3% Hydrogen Peroxide: All Uses

3% Hydrogen Peroxide: All Uses
3% Hydrogen Peroxide: All Uses

Surely almost everyone is familiar with such a drug as 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is in every pharmacy, available for any wallet. Of course, women who bleach their hair do not need to be told about it, they are just very familiar with this amazing liquid. Outwardly, it is nothing special. Transparent, slightly viscous, only slightly blue in large volumes. Characteristically, 3% hydrogen peroxide is colorless and odorless. She has many different names - this is perhydrol, and hydroperite, and she is also called hyperon and laperol, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is about one and a half times heavier than water and mixes with it in a variety of proportions, which allows the production of formulations of various concentrations.

3 percent hydrogen peroxide
3 percent hydrogen peroxide

Short description

Soon 3% hydrogen peroxide will celebrate its second century. It was first received by a French chemist in 1818, and since 1908 the first mass production was launched. Today, the substance is used in dozens of differentindustries. It is successfully used in the household for bleaching linen and as an excellent antiseptic. In more specific applications, peroxide can serve as a fuel for oxygen production or as an oxidizer in rocket engines. More concentrated solutions are successfully used for disinfection of premises. However, this does not end the list of areas in which 3% hydrogen peroxide is used. Today, it is gaining its place in medicine, and is used not only to treat wounds and abrasions (this property of the drug has long been known): no matter how crazy it may sound, but they drink it to improve the body.

Peroxide properties

In fact, this is not an element alien to our body at all. The fact is that peroxide is in every living organism, and rarely any processes proceed without its participation. It is an excellent antiseptic and also an antioxidant. Such an affordable remedy as 3% hydrogen peroxide takes part in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, fights radicals, destroys toxic substances in the body, and also destroys any infection that has entered it.

Every mother knows what children's games in the yard are and how they end. It is rare that a baby will do without broken knees, abrasions and scratches. And in this case, 3 percent hydrogen peroxide will help out best. Today we want to tell you more about this great tool so that you can choose for yourself how you will use it.

how to make 3% peroxidehydrogen
how to make 3% peroxidehydrogen

External use

This is the most efficient and safe method of use. Indeed, hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) is sold in every pharmacy, and we all remember it from childhood. Transparent water that hisses on contact with blood - this is it. In medicine, it is used to treat injuries, cuts, scratches and other violations of the integrity of the skin. At the same time, do not forget that you first need to clean the wound from dust and dirt, for example, rinse it under running water, and then pour it with peroxide. However, keep in mind that in this way you can only achieve surface disinfection, mechanical cleansing of wounds from the smallest particles of dirt. But with deep injuries and severe bleeding, peroxide cannot be used. In addition, this drug is also suitable for external use in the form of compresses, which should be applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours.

Instead of vaccination for your children

Today, many parents are faced with the problem of choice: should the child be vaccinated or not? Especially often mothers of tomboys think about this, for whom the day is not like without them not peeling off their knees. Well, if it's just about asph alt, but what if it's about a rusty fence? But you can also step on a nail, God forbid, of course. In this case, there is a high risk of contracting tetanus. However, if you decide that the vaccine is too dangerous for your child, then you need hydrogen peroxide (3%, of course). Take the bottle with you everywhere - to the country house, to the park, to nature or just to the yard. Any fall, rusty nail or other problemthis sort of thing is easy to do. Let the blood flow out of the wound a little and fill it with hydrogen peroxide. Numerous bubbles will push out the dirt, and with it the infection.

hydrogen heresy 3 percent application
hydrogen heresy 3 percent application


It turns out that 3% hydrogen peroxide also helps in this case. The use of the drug is due to its hemostatic properties. Any vessel under the influence of peroxide thromboses very quickly, and as a result, the blood stops flowing. In doing so, the following should be done. Twist the gauze rollers, soak them in peroxide and insert them into the nasal passages. Any doctor will tell you that this remedy is very effective, but you must be aware that it does not cure, but only relieves symptoms. Although this can be very important, especially if the nosebleed caught you, as they say, by surprise. Checked: hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) helps better than all drugs in this situation. Its use is especially justified if this happened, for example, at work, and you do not have the opportunity to lie down with your head thrown back for some time on the couch. Peroxide will stop bleeding in half a minute.

Women's beauty. Part One: Manicure

It would seem, what does ordinary peroxide have to do with beauty? It turns out the most direct. First I would like to talk about manicure. In modern realities, it is not too cheap, and a real lady should look 100%. Well-groomed hands are the first thing that catches the eye. Simple 3% hydrogen peroxide will help you. How to use it in our case,let's talk in more detail. The fact is that it can act as an excellent softener for the cuticle. With regular use of this tool, you can go to the salon (to get a manicure) no more than once a month. Use peroxide in between. Just put liquid on the nail, wait 5-7 minutes and use a spatula to move and scrape off all the excess. Now the nail is neat.

3 percent hydrogen peroxide how to use
3 percent hydrogen peroxide how to use

Part Two: Pedicure

By analogy, you can act with toenails, because in summer it is extremely important that neat toes look out of sandals. Due to what does 3% hydrogen peroxide have such an effect on the skin? Its composition is quite simple: 3% peroxide and 97% water. The chemical formula is H2O2. This compound is an oxidizing and reducing agent, as well as a catalyst. This substance allows you to somewhat soften the tissue, which we use to perform the manicure procedure. What to do with rough heels? Can you clean them up with peroxide? Actually it is possible. To do this, it is recommended to pour a vial of peroxide into the bottom of a cup or small basin, add a little water and lower your feet there. You need to hold it for a long time, about 20 minutes. Now you can clean off the rough skin with a file, wipe it dry and complete the procedure with polishing and a greasy cream. There is another option: soak socks in a peroxide solution and put them on, and on top - a plastic bag. This is a complete analogue of Chinese pedicure socks. Cheap and cheerful.

3 percent hydrogen peroxide composition
3 percent hydrogen peroxide composition

Part three: hair (bleaching)

It's far from news that every woman knows how to become a blonde. Hydrogen peroxide has an oxidizing effect on the hair pigment. As a result of such exposure, the latter turns into a colorless substance. Moreover, the longer the peroxide acts on the pigment, the greater part of it becomes discolored. By leaving the solution on your head for a certain period of time, you can almost completely bleach your hair (get a platinum color). But applying the composition for a short time is not recommended, since clarification will not have time to occur, and you will spoil the structure itself, since perhydrol will open the hair scales.

Now let's talk a little about how to prepare a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. There is nothing easier. Of course, you can buy the drug at a pharmacy, or you can buy 30% perhydrol, which is what they use in hairdressing salons. However, specifically for lightening hair, 3% is too little. The process will take a long time, and you will dry out the strands. Therefore, they take a 6- or 12-percent remedy. The thinner and weaker the hair, the less concentration is needed. Conversely, dark, thick hair requires the use of a 12% solution. The desired concentration of the solution is easy to calculate. You will need to pour as many cubic centimeters of 30% perhydrol into the beaker as the percentage of peroxide you want to get, and then add water to 30 cm 2.

how to make a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
how to make a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Part Four: Waxing

And3% hydrogen peroxide can help here. Each of us has fluff on our hands. And if it interferes a lot in the summer, when you take off your winter outfits and put on short dresses, try this tool. This recipe is especially useful for owners of dark hair. Take ordinary peroxide and mix it with a few drops of ammonia. Now apply with a brush to the hair, being careful not to touch the skin too much. It will be possible to walk like this for 15-20 minutes, although more is possible. Now wash off the composition and smear the skin with cream. Now the hairs will become much lighter, and if you perform this procedure every day in preparation for the summer season, they will begin to break off, become weak and thin, which is good for you. We have already discussed how to make a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. This is in case you are on the edge of civilization and it is impossible to buy a solution. You can use hydrogen peroxide tablets for this recipe. For your information, 1 tablet corresponds to 15 ml of 3% peroxide, that is, add the right amount of water, stir and you're done.

Treating bruises

Probably everyone has such a nuisance as a bruise, and even in a conspicuous place. To quickly bring it to naught, you need 3% hydrogen peroxide (there is a photo of the drug on the page). To eliminate the consequences of an unsuccessful fall, you will need a badyaga and perhydrol. We mix badyagi powder with peroxide and put it on a sore spot. As a result, it will pinch, then the area will turn red, but the bruise almost instantly turns yellow, and then completely disappears.

treatment with 3% hydrogen peroxide
treatment with 3% hydrogen peroxide

Effective stain remover

Children's things with stains are a trouble that is familiar to many mothers. Now you have an effective tool to deal with them. You will need 3% hydrogen peroxide. The instructions are simple: you need to mix 4 tablespoons of peroxide, a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and two tablespoons of baking soda. Apply this composition to the stain and leave for several hours, then wash as usual. The second option is to soak light-colored laundry with one tablespoon of peroxide before the main wash, and no Vanish is required.

If the stains are removed but the smell remains

Indeed, all pet lovers face this from time to time. The cat suddenly begins to mark your curtains, carpets, doors… Time passes, it has already been washed, and more than once, the marked place, but the smell lingers. Again, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution will help you. First of all, you need to apply a solution of vinegar (1/3 with water), let it dry completely. After that, you need to properly sprinkle with baking soda. The final touch remains: pour a 3% peroxide vial into the sprayer, add a little water and liquid soap and treat the surface well. After a couple of hours, the remaining soda can be washed off, the smell will go away.

3% hydrogen peroxide solution
3% hydrogen peroxide solution

Peroxide treatment

However, the use in everyday life is only a small part of the whole variety of methods for using this tool. In some cases, 3%hydrogen peroxide. True, such methods belong to alternative medicine. It is probably impossible to list all the sores that are trying to be treated today with the help of this affordable remedy. However, we would like to cool the ardor of the reader. This is not a panacea at all! Be sure to consult with your doctor, despite the fact that Professor Neumyvakin recommends using it for everyone - both sick and he althy - throughout their lives. Treatment should begin with 1 drop of a three percent peroxide solution per tablespoon of water. The reception is repeated three times a day. The dose is increased drop by drop per day until it reaches 10 drops. Then a break is made for 5 days, after which you can start the course with 10 drops at a time.

Doctors' opinion

In fact, experts disapprove of such therapy. There are a great many folk recipes, and people continue to get sick. However, doctors confirm that with angina, the condition can be significantly alleviated by gargling with a peroxide solution. You will need 1 tablespoon of the composition in a glass of warm water. After this procedure, rinse your mouth well with plain water. The same solution can be instilled into the nose. It helps especially well if you add a couple of drops of eucalyptus essential oil to it. Simple and very inexpensive.

But traditional medicine recommends using peroxide to treat sinusitis. It is necessary to dissolve 15 drops of a 3% solution in a tablespoon of water and drop it with a pipette into each nostril. Then blow your nose thoroughly.

hydrogen peroxide 3 percent instruction
hydrogen peroxide 3 percent instruction


Indeed, such use is practiced, but only in the toxicology department of the hospital. At home, do not try to repeat. The procedure is necessary to increase the speed of metabolic processes several times. In addition, when H2O2 decays, atomic oxygen is formed, which destroys any pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, serious intoxication of the body can develop, which leads to an increase in body temperature, so serious monitoring of the patient's condition is needed.

Folk tips for treating diseases with peroxide

We won't go into how to make 3% hydrogen peroxide again. This has already been described above. We only recall that all these prescriptions must be agreed with the attending physician. Bruises are treated with peroxide compresses. To do this, it is enough to moisten a swab with a 3% solution and apply for a quarter of an hour (if there are no open wounds).

Note to young mothers: peroxide is good for treating chickenpox. This is an acute infectious disease that occurs with rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. They should be lubricated and the mouth rinsed. But for older people, a prescription for the treatment of varicose veins is very useful. To do this, you can wipe the limbs daily with peroxide, a more radical option implies the need for intravenous administration of the solution. At the same time, atomic oxygen cleanses the walls of blood vessels and clears congestion, especially in the area of specific nodes.

Toothache and bleeding gums are also treated with great success with peroxidehydrogen. To do this, you will need to dissolve 2 hydroperite tablets in ½ cup of water. Rinse your mouth with this solution for as long as possible. Then you can spit it out, take a break and repeat the procedure a few more times. This is an extremely effective tool, although it will not save you from going to the dentist. By the way, there are recommendations to brush your teeth with a mixture of 1/7 teaspoon of soda and 10 drops of 3% peroxide. After this treatment, you should not eat or drink for another ten minutes.

Traditional medicine strongly recommends dripping peroxide into the ear. This is a great way to cleanse the auricle and dissolve sulfuric plugs, and it also helps to get rid of otitis media. If you perform this simple operation regularly, it will be an excellent prevention of inflammation of the ears. If you are using the drug for the first time, then the concentration should be small, about 0.3%. To do this, dilute 15 drops of peroxide in a tablespoon of water. Subsequent times, you can use a 1% or 2% solution.

hydrogen peroxide 3 percent
hydrogen peroxide 3 percent

The last thing we will consider today is the treatment of skin rashes, boils with peroxide. The tool is very effective, so you can resort to it as needed. In order to relieve inflammation and cure an abscess, it is necessary to make lotions. To do this, dissolve 2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water, and then moisten a napkin and apply to sore spots for 10-20 minutes. With abundant rashes and large areas of damage, it is necessary to take antibiotics in parallel to prevent the spread of infectioninside the body.


Surely you did not expect that the usual 3% peroxide would turn out to be so versatile in use. How to apply it, now you know. Finally, I would like to give a couple of tips. Do not exceed the indicated dosages and proportions. Even when used externally, a concentrated solution can cause burns. It is much better to do more treatments with a lower dosage. But the use of hydrogen peroxide inside is generally an open question. All the arguments that Professor Neumyvakin cites in defense of this method of treatment are considered controversial by official medicine. Therefore, you should not risk your he alth and drink peroxide without first consulting with your doctor. However, in the household it should always be, because every day this tool can be very useful to you. In this case, it is not necessary to buy a solution - the tablets are stored much longer, and you can dilute them at any time.

So, we discussed what 3% hydrogen peroxide is, how to use it in practice. Let's hope that for medicinal purposes it will not be useful to you. Stay he althy!
