Drugs 2024, October

What is "Papaverine"? Composition, instructions for use, contraindications

What is "Papaverine"? Composition, instructions for use, contraindications

Of the antispasmodic drugs "Papaverine" is one of the safest drugs used for various pathologies. Under what diseases and why "Papaverine" is prescribed, it will become clear if you understand the mechanism of its action. Like all drugs, this drug is prescribed only by a doctor

How to "get off" from "Naftizina"? Analogue of "Naphthyzinum" without addiction

How to "get off" from "Naftizina"? Analogue of "Naphthyzinum" without addiction

Naftizin nose drops have been used by patients with colds for many years. The use of this drug is addictive, which is a problem. How to “get off” from Naphthyzin, people who are dependent on it often ask otolaryngologists and doctors of other speci alties. Since this topic is very relevant, it deserves consideration

Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscesses: features, causes and treatment

Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscesses: features, causes and treatment

Parapharyngeal and retropharyngeal abscesses, like paratonsillar abscesses, are complications of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx, most often affecting the palatine tonsils. If these dangerous problems occur, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist

Antiviral drugs in Belarus: list, names, reviews

Antiviral drugs in Belarus: list, names, reviews

Antiviral drugs are used quite often in Belarus, which is associated with a high incidence of infectious pathologies, a wide range of similar drugs, good efficacy and tolerability of drugs

Allergy remedy for newborns: a review of the most effective drugs

Allergy remedy for newborns: a review of the most effective drugs

Hypersensitivity reactions in babies of the first month of life occur quite often, which is the reason for a detailed study of this issue in order to understand what allergy remedies for newborns can be used in our time

Ointments for sprains: an overview and description of drugs

Ointments for sprains: an overview and description of drugs

A wide range of ointments are used for injuries of the ligamentous apparatus. First apply cooling and anti-inflammatory dressings. On the third day comes the turn of warming creams

The use of "Piaskledin" for the regulation of metabolism in cartilage tissue. The best analogue of "Piaskledin"

The use of "Piaskledin" for the regulation of metabolism in cartilage tissue. The best analogue of "Piaskledin"

"Piaskledin" is used to activate synthetic processes in cartilage tissue. Increased regeneration and regulation of metabolism contribute to accelerated recovery of joints

Hepatoprotectors. Reviews "Progepar": analogues, application

Hepatoprotectors. Reviews "Progepar": analogues, application

Hepatoprotectors protect liver cells from destruction. As a result of taking such drugs, the development of cirrhosis slows down. A well-known drug of this group is Progepar

"Artelak Splash" - eye drops: instructions, analogues

"Artelak Splash" - eye drops: instructions, analogues

Eye drops are aimed at eliminating discomfort - dryness, hyperemia, swelling. "Artelak Splash" copes well with this task

Why is ethinylestradiol prescribed? What is this hormone?

Why is ethinylestradiol prescribed? What is this hormone?

Ethinylestradiol is often prescribed to women by gynecologists and endocrinologists. This substance is a synthetic analogue of the hormone estradiol, which is normally produced in the body in strictly necessary quantities. Its deficiency and associated clinical manifestations require hormone therapy

Analogues of "Odeston". "Odeston": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Analogues of "Odeston". "Odeston": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Odeston" belongs to the group of choleretic drugs. It is actively used in a number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. What are the features of this drug? What effect does it have and does it have analogues?

Instruction and analogue of "Bactroban". Choice of drugs

Instruction and analogue of "Bactroban". Choice of drugs

Antibacterial drugs require the use under the supervision of the attending physician. What rules should be observed during treatment? What drugs exist and what are their features?

Which analogue of "Buscopan" is cheap and effective? List of analogues of "Buscopan"

Which analogue of "Buscopan" is cheap and effective? List of analogues of "Buscopan"

Anspasmodics are used in a number of pathologies, helping to reduce pain and alleviate the condition. Among them is known "Buscopan", which is available in the form of tablets and candles. What analogues does it have?

Healing ointment for open wounds: choice, description of drugs

Healing ointment for open wounds: choice, description of drugs

Wound healing ointments are used to accelerate regeneration and prevent purulent infections. In addition, they have an anti-inflammatory effect. When are they appointed?

Analogue "ACC" (cheaper): choice, description of the drug, reviews

Analogue "ACC" (cheaper): choice, description of the drug, reviews

Antitussives help thin sputum and improve its secretion. "ACC" and its analogues are effectively used for the treatment of diseases accompanied by a cough reflex

Reviews: "Eltacin". Instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

Reviews: "Eltacin". Instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

"Eltacin" is recommended as an addition to the complex therapy of heart failure. How to use this drug and what are its features?

"Yodantipirin": reviews. Instructions for use, description of the drug

"Yodantipirin": reviews. Instructions for use, description of the drug

"Yodantipirin" (instruction, price are given in the article) - a drug with antiviral and anti-inflammatory activity. Based on clinical trials, experts recommend it for the prevention of viral diseases, and it is better to choose other drugs for treatment

"Karnitsetin": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, reviews

"Karnitsetin": instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues, reviews

In some cases, the nervous system needs help and protection. The additive "Karnitsetin" enhances the transmission of impulses, due to which it is often included in the treatment of neurological diseases

"Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Amantadine" is actively used in the treatment of parkinsonism and influenza A. What are the features of the drug? What are the contraindications and side effects?

Syrup "Marshmallow": composition, properties and instructions for use

Syrup "Marshmallow": composition, properties and instructions for use

Syrup "Marshmallow" can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. After all, such a remedy contains an extract of the root of a medicinal plant and practically does not cause any side effects

Althea cough syrup: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Althea cough syrup: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Althea syrup is a natural medicine used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. The main active ingredient of the drug is famous for its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties

"Vezomni": analogues, instructions for use, indications and reviews

"Vezomni": analogues, instructions for use, indications and reviews

"Vesomni" is a drug that is often prescribed to patients for the relief of unpleasant symptoms that have arisen during the growth of prostate adenoma. The drug contains two active ingredients: solifenacin and tamsulosin. It is thanks to this combination that it is extremely effective

Estrogen-containing drugs: list, formulations, release form

Estrogen-containing drugs: list, formulations, release form

Depending on gender, certain hormones dominate in the human body, with the help of which secondary sexual characteristics are formed. In women, this function is carried out by estrogens. They help the fair half to remain feminine

Spermicidal cream: popular drugs, their action and effectiveness. Barrier contraception

Spermicidal cream: popular drugs, their action and effectiveness. Barrier contraception

Modern means of contraception are varied. They are divided into several groups (non-hormonal, hormonal, emergency, etc.). One of the contraceptives is a spermicidal cream. What is it, how does it work and how effective is it? We will try to find answers to these important questions

Microclyster for constipation. How to make a microclyster?

Microclyster for constipation. How to make a microclyster?

Modern medicine has an abundance of a variety of drugs that are designed to treat certain pathological conditions. At least 30 percent of the population is experiencing stool problems. To correct this pathology, doctors often prescribe pills, syrups and other means. Also, a microclyster for constipation is often used

Ointments for the eye: which are better and how to use

Ointments for the eye: which are better and how to use

Many people are used to the fact that for any eye diseases, the doctor prescribes drops. Of course, this form of drugs is much more convenient in terms of application. But in some cases, prolonged exposure of the drug to the affected area is required

Antipyretics for infants: list, safe action and dosage

Antipyretics for infants: list, safe action and dosage

An increase in body temperature in a child is always a cause for concern for parents. Most often, this indicator indicates a disease, but you should not panic. Antipyretics for infants will help keep the situation with body temperature under control and prevent the development of complications

Ointments for diathesis for a child: an overview of drugs and instructions for use

Ointments for diathesis for a child: an overview of drugs and instructions for use

There are different drugs for diathesis approved for use at a tender age. For a child, ointments developed by modern pharmaceutical enterprises are quite safe. Of course, we are talking only about those intended for the treatment of minors

Sorbifer's analogue is cheap and effective. Analogue of "Sorbifer" for pregnant women

Sorbifer's analogue is cheap and effective. Analogue of "Sorbifer" for pregnant women

Our body needs iron to ensure that the process of oxidation in tissues normally takes place. It is also needed for the formation of hemoglobin. With its lack, iron deficiency anemia can occur. In some cases, iron preparations are prescribed for prophylaxis during pregnancy, during lactation. Anemia can also occur in blood donors

"Clenbuterol": analogues for children and adults

"Clenbuterol": analogues for children and adults

The analogues available for Clenbuterol, however, like the drug itself, are known to few. What are they and for what purpose are they used?

Substitutes and analogues of "Iruksol". Reviews, prices

Substitutes and analogues of "Iruksol". Reviews, prices

In case of damage, the skin loses its ability to protect the body from various infectious agents. Iruksol ointment will help speed up the healing process

Painkiller spray "Frost": instructions. Frost Spray Sports Frost Reviews

Painkiller spray "Frost": instructions. Frost Spray Sports Frost Reviews

Which pain relief spray is the most effective and not very expensive? Few people know the answer to this question

"Acipol": instructions for use, reviews

"Acipol": instructions for use, reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for the drug "Acipol". It is a drug that is able to regulate the balance of microflora in the intestine. The composition of the drug includes: a polysaccharide produced by kefir fungi, and acidophilic lactobacilli, which are antagonists of microorganisms that have a parasitic ability or conditional pathogenicity

Cream-wax "He althy" from hemorrhoids: reviews of doctors

Cream-wax "He althy" from hemorrhoids: reviews of doctors

Every city is filled with offices where thousands of people sit all day long. Such a lifestyle can lead to a problem that is not customary to talk about. Will the cream-wax "He althy" from hemorrhoids help get rid of the disease?

Sodium nitroprusside: instructions for use

Sodium nitroprusside: instructions for use

The drug "Sodium Nitroprusside" refers to fast-acting vasodilators. Its effectiveness is observed quite quickly, so it is necessary to use this tool only with strict indications. Among them are such serious diseases as myocardial infarction, pulmonary edema and complicated hypertensive crisis

Painkillers and alcohol are the consequences of sharing. Powerful non-prescription pain reliever

Painkillers and alcohol are the consequences of sharing. Powerful non-prescription pain reliever

Often in our lives there is a need to combine painkillers and alcohol. For example, taking such drugs can be caused by a headache due to alcohol or pressure surges. Also, pains of various origins occur during the use of alcoholic beverages. Severe spasms can only be eliminated by effective medicines. It must be remembered that mixing alcohol and potent pills is not always safe

Urorek drug. Instructions for use

Urorek drug. Instructions for use

The drug "Urorec" belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of drugs used for disorders in urination caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia. The drug is included in the category of alpha1-adrenergic blockers

"Vikasol": instructions for use during menstruation, composition and reviews

"Vikasol": instructions for use during menstruation, composition and reviews

The drug is a vitamin remedy of synthetic origin, it is recommended to prevent and stop bleeding of various etiologies. May have a reversible effect on the blood coagulation system. It is prescribed against the background of serious liver diseases and in the presence of heavy uterine bleeding, this remedy is often used for menstruation

Ointment "Trichopol": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Ointment "Trichopol": instructions for use, indications, reviews

Among the wide range of different anti-acne remedies, there are effective and not very effective ones, but Trichopol ointment cannot be definitely attributed to useless ones. Many believe that the remedy copes with infectious diseases that are transmitted directly through sexual contact. Yes, of course, it copes, but besides this, the drug also fights pathogens that can parasitize in the human body

Features of the use of tablets "Clomiphene Citrate"

Features of the use of tablets "Clomiphene Citrate"

The drug "Clomiphene Citrate" is an oral estrogen antagonist, part of the group of nonsteroidal drugs. As a result of the use of this drug, the secretion of LH and FSH of the anterior pituitary gland is significantly increased, the maturation and subsequent growth of follicles is stimulated. Due to this effect, Clomiphene Citrate is prescribed, as a rule, to increase the ability to bear children in female patients