Ointments for the eye: which are better and how to use

Ointments for the eye: which are better and how to use
Ointments for the eye: which are better and how to use

Many people are used to the fact that for any eye diseases, the doctor prescribes drops. Of course, this form of drugs is much more convenient in terms of application. But in some cases, a long-term effect of the drug on the affected area is required. In this case, the specialist may prescribe ointments for the eye. For many, this form of the drug is not entirely convenient, but the effectiveness of therapy does not deteriorate from this.

ointment for the eye
ointment for the eye

Eye ointments for children: advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of eye medicines in the form of ointments is the prolongation of their action. In addition, you can apply the drug to the affected area before going to bed. This allows you to increase the time of drug exposure.

Of course, eye ointments are as effective as drops. However, these drugs also have disadvantages, including:

  1. The main component of eye ointments is absorbed much more slowly than the one that is part of the drops.
  2. It is not always justified and desirable such a pronounced effect of a similar form of a drug.
  3. If the eyes are very festering, then it is very difficult to apply the ointment in such situations.
  4. Often the shaping components of the drug are a nutrient medium for the development of various microorganisms. As a result, a secondary infection may develop.
  5. ointment around the eyes
    ointment around the eyes

Popular drugs

As a rule, ointments for the eye are prescribed not so often. Much depends on the nature of the disease. Also, do not forget that some drugs are contraindicated in children. Therefore, you should not use this or that drug on your own. This can only aggravate the condition of the child. Before using the ointment for the eye, you should consult with specialists. Most often, doctors prescribe the following medicines to young patients:

  1. "Floksal" - this ointment around the eyes is prescribed mainly for the treatment of certain diseases in newborns. Such ailments include blepharitis, dacryocystitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis, "styes", ulcers on the cornea, as well as infections that were caused by chlamydia.
  2. Kolbiocin is an eye ointment with an antibacterial effect. The composition is prescribed for eye diseases caused by rickettsia, microplasma, spirochete, amoeba, chlamydia. Often the drug is used for catarrhal, trachoma and purulent conjunctivitis. Contraindicated in children under 8 years of age, as well as pregnant women.
  3. "Solcoseryl" - these drugs are usually prescribed for the treatment of certain eye diseases in children older than a year. However, use this medicin althe remedy is worth it only in extreme cases. In some cases, complications may develop. Use this eye ointment only if the risk is justified.
  4. "Tobrex" is an antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action. The drug is usually used for various eye infections, for example, with endophthalmitis, keratitis, barley, conjunctivitis. Can be used to treat ailments in children from 2 months of age.
  5. At the moment, a lot of different formulations are being produced for the treatment of various diseases. The list of eye ointments for children can be replenished with such drugs as Zovirax, Virolex, Acyclovir, Chloramphenicol, Gentamicin and so on.
eye ointments for children
eye ointments for children

Erythromycin and tetracycline ointment

Erythromycin or tetracycline eye ointment are drugs that allow you to remove "barley" from the eyes. If the disease manifested itself externally, then the drug is applied to the skin above the place where the disease is localized. There are also limitations in the use of such ointments. For example, tetracycline should not be used by children under eight years of age. This is primarily due to the fact that the drug increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation. In addition, long-term use can lead to staining of tooth enamel in a dark yellow color. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to restore whiteness. Most often, this phenomenon is observed precisely during the period of teething and their further growth.

How similardrugs?

Eye ointment should be used carefully so as not to harm the child. Before using any drug, you should carefully study the instructions. This will avoid negative consequences. In addition, it is necessary to follow all the rules of application. So, how to use eye ointment:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly first.
  2. After this, the child must be put in such a way that he is as comfortable as possible.
  3. It is advisable to explain to the baby what you are going to do. In this case, the child will not be afraid and the procedure will pass without whims and tears.
  4. If the child is breastfeeding, then it is worth wrapping it so that it cannot swing its arms freely. It is much more difficult with children aged 1 to 3 years. In this case, outside help may be required.
  5. ointment under the eye
    ointment under the eye

How to apply ointment?

Apply ointment under the eye and only on the outside. First you need to slightly pull the lower eyelid, and then put the composition on the skin. Start from the inner corner of the eye.

To improve the effect when using certain drugs, you need to close your eyes and turn the pupils in different directions. Typically, such requirements are indicated in the instructions.

Do not forget that the use of ointments is prescribed only by a doctor. It is not recommended to use them on your own.
