"Acipol": instructions for use, reviews

"Acipol": instructions for use, reviews
"Acipol": instructions for use, reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for the drug "Acipol". It is a drug that is able to regulate the balance of microflora in the intestine. The composition of the drug includes: a polysaccharide produced by kefir fungi, and acidophilic lactobacilli, which are antagonists of microorganisms that have a parasitic ability or conditional pathogenicity. Against the background of the use of "Acipol" according to the instructions, its corrective effect on the intestinal microflora is observed, the immunological reactivity of the organism increases.

Image"Acipol" instruction
Image"Acipol" instruction

Pharmacological forms

The manufacturer produces the drug in a single pharmacological form - capsule. The medication should be used orally. Capsules have an oblong shape, inside the gelatin shell is a medicinal powder with a characteristic sour-milk odor and cream color. The capsules are packagedmade from plastic. Each package can contain 10, 20, 30 capsules.

In accordance with the instructions for use, in capsules "Acipol" is the most convenient remedy, compared with other drugs produced in the form of powders, drops, tablets. The shell of the drug is made of gelatin, which allows you to protect its contents from the effects of gastric juice. Thus, it enters the intestines intact and retains its valuable properties. Once in the patient's body, the capsule dissolves under the influence of enzymes, releasing the powder inside.

What else does the instruction to "Acipol" tell us?


The drug belongs to the group of probiotics, under its influence the intestinal microflora is normalized. Against the background of the use of "Acipol", the symptoms of dysbacteriosis, violations of the digestive process are stopped. The drug is equally effective both as an independent therapy and as an element of complex treatment aimed at intestinal infections, food allergies, atopic dermatitis. Thanks to "Acipol", not only the balance of microflora is restored, but also non-specific immunity is enhanced due to its general strengthening effect.

Image "Acipol", instructions for use, reviews
Image "Acipol", instructions for use, reviews


The described effects are due to the right composition. In "Acipol" there are dried lactobacilli, polysaccharides of kefir fungus. The organisms contained in the preparation retain their beneficial properties even after lyophilization, althoughare inactive. Their activation occurs after contact with milk or water. After 5 hours, their full activity is observed.

Polysaccharides are obtained by growing kefir fungus in nutrient media. Then they are inactivated. In this form, they are placed in a capsule shell. Polysaccharides are an excellent breeding ground for lactobacilli.

That is, the composition of "Acipol" includes lactic bacteria necessary for the intestines and at the same time a nutrient medium for them, contributing to their abundant settlement.

As auxiliary ingredients in the preparation are used: gelatin, red iron oxide, titanium dioxide. These components do not have pharmacological activity.

Is Acipol suitable for children? The instructions for use contain such information, we will consider them below.

Pharmacological group

The drug belongs to the group of probiotic preparations. Due to the fact that Acipol also contains a nutrient medium, some experts prefer to refer the drug to the group of synbiotics.

Indications for use

"Acipol" has a wide range of effects, which allows it to be used in the treatment of various abnormalities. The following effects are characteristic of the drug:

instructions for use
instructions for use
  1. Kefir fungus is able to stimulate the immune system, thereby enhancing the maturation of lymphocytes in the spleen and thymus.
  2. The process of digestion of saccharides in the intestine improves, due towith which the medication is often used as an element of complex therapy for lactase deficiency.
  3. Increases resistance to a variety of infectious agents.
  4. Lactobacilli contained in the medicine are involved in the synthesis of B vitamins, which are of particular importance for the he alth of the nervous system and skin.
  5. Regulates acidity in the intestines through the production of lactic acid. As a result, the death of pathogenic microorganisms is observed, dysbacteriosis is eliminated.
  6. The activity of conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic bacteria is inhibited. In some cases, this avoids the need for antibiotics.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use for "Acipol". Reviews about the drug will be discussed further.

Adult patients are often prescribed:

  1. As an element of a comprehensive restorative treatment, if frequent colds, dietary errors, chronic stress are noted.
  2. For allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis.
  3. For respiratory diseases that have a long course and are accompanied by a decrease in the protective functions of the body.
  4. For long-term use of antibiotics.
  5. With diarrhea, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, which are provoked by exposure to opportunistic microorganisms.
  6. In inflammatory processes that have a chronic form and occur in the intestines.
  7. When infected with intestinal infections, including rotavirus, salmonellosis, dysentery.
  8. Whendysbacteriosis of various organs, such as the vagina, respiratory tract, oropharynx, intestines.

According to the instructions, Acipol is shown to children:

  1. For the prevention and treatment of traveler's diarrhea.
  2. For atopic dermatitis and allergic diseases.
  3. As a prophylactic against the side effects that develop on the background of the use of antibiotics.
  4. For intestinal infections, including rotavirus.
Image "Acipol", instructions, reviews
Image "Acipol", instructions, reviews

Contraindications for use

As the instructions for "Acipol" indicate, despite the fact that intolerance to the components that make up the drug is a direct contraindication to its use, such cases are extremely rare. Experts do not recommend taking it to women during periods of exacerbation of candidiasis.


Patients should take the capsules orally, whole, without crushing or chewing. It is necessary to drink water or milk. Experts advise using the capsules before meals, after a break of half an hour.

Adult patients are prescribed three times a day one capsule of the drug. It is recommended to observe approximately equal time intervals between medications.

If the drug is used for the treatment of acute conditions, then the duration of the course of its use can be up to one week. It is necessary to start therapy immediately after the diagnosis is established. This approach will speed up recovery andreduce the severity of the disease.

Image "Acipol", instructions for use
Image "Acipol", instructions for use

If the patient has chronic inflammation, then the duration of the course should be increased to three weeks, in some cases up to three months.

In order to prevent "Acipol" must be taken for 10 days once, in the amount of one capsule. It is allowed to repeat preventive courses several times a year.

It is allowed to use the product in the treatment of children from 3 months. Children under 6 years of age who are unable to swallow the capsule on their own should prepare a solution. To do this, open the capsule shell, remove the contents and add 10 ml of water to it. In addition, the powder can be added to infant formula and food. In the treatment of infants, the simultaneous use of the drug with food is allowed. Children under three years of age should not consume more than 3 capsules per day. Children from three years of age are shown an adult dosage. The frequency of appointments and the duration of therapy can be adjusted by the pediatrician, taking into account the patient's condition.

Special studies on the possibility of using the drug by pregnant women and women during lactation have not been conducted. However, given the fact that the composition of the drug is completely natural, experts allow the use of the drug by this category of patients.

Image "Acipol" capsules, instructions for use
Image "Acipol" capsules, instructions for use

Negative impacts

In accordance with the instructions for "Acipol", asnegative effects against the background of the use of the drug, mild allergic reactions may occur, as well as exacerbation of candidiasis.

It goes well with any medication. However, experts advise to refrain from drinking alcohol for the period of therapy. You should also not take "Acipol" with enterosorbents in parallel.


The most famous analogues of "Acipol" are:

  1. "Bifiform". Clinical and pharmacological analogue of "Acipol". It is in the form of capsules and is approved for use by pregnant women and children from 2 years of age.
  2. "Bifinorm". Pharmacological form - lyophilisate, requiring preliminary dilution in water. The resulting suspension is taken orally. Can be used from birth, pregnant, lactating.
  3. "Acilact". Pharmacological analogue of "Acipol". May be in the form of a lyophilisate, tablets, vaginal suppositories. Can be used by pregnant and lactating women, in the treatment of newborns.
  4. "Bactistatin". Therapeutic analogue of "Acipol". Has a capsule formula, can be used from 6 years. Not allowed for use in the treatment of nursing women, pregnant women.
"Acipol": instructions for use for children
"Acipol": instructions for use for children

If you need to replace the drug with its analogue, you should consult your doctor.

The average cost of a drug in Russian drugstores is at the level of 310 rubles. This, of course, is not indicated in the instructions for Acipol.


There are conflictingdrug reviews. Patients report that the drug is highly effective if it is used on the recommendation of a doctor and as part of complex therapy. Other patients who have used the drug without a prescription report that they did not get a tangible effect.

Separately noted the effectiveness of "Acipol" in dysbacteriosis in pregnant women and indigestion.

The undoubted advantage of the drug is its natural composition and almost complete safety - negative reactions against the background of its use develop extremely rarely, it has few contraindications, does not cause overdoses.

Despite this, the medication should be taken only as prescribed by the doctor and in compliance with all his recommendations.

We reviewed the instructions for use for adults and children for Acipol.
