Depending on gender, certain hormones dominate in the human body, with the help of which a number of distinctive features of the structure and functions of body organs are formed, which determine the sex of the body. In women, this function is carried out by estrogens.
They help the fair half to remain feminine. Hormones are produced by the ovaries and adrenal cortex, and during pregnancy, their formation is carried out by the placenta.

Functions of steroid hormones
With the normal production of estrogens, the representative of the fair half fulfills her destiny (birth of a child) and flourishes. Deficiency of this substance leads to the inability to perform this function and deterioration of appearance. But their overabundance also poses a certain danger, provoking the formation of hormone-dependent neoplasms.
At a certain age, estrogen is produced in a woman's body, with the help of which puberty occurs. Along with other hormones, steroidaffect metabolic processes in tissue cells.
When is medication prescribed?
According to the instructions for use, it is known that the following conditions serve as indications for estrogen-containing drugs:
- Deficiency in the functioning of the ovaries, which are characterized by a decrease or complete cessation of hormone production.
- To alleviate symptoms accompanied by menopausal women.
- In the absence of the formation of own steroid hormones when removing the uterus with appendages.
- Testosterone excess conditions.
- As a contraceptive.
Low production of steroid hormones leads to the failure of the menstrual cycle, as well as the loss of the ability to reproduce sexually. Restoration of reproductive function is possible with the use of hormone replacement therapy, as well as vaginal preparations, and regeneration of vaginal tissue. One of these medications is a gel.
Progestogenic contraceptives
In medicine, medicines have long been used that can normalize hormonal levels. All of them have both pluses and minuses, causing damage to the body.
Specialists are constantly working on the development of new drugs that have the least pronounced side effects. At the same time, they should be used only if there are certain appointments. Release forms of estrogen-containing drugs: tablets, gels, suppositories.
There are several varieties of hormonal drugs:
- Natural steroids containing estrogens produced from animal urine, which is believed to be the cause of frequent allergic reactions in patients.
- Synthetic substitutes are invented in laboratories by chemical transformations. These drugs are more effective and are used to treat most hormone-dependent lesions.
- Phytoestrogens, which are produced from vegetable raw materials. They are used when there is no natural production of hormones by the body, for example, during menopause.
By content, medicines are divided into the following types:
- Medicines that contain only estrogens.
- Complex remedies that have estrogens and gestagens.
All these medicines for representatives are also divided according to the direction of exposure:
- Contraceptive pills.
- Means of hormone replacement therapy.
Drugs that are used to restore hormone deficiency in the body, which is estrogen in tablets, are used for menstrual disorders and the restoration of reproductive function in the fair half.
List of estrogen-containing drugs with descriptions
Such drugs effectively eliminate the signs of menopause and normalize hormonal levels in the fair half. As a rule, estradiol acts as the estrogen contained in such tablets. And the most famous among them are the following pharmacologicalmedicines:
- "Estradiol" in most situations is prescribed to women during menopause to restore the balance of hormones in the body.
- "Premarin" is used for menstrual disorders, as well as for uterine bleeding.
- "Estrofeminal" is prescribed for infertility. It contributes to the normalization of hormone levels in women of reproductive age.
- "Hormoplex" is a medicine with a wide range of effects. It can be used by women regardless of age and causes of hormone deficiency.
Additional list of estrogen-containing drugs
- "Proginova" can be used for any symptoms of hormonal deficiency.
- "Ovestin" contains estriol as an active ingredient. Assignments for its use are the symptoms of menopause, as well as infertility and related conditions after undergoing surgical interventions to remove the reproductive organs.
- "Trikvilar" is a complex medication that contains high concentrations of hormones. Women using this combined contraceptive have more regular menstrual cycles, less painful periods, less bleeding, and consequently less chance of iron deficiency anemia.
- "Microgynon" belongs to the group of combined estrogen-gestagen drugs. The use of the drug stabilizes the female menstrual cycle. Menstruation becomes less painful, and the intensity of bleeding also decreases.

Hormonal pills
The following contraceptives are considered the most famous:
- "Activel" is a combined medicine, the effect of which is due to the substances included in its structure. Monophasic estrogen-progestin medication.
- "Janine" when used correctly, have a contraceptive effect, which is to prevent the development of unwanted pregnancy in women.
- "Lindinet" is a combined drug in the form of tablets, has a contraceptive effect and is used for permanent elective contraception.
- "Femoden" when the drug interacts with antimicrobial substances of the penicillin group, the contraceptive effect of the drug decreases, which is important to consider and, if necessary, the use of antibacterial drugs, additional condoms should be used.
- "Yarina" is a monophasic oral estrogen-progestin contraceptive. The action of the contraceptive drug is carried out by blocking ovulation and increasing the viscosity of the cervical mucus. A photo of the estrogen-containing drug is attached.

These contraceptives are all monophasic contraceptives with reduced estrogen levels. Their principle of influenceis based on the fact that synthetic estrogen, having penetrated into the body, helps to produce natural hormones, as a result of which ovulation does not occur.
It is necessary to use any estrogen-containing drugs from the list above, including contraceptives, together with a progestin medication.

Vaginal remedies
Liniment with estrogen and the gel is inserted into the vagina using an applicator. The hormone in this form has a positive effect on the tissues of the vagina and the urination system.
The cream is designed to eliminate the signs of menopause and helps prevent changes caused by hormone deficiency. Vaginal estrogen tablets and suppositories have this effect.
The most famous vaginal preparations include the following:
- "Ogen".
- "Estrace".
- "Estraderm".
- "Estrogel".
- "Ovestin".

Currently, the following phytoestrogens are used in the production of preparations based on herbal steroid hormone substitutes:
- Phytosterols.
- Acidic resorcil lactones.
- Lignans.
- Isoflavones.
- Saponins.
In food and herbs, phytoestrogens are found in small concentrations. Therefore, to enhance the effectiveness in the manufacture of tablets, vegetableraw materials.

Names of estrogen-containing drugs for menopause:
- "Inoklim".
- "Feminal".
- "Qi-Klim".
- "Estrovel".
- "Klimadinon".
- "Klimafem".
"Inoklim" - produced on the basis of estrogens, which are made from soy. In addition to increased efficiency, this medication has practically no adverse reactions.
"Feminal" is based on red clover extract. This medicine eliminates the manifestations of menopause, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and also helps to strengthen bone tissue.
"Tsi-Klim", "Estrovel", "Klimadinon". The structure of these medicines contains natural phytoestrogens, which are obtained from cimicifuga. Their composition is also supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Therefore, their use improves the appearance of a woman. You can buy these hormonal drugs at any pharmacy.
"Klimafem" is included in the list of estrogen-containing drugs have natural phytoestrogens, which are produced from red clover and hops. This medicine effectively eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause and improves the condition of the skin.

Adverse reactions
When using estrogen in tablet form, certain undesirable manifestations may occur:
- Increase in dairyiron.
- Swelling of lower and upper limbs.
- Weight gain.
- Flatulence (increased accumulation of gases in the intestines).
- Convulsions.
- Loss of appetite.
- Nausea.
- Gagging caused by problems with the gallbladder and liver.
- Bleeding from the vagina.
- Yellowing of the eyes and epidermis.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dizziness.
- Diarrhea.
- Migraine (a neurological disorder with episodic or regular severe headaches).
- Increased libido (sexual activity, libido).
To avoid negative effects, you can purchase drugs with natural estrogens of natural origin, as well as vaginal suppositories, cream or ointment, gel and tablets that have a targeted effect. They restore low hormone levels without affecting the internal organs.
Reviews of modern drugs that consist of estrogens are mostly positive. Representatives of the fair half highlight the fact that positive dynamics have been observed from the first day of taking the medicine. The menstrual cycle stabilizes, and positive changes in appearance are also observed.
In addition, they also highlight the fact that tablet medicines, by balancing the hormonal background, help to improve the psychological state. Women who have gone through menopause and experienced regular mood swings, as well as depression, which are not caused by anything, note thatthat estrogen-containing drugs allow them to begin to control the situation.