life, which will have disastrous consequences for his he alth. In this regard, the question of how the causes of disability are established and the groups are provided becomes important. It is important to understand all the nuances of this topic. This is what we will do in this article

Traumatic asphyxia: causes, symptoms, first aid

Traumatic asphyxia: causes, symptoms, first aid

Asphyxia is a condition that carries an extreme danger to human life, accompanied by a violation of gas exchange, as well as the appearance of hypoxia. As a result: a violation of full breathing and problems with the circulatory process

Education and treatment of false joint

Education and treatment of false joint

False joint is a kind of discontinuity of the bone, which is characterized by pathological mobility, unusual for this department. In medical practice, a special term is used for this condition - "pseudoarthrosis". In this article, we will analyze in detail the causes of the formation of a false joint, as well as the diagnosis and treatment methods

Aspiration test: types, purpose and features of the conduct

Aspiration test: types, purpose and features of the conduct

Aspiration test - one of the methods that allows using negative pressure to take the necessary material, used mainly in medicine and cosmetology, as well as in sanitary and epidemiological research or in production

What is a trauma center and why is it needed

What is a trauma center and why is it needed

What is a trauma center? You will get the answer to this question from the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about why such centers are needed and what tasks they perform

Bone grafting for dental implants: reviews

Bone grafting for dental implants: reviews

Bone grafting is a procedure often required for dental implants. Types of bone grafting, its course, possible complications after the procedure

Clostridium perfringens: microbiology, type of bacteria, disease, diagnosis and treatment

Clostridium perfringens: microbiology, type of bacteria, disease, diagnosis and treatment

Who are clostridia? Is their content in feces dangerous? Clostridium perfringens - what is this bacterium? Facts about the microorganism, its biological properties. What is dangerous infection? Diseases caused by bacteria. Clinical picture, symptoms of infection in adults and children. Diagnosis and treatment of clostridium

Blood sugar levels by age

Blood sugar levels by age

The norm of sugars in the blood is not a constant value. Its deviations can be influenced by various factors - diet, time of day, stressful situations, pregnancy, the presence of diseases. Norms of blood sugar by age will also have certain differences. The level of sugar is called glycemia. If the analysis showed low values, then they speak of the presence of hypoglycemia, and the condition in which the values are increased is called hyperglycemia

SLE: treatment with traditional and folk methods, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis and diagnosis features

SLE: treatment with traditional and folk methods, causes of the disease, symptoms, diagnosis and diagnosis features

SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) is a disease currently diagnosed in several million inhabitants of our planet. Patients include the elderly, infants and adults. Doctors have not yet been able to establish the causes of the pathology, although the factors that stimulate the disease have been studied

Headache localization and causes

Headache localization and causes

The localization of a headache can be very different, and the correctness of the diagnosis largely depends on this factor, since painful sensations indicate the course of various ailments

Human esophagus: diagram, structure

Human esophagus: diagram, structure

The function of the human esophagus is to ensure the movement of food. This task is realized through peristalsis, muscle contraction, changes in pressure and gravity. Mucus is also secreted in the walls of the department. It is saturated with a food lump, which facilitates its penetration into the stomach cavity

Acetabulum of the pelvic bone

Acetabulum of the pelvic bone

One of the most common wheelchair injuries is acetabular fractures. Today we will find out what this part of the hip joint is, as well as what methods of treating dysplasia or other problems of this place exist

Venous outflow obstructed: what does it mean, causes, symptoms and treatment

Venous outflow obstructed: what does it mean, causes, symptoms and treatment

When venous outflow is obstructed in the human brain, it leads to a serious failure in the entire system and can cause various diseases of the central nervous system. This phenomenon is called discirculation. Moreover, violations can concern both superficial veins that supply oxygen to the cerebral cortex, and deep

Venous Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Venous Dysfunction: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnostic Tests, and Treatment

Venous dysfunction is a serious pathology that requires proper treatment. Otherwise, such a state leads to irreversible consequences. Self-medication in this case is life-threatening. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. Features of venous blood stasis, causes and methods of treatment will be discussed in detail in the article

Genesis is the hope for he alth and happiness of procreation

Genesis is the hope for he alth and happiness of procreation

The general meaning of the word "genesis" is the emergence, emergence, origin. The term comes from the Greek Γένεση, which means "birth", and its derivative Γένεσις, which translates as "origin". Now the term "genesis" is used in almost any field of activity, philosophy, science, art. This article explains what genesis is in medicine

Korotkov method for measuring blood pressure: definition and description

Korotkov method for measuring blood pressure: definition and description

The blood pressure indicator is clinically significant in the diagnosis of a large number of diseases. Currently, there are several ways to measure it. The most popular is the Korotkoff method. Its essence lies in listening to certain sounds that appear when the artery is squeezed and the subsequent restoration of its patency

Compress paper in medicine and applied arts

Compress paper in medicine and applied arts

Compress paper with double-sided wax coating is used to create warm compresses for inflammatory diseases of the joints, ears, etc. The applied wax layers retain heat, reduce the evaporation of water and alcohol components of the dressings

Donor Day in Russia and around the world. When is Donor Day celebrated?

Donor Day in Russia and around the world. When is Donor Day celebrated?

Today we will tell you about how and when Donor Day is celebrated in the Russian Federation and around the world. Also from the presented article you will know why it was installed

Skin biopsy: indications, technique, results

Skin biopsy: indications, technique, results

What is a skin biopsy? In what cases is it shown? Methods of the procedure: shaving biopsy, trepanobiopsy, excisional. Preparation for the study and recovery after the procedure

DNA is composed of The chemical composition of DNA

DNA is composed of The chemical composition of DNA

DNA is the basis of all cells that form in our body. What does this molecule consist of and what functions does it perform?

Why do we need a medical mask?

Why do we need a medical mask?

A medical mask is perhaps the simplest and most effective way to limit the spread of an infection transmitted mainly by airborne droplets

Stomach surgery. Types of operations, indications, preparation and conduct

Stomach surgery. Types of operations, indications, preparation and conduct

The stomach and its functions. The most common diseases of the stomach and types of operations on this organ. Description of surgery for ulcers, oncology, obesity and other diseases. The cost of the operation for the longitudinal resection of the stomach

Hacking cough: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment principles

Hacking cough: possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment principles

Treatment of hoarse paroxysmal cough with medicines and folk recipes. The main danger of a strong dry cough and the general clinical picture when it appears. Diagnosis of possible diseases and their danger

Evacuation of fluid from the lungs: indications, consequences, how it goes

Evacuation of fluid from the lungs: indications, consequences, how it goes

According to statistics, the trend towards an increase in respiratory diseases is increasing every year. Only in Russia today about 5 million people suffer from pathologies of the broncho-pulmonary system. Chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) predominate among diseases. Next comes tuberculosis. The incidence of lung cancer, which is the leader among all other oncologies, is on the rise

Surgery to remove a human eye

Surgery to remove a human eye

Removal of the eye, or enucleation, is a surgical intervention, the result of which is the complete removal of the human eyeball. It is prescribed only in cases where it is not possible to save the eye with conventional therapy. At the end of such an operation, the patient should be under the supervision of doctors for several more days

Anatomy of the eye socket: structure, functions

Anatomy of the eye socket: structure, functions

The article describes the structure of the orbit, its anatomy and the facial skull with cuts along and across. An example of a disease of the orbital fissure, which is considered in medicine, is also given

Main pathways of the spinal cord

Main pathways of the spinal cord

The pathways of the spinal cord are neural circuits that connect the spinal cord with the brain. Any violation in their functionality is dangerous to human he alth

HIV negative - what does it mean? Signs of HIV infection

HIV negative - what does it mean? Signs of HIV infection

HIV is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus. Pathology affects the immune system to such an extent that the body cannot cope with any infections. This provokes the development of various diseases that cause significant harm to human he alth

How long does the temperature last after "Pentax"?

How long does the temperature last after "Pentax"?

In the article, we will consider whether the temperature after the "Pentax" is the norm. This is a new generation acellular vaccine, which is much easier for children to tolerate, since the body's response to cell-free preparations is much weaker than to cell-type analogues

HIB vaccination: effect and side effects

HIB vaccination: effect and side effects

Vaccination against many diseases often needs to be done at an early age. But how can parents figure out which vaccine their child needs, and is it worth it at all?

Post-vaccination reactions: types, complications, methods of prevention

Post-vaccination reactions: types, complications, methods of prevention

A post-vaccination reaction is commonly understood as a complication, which is an unfavorable outcome of prophylactic vaccinations. Most often, violations that have arisen as a result of immunization occur in children. In some cases, the post-vaccination reaction of the body can be foreseen and the vaccination should be abandoned in advance

Folk methods: how to gargle with sore throat?

Folk methods: how to gargle with sore throat?

Such a disease as acute tonsillitis is better known among people under the name "tonsillitis". Its symptoms are extremely unpleasant

How to lower the temperature: tips

How to lower the temperature: tips

How to lower body temperature during illness? When is the use of drugs appropriate? Is it possible to lower the temperature without pills? How to reduce the temperature of a child and what drugs to use for this?

Effective treatment of Achilles bursitis. Achilles bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Effective treatment of Achilles bursitis. Achilles bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Tendons can be damaged not only by playing professional sports, so almost everyone may need treatment for Achilles bursitis

Lumbar puncture: indications and description of the procedure

Lumbar puncture: indications and description of the procedure

Lumbar puncture is an important diagnostic procedure during which cerebrospinal fluid is collected. To date, this study is the most accurate, as it helps the doctor determine the state of the body, as well as the presence of certain diseases