Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews
Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans: photo, causes, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Demodicosis of the eyelids is a parasitic disease. It occurs as a result of the vital activity of a certain type of tick. This pathogen belongs to the genus Demodex. This pathology has another name, so to speak, folk - acne iron. Let's look at the causes of this disease, its symptoms and treatments.

The causative agent of demodicosis of the eyelids
The causative agent of demodicosis of the eyelids

A few words about the pathogen

The tick that causes demodicosis of the eyelids (in the photo you can see what this parasite looks like under a microscope) is very small. It can only be seen with the help of special equipment. It grows in length from approximately 0.2 to 0.5 mm. It reproduces in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Dead skin cells are food for these parasites.

Demodex mite under a microscope
Demodex mite under a microscope

It is worth noting that the demodex mite is present in the body of every person. In certain quantities, this is considered normal. It does not cause anypathologies, as it is an opportunistic pathogen. Intensive development of the parasite can provoke a decrease in immunity. Also, pathology appears during chronic diseases.

In medicine, several forms of demodicosis are diagnosed: blepharoconjunctivitis, seborrhea, rosacea and blepharitis. It is important to understand that when the first symptoms are detected, it is necessary to start treatment without delay. The fact is that demodex waste products can provoke severe allergies.

How to treat demodicosis of the eyelids
How to treat demodicosis of the eyelids

What provokes pathology?

Demodicosis of the eyelids in humans occurs when the opportunistic form of the tick passes into the pathogenic one. This can be provoked by diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also at risk are teenagers in puberty.

Anomalous activity of ticks is caused by the environmental climate. Their reproduction is facilitated by high air temperatures and humidity levels. It is better for the patient to refuse to visit the bath, sauna, as this will contribute to the rapid development of pathology. During the summer season, it is recommended not to stay in hot rooms for a long time.

Ticks of the genus Demodex
Ticks of the genus Demodex

How is the disease transmitted?

Demodicosis of the eyelids is a contagious disease, so it is recommended to isolate the patient. Currently, medicine knows many sources that can cause the development of pathology. These include:

  • Poor-quality processing of bed linen. The risk of infection is increased in people who oftentravel by train or stay in hotels.
  • Cosmetics of an already sick person. There may be a parasite on the brush with which mascara is applied to the eyelashes. Also sourced are pencils and eyeshadows.
  • Personal hygiene tools. In most cases, infection occurs in salons where disinfection is not carried out correctly.
  • People with this disease. Infection occurs through contact with them.
  • Infected pets.

Demodicosis eyelid: symptoms

In most cases, the first symptom of demodicosis is inflammation of the skin of the eyelid. In some cases, the pathological process begins to grow, capturing the eyeball. If the lesion is concentrated on him, then doctors will diagnose blepharoconjunctivitis.

The patient should pay attention to the fact that the exacerbation of the disease is seasonal. In most cases, it is activated in the summer or spring seasons.

Other symptoms may also appear. Demodicosis of the eyelids (treatment will be discussed a little later) is characterized by severe itching. Its intensity increases if a cream or other cosmetics is applied to the affected area. Some of them contribute to the development of the tick. In addition to itching, the skin on the eyelid turns red, swelling appears. With this disease, eyelashes can fall out, barley, peeling and even purulent crusts appear. Often the patient may feel a strong burning sensation. When the eyeball is affected, photophobia and increased lacrimation also develop.

One morea symptom is discharge from the eye in the form of a yellow liquid. After some time, pustules begin to form around the eyelid. They are small bubbles, inside of which there is a capsule with pus. When it bursts, crusts form on the eyelashes. This is especially noticeable in the morning, as patients talk about in their reviews. Demodicosis of the eyelids requires immediate treatment. The fact is that the waste products of the parasite can cause allergies. And if in one person it manifests itself only as a rash, then in others it can cause serious complications.

It is important to carefully monitor your he alth and go to the doctor at the first symptoms. Why is it not recommended to tighten? The fact is that demodicosis of the eyelids in humans can go into a chronic form. Treatment, started in a timely manner, will avoid unpleasant consequences. In the chronic form, the disease is manifested by depression, nervous disorders, weakness, decreased activity. In some cases, a person falls into a prolonged depression.

Yellow streaks on eyelashes
Yellow streaks on eyelashes


Only an ophthalmologist is involved in making a diagnosis. In order to determine the demodicosis of the eyelids, as a rule, a simple examination is sufficient. The specialist draws attention to the symptoms, which are expressed by the formation of crusts, redness and swelling of the eye. In most cases, an additional examination is not necessary. Diagnosis of this disease is quite simple.

In order to determine the pathogen, the doctor uses a microscope. Thanks to the greatincrease, a small tick will be clearly visible. How is the parasite detected?

  • The eyelashes of a sick person are used as a material. Take them from both eyelids.
  • Place them on a glass slide.
  • With the help of a glycerin composition with the addition of water, the eyelashes are fixed.
  • Then covered with glass and placed under a microscope magnifying glass.
  • Research is carried out in transmitted light.

After the laboratory assistant determined the number of ticks (deviation from the norm - two or more individuals), the diagnosis is confirmed. Based on this information, the doctor selects the treatment for demodicosis of the eyelids.

Diagnosis doesn't take long. In most clinics, it is carried out immediately, so the patient will know the result already at the first appointment.

Diagnosis of demodicosis of the eyelids
Diagnosis of demodicosis of the eyelids


If it is easy to diagnose this disease, then it is much more difficult to treat it. Sometimes the struggle can drag on for several months. To achieve a complete recovery, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations exactly. If someone thinks that you can take one pill and everything will pass, then he is greatly mistaken. This disease can be overcome only by complex therapeutic methods.

So, how to treat demodicosis of the eyelids? First of all, you need to stop the infection. At the same time, the doctor prescribes drugs that will help improve metabolism, strengthen the immune system and eliminate the consequences caused by hormonal disorders. Also, during treatment, drugs are used that removeinflammatory process in the skin of the eyelids.

As a rule, eye drops, special creams and ointments are prescribed to combat demodicosis. In addition, it is important to follow a diet and rules of personal hygiene. During therapy, all actions should be aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology, that is, neutralizing the action of the tick.

In order to strengthen the body, you will need to take immunomodulating agents. They will be effective if the treatment is supplemented with the intake of vitamin complexes. Also, the doctor must prescribe special drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive tract. At the beginning of treatment, you will have to drink a course of anthelmintic and antiallergic drugs.

Medicines for treatment
Medicines for treatment


Let's look at the medications that are used to treat demodicosis of the eyelids in humans. For these purposes, drugs such as Demalan, Blefarogel are most often used. The metronidazole gel is also quite effective. For procedures, one or two percent composition is used.

Most doctors prefer Blefarogel. A positive result is achieved due to the fact that this drug contains sulfur. In addition to the main action (the elimination of mites), it cleans the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Hyaluronic acid, which is also present in Blefarogel, accelerates the regeneration of the skin, promotes healing and strengthens the immune system.

Complex therapy includes taking antihistamines. Of all the available ones, it is worth highlighting "Lekrolin" and "Diazolin". ATFor preventive purposes, medicines that prevent the development of bacteria are perfect. This group includes Tetracycline, Albucid, Okomistin and others.


Demodicosis of the eyelids is a disease in which doctors often prescribe ointments for treatment. It is not recommended to select them on your own, it is better to consult with a specialist. As an introduction, some of the drugs used to treat pathology will be presented below. The reviews say that they are the most effective.

  • Sulfur ointment. This type of tick responds well to preparations that contain sulfur. Thanks to the balanced composition of this ointment, it is possible not only to destroy parasites, but also to accelerate skin regeneration, as well as to disinfect damaged areas. Such an effective drug is inexpensive, therefore it is popular among people. On average, the course of treatment lasts about 12 days. But before using this ointment, patients should be aware of two significant disadvantages. The reviews say that it has a rather specific smell, which is unpleasant for many, and also leaves greasy stains on things and bedding.
  • Ichthyol ointment. Most people are familiar with this drug. It is used to relieve inflammation, perfectly fights purulent secretions and relieves pain. In order for the treatment to be effective, the ointment is applied to the eyelids three times a day.
  • For the treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids, ointment "Yam" can be used. It is a dermatological agent. Effectively acts on fungal bacteria and mites. The course of treatment is 14 days. It is applied to the eyelids twice a day, for example, in the morning and in the evening. However, this must be done correctly, so it is not recommended to use the drug on your own. Be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Permethrin ointment. This drug has a local effect. It is acaricidal and insecticidal agent. The active substances that make up the ointment are able to act on the tick from the inside, that is, they enter his body and first paralyze, and then completely destroy it. The skin of the eyelids is processed three times a day. Important! The ointment should not get on the eyelashes. The maximum duration of the course is 14 days, after which it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor.


Treatment of eyelid demodicosis (photo showing the process of such therapy, see below) necessarily includes the use of special drops. However, unlike conventional eye preparations, they are not instilled inside, but simply applied to the extreme part of the eyelid. They are quite effective, since it is in these places that ticks are located. In order to treat the skin with drops, you will need to apply a small part of the liquid to the fingertips, and then simply massage the eyelids. A cotton swab is also suitable for this purpose. They are instilled directly into the eye only if the patient feels unbearable itching or burning. These symptoms indicate an inflammatory process.

Currently, pharmacies offer a wide range of such drops. In the comments, people speak well of "Phosphacol", "Carbachol". These drugsare acaricidal. Can only be used on the outer parts of the eyelid. You can't roll them in your eyes.

If the disease is complicated by an infection, doctors prescribe antibacterial drops. They help to quickly remove the inflammatory process, which will greatly facilitate a person's life. Most people noted Levofloxacin, levomycetin drops, Ciprofloxacin with positive feedback. To reduce the symptoms, which is manifested by severe itching, you can use Dexamethasone, Okumetil and other similar medicines. It is important to remember that they can only be taken after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids
Treatment of demodicosis of the eyelids


An integral part of the treatment of demodicosis is hygiene. Even if you take all the drugs that were prescribed by the doctor, you will not be able to recover without special procedures. As mentioned above, with this disease, crusts form on the eyelashes. Also, many of the skin is flaky. It is important to regularly clean the affected areas from these formations. Without such a procedure, the effectiveness of all drugs will be at zero.

Experts recommend daily cleansing of the face and eyelids with tar soap. As a rule, it can be purchased at any pharmacy. If for some reason this soap is not suitable, for example, you have very dry skin, then you can replace it with calendula tincture. It is great for cleansing procedures. People with sensitive skin are encouraged to try a good product. It is called "Blefaroloson". It contains chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatoryeffect, green tea, gemodez. The last component removes toxic substances from the body, thereby cleansing it and strengthening the immune system.

Demodicosis age: reviews of women

In conclusion, let's talk about what worries women the most. In their reviews, they often talk about cosmetics and the likelihood of infection. Yes, indeed, this disease can be transmitted. Therefore, it is important to visit only proven beauty salons. Do not use someone else's cosmetics. And if the first symptoms appear, you will need to completely abandon makeup. Be sure to visit a doctor and start treatment. But it is better to throw out the old cosmetics in order to exclude secondary infection.
