Purulent abscess: how and how to treat at home?

Purulent abscess: how and how to treat at home?
Purulent abscess: how and how to treat at home?

The appearance of a purulent abscess is a fairly common phenomenon. For treatment, you can use special medications or use traditional medicine. We will look at the most popular and effective options.

Treatment of an abscess with baked onions

Onions have long been used to treat a problem such as a purulent abscess. The tool is distinguished by its effectiveness and ease of use. There are many ways to bake an onion for therapy.

  • In the oven. Peel the onion, cut it in half and wrap in foil. Bake for about 20 minutes until soft. If you do not have foil on hand, then you can bake a whole onion, but you need to do this longer - at least half an hour. Also, onions can be peeled, cut into thin rings, then laid on a baking sheet, tightened with foil and baked until soft. The resulting mixture is applied to a purulent abscess.
  • In a frying pan. If you do not have an oven, or it is not working, then you can use a regular frying pan. Peel the onion, cut in half, put both halves in the pan. It is important that the pan has enoughthick bottom. Close the pot with a lid and bake on the lowest possible heat for about 10 minutes. If the onion is a little burnt, remove these parts. The rest can be used to treat a purulent abscess.
photo of an onion
photo of an onion
  • In the microwave. For the treatment of an abscess, you can use onions baked in the microwave. Here it reaches softness as quickly as possible - in just five minutes.
  • Boiled onion against an abscess. If you have nowhere to bake onions, then in extreme cases, boiled ones are suitable. To do this, boil a small amount of water. Throw in a pre-peeled onion, cut in half. You need to cook for no more than three minutes. Disassemble the boiled onion halves into scales, remove the film and apply the onion to the abscess. Secure it with a bandage and leave overnight. In the morning, knead the streptocide tablet and cover the affected area, change the bandage. If the wound has only recently formed, then with the help of such treatment you can get rid of a purulent abscess on your finger or any other part of the body in just a day.

Treatment of boils with soap

A fairly popular and incredibly simple option for the treatment of abscesses or ulcers is the use of ordinary soap. It will help even in a very advanced situation, when doctors may even advise amputation due to the risk of gangrene.

The easiest option is to moisten a small piece of bandage, lather it thoroughly with baby soap, leave it on the affected area overnight. Literally after the first procedure, the pus begins to come out, and after a couple of days, the abscess does notthere will be no trace.

man holding his hand
man holding his hand

Ointment from milk with soap against abscesses

Boil 100 ml of milk, add to it the previously grated laundry soap - 1 tablespoon. Make sure your soap is as fresh and freshly made as possible. You need to cook the mixture until it starts to thicken and looks like jelly. After complete cooling, the ointment will become even thicker and will not leak during use. With such a simple ointment, purulent boils on the hands and other parts of the body can be easily cured.

You can also rub the soap, dilute it a little with boiling water, apply the resulting mixture on the abscess and leave overnight. Top with a bandage and a plastic bandage. All the pus will come out in the morning.

Soap + honey + wax

Mix together 50 grams of crushed laundry soap and 150 grams of boiling water. Add about 25 grams of beeswax, a tablespoon of honey and vegetable oil. At the very end, mix the resulting mixture with 50 grams of rye flour. If the wax has not completely dissolved, the ointment must be slightly warmed up. With the help of the remedy, you can easily cure a purulent abscess on the leg and other parts of the body, small abscesses and even mastitis.

Honey in a bowl
Honey in a bowl

Propolis ointment

Take a tablespoon of propolis tincture purchased at the pharmacy, honey, butter. Mix and cook in a water bath until smooth. Wait until the product has cooled down and you can use it. For the treatment of purulent abscessit is enough to apply a little mixture to the affected area and wrap it with a bandage. The folk remedy is perfectly stored in the refrigerator.

Honey cake against boils

First, disinfect the damaged area. To do this, you can use s alt, soda or iodine. Next, a honey cake is used in order to completely draw out the pus. She prepares very simply. Mix half a tablespoon of fresh honey with as much flour as needed to form a small cake. This is about an incomplete dessert spoon. Then attach the cake to the abscess and fix it with a plaster, and on top with a gauze bandage. Keep the cake for about 12 hours.

woman at the doctor
woman at the doctor

Vegetable mix for treating boils

On a fine grater, you need to chop a small carrot, onion, beetroot. Take the same amount of each of the components and mix thoroughly. In the resulting mixture, you need to add a few drops of carrot juice, aloe juice (necessarily perennial), mix everything thoroughly again. Apply a small amount of the resulting remedy to the abscess and fix it with a bandage and plaster.

Means for the rapid maturation of the abscess

To make the abscess ripen faster, it is necessary to grate a pre-baked onion on a fine grater and mix with grated laundry soap. You need to take the components in a ratio of two to one. Attach the resulting slurry to the abscess and fix. The compress is changed every 4 hours.

Plantain and horse sorrel against abscesses

Take the sameamount of plantain leaves and horse sorrel, grind thoroughly. The resulting mixture of herbs is applied to the abscess and fixed with a plaster.

rewound finger
rewound finger

Treatment of St. John's wort

Pour a tablespoon of dry St. John's wort with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Cover the container and wrap it with a thick cloth. Insist for twenty minutes. In the finished, cooled broth, you need to moisten a cotton swab and fix it on the abscess. If time allows, then the affected area can be kept for half an hour in a decoction at room temperature.

Pine resin against purulent abscess

Take a small piece of bandage, apply pine resin evenly on it. The bandage is applied to a purulent abscess for 3-4 hours. In a couple of days, there will be no trace of the abscess.

Man at the doctor
Man at the doctor

Purulent abscess is quite common. But do not worry if you personally encountered this problem. If you know how to treat a purulent abscess on the finger and other parts of the body, you don’t even need to seek help from a specialist. It is enough to choose effective traditional medicine and start using them immediately after you notice the problem.
