Ultrasonic inhaler: application

Ultrasonic inhaler: application
Ultrasonic inhaler: application

Ultrasonic inhaler is a device that allows you to spray medicines in the form of a fine aerosol. When inhaled, the medicine is able to penetrate into the most inaccessible parts of the lungs.

ultrasonic inhaler
ultrasonic inhaler

Working principle

Ultrasonic inhalers break up liquid by vibrating the emitter plate. The particle size at the same time reaches 5 microns, due to which the drug penetrates into the small bronchi, providing a therapeutic effect on the inflammatory process. The surface area of the bronchial mucosa (including bronchioles) is about 8 square meters, and more than 30 ml of the drug is required for successful treatment.

The ultrasonic inhaler is capable within 15 min. develop high performance and inject the required volume of solution into the respiratory tract. For treatment, decoctions of various medicinal herbs or an alkaline solution of degassed water such as Borjomi are usually used.

The advantage of the device is its lightness and small size. Some models are equipped with additional masks and nozzles that allow inhalation to a sleeping or lying patient. The ultrasonic inhaler during operation createsa whole cloud of fine liquid, resembling smoke or a cloud. The child can not bring his face close to the mouthpiece, it is enough to place the device near the crib and turn it on. Of course, the effectiveness of the procedure is somewhat reduced.

ultrasonic inhalers
ultrasonic inhalers

Ingestion of drugs often causes allergic, metabolic, toxic and other disorders, as it affects all organs. And medicinal aerosols have a local effect directly in the pathological focus.

Contraindications to the procedure are the following diseases: bullous emphysema, heart and respiratory failure, hypertension (crisis), bleeding from the lungs, individual intolerance to the drug.

Ultrasonic inhaler. How to choose?

When choosing a device, you need to focus on:

- design features of the device;

- productivity;

- size of aerosol dispersion particles.

inhaler ultrasonic rotor
inhaler ultrasonic rotor

The ultrasonic inhaler has such an important characteristic as the dispersion of the particles of the medicinal solution for spraying. If, when choosing a device, you found in the instructions that larger particles are generated during operation, then it is better to refuse to buy it. Ideally, the aerosol generated by the inhaler should be monodisperse with a small particle size variation in the range of 5-10 microns. The dispersity index of aerosol particles of a larger spread, for example, 5-30 microns, indicateslow quality and reliability of the device.

The ultrasonic inhaler "Rotor" has proven itself well. This is a medical device that is used as an individual device. It is intended for the treatment of respiratory organs with aerosols with water- and alcohol-soluble drugs (including those containing vegetable oils - sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, mint, rosehip and others). The ultrasonic inhaler is used both in medical institutions and at home.
