Healing ointment for open wounds: choice, description of drugs

Healing ointment for open wounds: choice, description of drugs
Healing ointment for open wounds: choice, description of drugs

Open wounds require not only surgical treatment, but also special treatment with antibacterial drugs. For a local effect, ointments are prescribed that will reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process, accelerate healing and have a preventive effect. Such drugs are used not only for the treatment of wounds. The range of their application is quite extensive and includes purulent processes, skin diseases and even minor injuries of the epithelial cover.

Wounds: help and treatment

Damage to the integrity of the skin may be accompanied by bleeding. To stop it, you can perform tamponade or perform a tight bandage. If bleeding occurs from the main vessels - arteries or veins, a tourniquet is required. Then the victim is sent to a medical institution where the wound is treated surgically. It consists in excising the edges and aligning the walls for subsequent suturing. It is carried out with a scalpel after mandatory local anesthesia. It is possible to sew up a wound only if there is no purulent inflammation. To speed up regeneration, a special healing ointment is prescribed for open wounds.

antibiotic ointments forrun
antibiotic ointments forrun

Purulent, stale wounds require a different approach. Surgical treatment is also necessary, but the focus is not sutured - the wound heals by secondary intention. To prevent the generalization of infection, the use of systemic antibiotics (by mouth or in the form of injections) and ointments that accelerate healing is mandatory.

ointment for wound healing
ointment for wound healing

Minor injuries do not require special treatment. The use of ointments is necessary to prevent infection. Such injuries heal much faster and do not cause serious complications.


This name was given to a purulent-necrotic lesion that affects the hair follicles, as well as the tissue surrounding them. The etiological factor is staphylococci. A node is formed in the affected area. Predisposing factors are chronic infections in the body, intoxication, as well as diabetes mellitus and hypovitaminosis. Treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a dermatologist. For this, special ointments are used. During the period of therapy, it is better to limit water procedures, this will allow you to say goodbye to the disease faster. Personal hygiene plays an important role - regular rubbing of the skin is necessary. If an abscessing course of the disease is noted, surgical opening of the boil is necessary. It is performed under local anesthesia.

Levomekol indications for use
Levomekol indications for use

Trophic ulcer

It is a defect that forms in the mucous membrane or on the skin. Its appearance leads to a violation of the blood supply and innervation of any area andsubsequent injury. A pathological defect can complicate a number of diseases. Such lesions, localized on the skin, are treated with special ointments that have a wound healing effect. Additional antibacterial action will ensure the prevention of infection. Healing ointment for open wounds is very effective in this situation.

ointment for purulent wounds
ointment for purulent wounds


The drug is available in the form of liniment and cream. It enhances regeneration processes, and also has an antiseptic effect. It is based on glycolan, water, ethyl carbitol, triethylene glycol and glycerin, which provide the properties of the liniment and give it the necessary consistency. This healing ointment for open wounds is effective in surgery.

How does the drug work?

Among the main effects of Eplan are wound healing, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. In addition, the drug is soft in relation to the skin. It not only does not dry or irritate the skin, but also makes it moisturized. The bactericidal action prevents the development and reproduction of bacteria in the wound, contributes to their death. The antiseptic effect prevents such a formidable complication as purulent inflammation, which can develop in an infected wound. "Eplan" also prevents the passage of bacterial cells into the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and this reduces the formation of pustules on the skin. In addition to this, there is an anti-inflammatory effect, due to which pain sensations are dulled, swelling and itching are reduced. Liniment and cream contributeacceleration of regeneration processes, which significantly reduces the time of wound healing. The death of superficial cells is suspended, as a result of which a traumatic crust does not form on the surface of the wound.

When applied?

Among the indications for use, not only open wounds, but also other lesions are distinguished:

  • pustules on the skin;
  • microbial eczema;
  • burns;
  • psoriasis;
  • bedsores and trophic ulcers;
  • pyoderma - defeat by streptococci and staphylococci;
  • insect bites;
  • itch;
  • disinfection use.

You can call "Eplan" a universal tool. It is suitable for almost all skin lesions, especially when there is a risk of infection of the wound with bacteria. The use of liniment is possible without consulting a doctor, but if the lesion is extensive, you should not rely on the drug, you should consult a specialist.

Instruction for the drug "Eplan", price

The drug is used only for topical application, and its action begins immediately after application to the desired area. The therapeutic effect persists for a long time - 6-8 hours, after which it is necessary to re-apply the cream or liniment. Ointment on the wound for healing is used for a long time - until the skin condition is completely restored. Before application, the surface of the wound should be cleaned by removing the exudate. Cream or liniment is applied in a generous layer. If the drug is used to treat acne, it is applied at night in a thin layer on cleansed, dry skin. Liniment canuse as a protective agent. It is applied to the skin before going out into the cold or in contact with chemicals. For disinfection, it is applied to the skin of the face and hands several times a day. This is expedient in case of exacerbation of the sanitary and epidemiological situation. Experts often appoint "Eplan". Its price is 80-120 rubles.

healing ointment for open wounds
healing ointment for open wounds


The drug is generally well tolerated with few side effects. Among them, only an allergic reaction to any component is possible. It is manifested by skin rash and itching. If such symptoms are observed, use should be discontinued. For prevention, it is recommended to apply liniment to a small area of skin for the first time. The application is continued if there is no hyperemia and itching in this area.

ointment for wound healing
ointment for wound healing


Ointment for purulent wounds has long established itself as a wound healing agent. It is classified as an antibiotic, but other effects are also observed. It is this ointment that surgeons often prescribe to prevent the formation of a purulent process in the wound. The composition contains chloramphenicol, which contributes to the destruction of bacteria, and methyluracil, which accelerates the healing process. Additional components are responsible for giving the drug the desired consistency. Ointment "Levomekol" (indications for use - below) should have a uniform, medium-thick structure, which simplifies its application to the skin. The color is white, a yellow tint is allowed. The drug works againstbacteria such as staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. An additional effect is the removal of puffiness, which is explained by the elimination of excess fluid. In addition, there is an immunostimulating effect due to an increase in the body's production of interferon. The components of the ointment penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, do not damage cell membranes and do not have an irritating effect.

Levomekol: indications for use

Most often, the ointment is prescribed by surgeons for the treatment of purulent wounds. A wide antibacterial spectrum and anti-inflammatory action allow you to quickly stabilize the process. Thus, the wound is cleansed of exudate and necrotic masses, which subsequently creates favorable conditions for healing. Other indications are boils, trophic ulcers, burns (mainly 2nd and 3rd degree). As a preventive measure, it is recommended to apply the ointment to cuts, calluses, stitches, eczema and bedsores.

eplan price
eplan price


Ointment does not have any serious contraindications. It should not be used only in the presence of allergic reactions to the components. This makes the drug universal in the field of purulent surgery and not only. It is acceptable to use this antibiotic ointment for wounds during pregnancy and lactation, as it is little absorbed into the systemic circulation, exerting its effect locally.


Healing ointment for open wounds is applied topically and externally, and it should be applied in a thin layer to the affected areas. After that, sterile gauze is applied to the lubricated area andfixed with a bandage. This is how the treatment is carried out twice a day until complete healing.

Pharmacy wound healing ointments are necessary preparations to accelerate the regeneration of open wounds and prevent their infection. They also actively treat purulent processes localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. In case of serious lesions, it is not recommended to use the ointment for the treatment of wounds on its own, since there may be a need for additional surgical treatment. It is better to consult a specialist than to increase the risk of infectious and inflammatory complications.
