Dreams come to us during rest, when we plunge into a certain state, which makes it possible to explore our inner world. All people sleep, but not everyone can remember their dream, and even more so manage the events taking place in it. Everything that we see during the night's rest is considered beyond control.

Most of us think of those bizarre fantasies, incredible events and scary characters as nothing more than a simple reaction to the events of the day. In our dreams, we are accustomed to acting as an ordinary spectator who takes everything he sees at face value. Only in the morning comes the surprise of waking up in your own bed. However, such a concept is the result of a lack of awareness and a low level of free energy. If we wish, we can always learn to have controlled dreams. How to achieve this and why?
Do we need lucid dreams?
This is the first question that arises in a person who first encountersthis topic. Do we need guided dreams, are they bad for our mental and physical he alth? There is nothing to worry about here. Consciously managing sleep is completely normal for any person. This phenomenon is often observed in young children who create new worlds for themselves, which are then explored with great interest. But do adults need guided dreams? Yes, and there are a number of reasons for this. Among them:
- The emergence of new sensations. These breathtaking scenery and nighttime flying are well worth learning sleep management techniques.
- Self-knowledge. During sleep, a person finds himself in conditions of permissiveness. This gives him a reason to behave completely differently than he does in life. And there is a reason to think about the newly discovered character traits.
- Leaving the fear of death. According to Buddhists, sleep is a transition to another world. That is a small death. Most of those who fall into controlled dreams (the methodology and practice of this phenomenon have already been mastered) are not afraid of death. They managed to make sure that consciousness is preserved even in cases where the body is turned off.
Don't be afraid that you can "get lost" in a controlled dream. This chance is zero. The physical body of a person is not able to suffer from the fact that its owner sees controlled dreams. There is only a chance, perhaps, to accidentally fall out of bed. But those who sleep in the “normal mode” sometimes also suffer from this.

However, practitioners often face the samea significant problem - excessive enthusiasm. Especially those who do not get along in real life suffer from it. Such people tend to go headlong into the world of dreams. There is a certain dependence, which can be compared with a computer one. However, the appearance of such a problem is most likely due to a weak psyche and one's own dissatisfaction.
What is a lucid dream?
The possibilities that give us control during a night's rest are simply endless. Guided dreams allow you to interact with your own subconscious, improving existing skills, working on eliminating bad habits and getting rid of fears. Ultimately, this helps restore mental he alth.
How to achieve controlled sleep at night? The technique of this method can be mastered within two to three weeks. At least half an hour should be allotted for this every day.
Phases of lucid dream
Everything we saw during the night rest can be divided into 3 stages. In order to master the technique of lucid dreaming, you need to start with the very first of them, then move on to the second and join the third phase at the end. Consider all three stages in more detail:
- Entering a dream. This phase is based on auto-training and self-hypnosis.
- Being at the stage of controlled sleep and working with the subconscious according to a pre-thought-out plan.
- Exit from sleep, combined with motivating psychosuggestion.
There are a number of features of entering controlled sleep, and they are taken into account in the mandatoryokay. First of all, a person must be in a rested state. This will allow him to control everything that happens.

In addition, the position that the practitioner takes during sleep is very important. It is advisable to take a sitting position. Ideally, this is the so-called coachman's pose. If you lie comfortably on soft sofa cushions, then, most likely, instead of controlled sleep, you will have a regular one. It will also be difficult to control nighttime events even if you were stressed or overexerted before rest.
What else do you need to know to answer the question "How to manage sleep?". The instruction given by psychologists advises choosing a time for this when there are no external stimuli. However, this is only necessary at the initial stage. Further, when the management of dreams becomes a regular practice, no one will be able to disturb you.
In addition, psychologists who have studied the ins and outs of dreams have been able to develop the most effective techniques to begin to control night scenes. These recommendations can be found below.
Want to see
Many people believe that they do not dream every night. However, it is not. Dreams come to us daily. So, children dream during 80% of their nightly rest. Adolescents spend 65% on it, adults 50%, and seniors 35% of the time.

To those who wishto manage your dreams, you need to realize the fact that we see night scenes regularly, you just need to remember them. This is the only and most effective method recommended by psychologists for beginners.
Ask a question
Also, in order to start managing your sleep, you need to remember a problem that has never been solved in the real world. 10 or 15 minutes before a night's rest, experts recommend starting to ask yourself questions. Thoughts should be concentrated on the unsolved problem until the very moment of falling asleep. It may seem surprising, but most successful people found the answers to their questions in dreams. For example, in real life, Mendeleev could not compile a table of chemical elements for a long time. The answer to his tormenting question came in a dream. The table of the famous scientist is still used by schoolchildren and students.
Psychologists say that dreams can do a lot. They show the future, solve difficult problems, provide answers to difficult questions, and so on. That is why dreams must be respected. Only then will they benefit you. For example, to those who today consider themselves unhappy, psychologists are advised to ask their subconscious mind about the reasons for this. Surely at night you can get the right answer.
Those who do not yet know how to manage sleep, and have not put this technique into practice, should start with the following:
- Supporting the desire to get into a controlled dream. In this, as in many other cases, the success of the plan depends on the strength of intentions. That is, thana person will think more about how he wants to see a lucid dream, the more likely it will be that he will fall into it. However, there is a nuance here as well. Excessive desire is sometimes more detrimental to the success of an event than complete disinterest in it. Here you need to observe the golden mean, that is, constantly be interested in this topic and support it, but not so much that each of the ordinary dreams leads to despair and disappointment in its capabilities.
- Reading special literature. How to make sleep manageable? Methods for entering such a state can be found in books devoted to this topic. Specialized literature will allow you to maintain your interest in this practice at a certain level. So, the book of R. Webster, the creations of M. Rainbow and R. Monroe, K. Castaneda and T. Bradley will teach you how to manage sleep. In this case, not only serious literature will be useful. Various forums and blogs will help you achieve your goal, providing practical advice and describing your own user experience.
- Keeping a dream diary. For this, not only a paper notebook, but also a Word file is suitable. The description of dreams is an indispensable attribute of a "successful dreamer." A record of nightly adventures should be kept daily, describing in detail all the details. At the same time, it is important to write down those emotions, thoughts and sensations that arose during the “meeting” with the characters of the dream. Or maybe before a night's rest or after waking up, unusual physical phenomena occurred, such as trembling through the body, pressing pains in the chest, dizziness, etc.? Then this should also be recorded indiary.
- Regular practice. Is it possible to manage dreams from the first time? Not everyone achieves this. Usually, people begin to control their nightly adventures only after a week of active practice, after a year or several years. It also happens that for the first time a controlled dream comes when a person has already considered this topic hopeless and completely abandoned it. That is why beginners need to constantly train and try not to lose heart.
- No stimulants and dieting. Is it possible to control dreams without adjusting your diet? No. It is believed that the practitioner's diet should be free of meat and products from it. The use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco smoking are also not advised.
Mindfulness training while resting at night should be similar to sports activities. The result in one and in the other case can not be seen immediately, but it is still there. Even if there are no signs of controlled sleep, certain shifts in consciousness are bound to occur. Over time, the necessary changes will be accumulated to such an extent that the dream will no longer resemble a movie and will allow the sleeper to correct the events.
Basic methods for entering the OS
How to manage sleep? The instruction given by psychologists recommends relaxing the body to the maximum, preventing the mind from falling asleep. Relaxation techniques, which include relaxing the muscles and monitoring the breath, will help achieve this effect.
First of all, the practitioner should retire to a separate room, close the curtains, turn offphone and lie down in a comfortable position. This will prepare you to manage your sleep. The technique allows you to light candles and turn on soft music. However, the above can only be done if there is confidence that this will not distract from the main goal.

What should be done next and how can sleep be managed? A few minutes after taking a comfortable position, you just need to lie down and breathe evenly. At the same time, it is important to monitor the emerging sensations. Only then should you begin to relax your muscles. There are a large number of techniques for this, but the following methods are most common:
- Mentally tell yourself that this or that muscle is relaxed. It is important to feel that this is actually happening. You need to start with the muscles of each toe, then gradually move up and describe each small area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
- Visualize, imagining that there is a small amount of some substance (water, metal, etc.) in each of the muscles. After receiving a feeling of heaviness, you should immediately get rid of it. To do this, it is recommended to simply imagine how water or liquid metal gradually flows out of you.
- Imagine that the body fell from a great height and instantly relaxed. It is important to continue these feelings for as long as possible.
However, how can sleep be controlled if relaxation results in falling asleep? Yes, this happens quite often, and such a reaction of the body is considered normal. Then for relaxationyou can try the following ways:
- Swinging. This method involves mentally imagining yourself in a boat on the waves or on a swing.
- Visualization of the object in hand. The easiest way to imagine a mobile phone. After the sensation of an object clamped in the palm of your hand, you need to mentally raise your hand.
- The idea that you are in a pleasant place. In this case, there is a chance for consciousness to cling to the picture and move into it.
- Trying to separate from your body. A feeling of pressure on the head helps to “fly out”
- Movements made by a non-physical body. To achieve the desired effect will allow the usual movement of the arm or leg. The physical body must remain at rest.
The methods described above can cause bewilderment. However, in the near-sleep state, performing the above actions is not particularly difficult.

"Enter" into a lucid dream helps and another very effective method. It involves setting an alarm for the early morning. It can be 4 hours or 5. When you wake up, you need to get up, go to the toilet, it is advisable to drink water and immediately return to bed. All of the above manipulations should not take more than 5 minutes. After that, one of the ways to get into a controlled dream should be applied.
Rules of conduct
In order to adapt to controlled sleep as easily as possible, it is important:
- Don't be afraid. The emerging fear is the mainan obstacle to success. Any event that occurs in a dream will not affect real life in any way. You should not be afraid of the state of complete immobility with waking consciousness. Such a phenomenon will indicate that the "entrance" to a controlled dream is already open.
- Use the power of your thought. In controlled sleep, you just need to think about something, and it will immediately appear. This will allow you to move in space, create your own worlds and modify characters that are unpleasant for humans.
- Move. Beginners can easily "fall out" of controlled sleep. This can be prevented only in the case of constant movement. Attention should be fixed on any subject.
Control over other people's dreams
You can also control a person in a dream, that is, his night visions. However, this practice is only available to those who are able to control their own plots.

How to manage other people's dreams? To do this, first of all, you need to focus your thoughts on the right person. Next, you should relax and put aside all extraneous thoughts. Lighted candles of white, blue or blue color, as well as incense, will help to do this. Next, you need to imagine a cloud that surrounds the person you need, and go through his white clubs. This method allows you to be in a dream of an outsider. Only after that you can bring any picture, sound, action or image into someone else's plot. But it is worth remembering that a person will see the ordered plot if all the manipulationswill be held after midnight.
Works by Elena Mir
This author is well known to those who are interested in the topic of lucid dreams. Elena Mir is a psychic, psychologist, parapsychologist, spiritual healer, artist and traveler to past lives. In addition, she is the author of a number of books on controlled dreaming, having been practicing them for over twenty years. Her most popular work is "Guided Dreams". Elena Mir points out in it that during a night's rest, which lasts for a third of a person's life, we learn new information about ourselves. In this book, the author introduces his reader to all the possible methods of conscious transition to new worlds that come to us in dreams. Based on personal experience, E. Mir says that each of us can be aware of our “I” not only during the daytime. It is easy to do this at night, during dreams.
This practice, according to the author, will expand life experience and fill life with new events. E. The world indicates that each person can live a second life in his dreams, and opens up parallel worlds to his readers, which can be seen by stepping over the boundaries of space and time.