Reviews: "Eltacin". Instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

Reviews: "Eltacin". Instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues
Reviews: "Eltacin". Instructions for use, description of the drug, analogues

"Eltacin" is a drug that is used for heart failure in complex therapy. Its action is aimed at regulating metabolism. The advantage of this drug is the absence of side effects, with the exception of an allergic reaction. "Eltacin" improves the quality of life of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, the drug is recommended for use in vegetovascular dystonia.

reviews - Eltacin
reviews - Eltacin

Chronic heart failure

This condition is characterized by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart muscle, as a result of which its normal activity becomes impossible. The cardiovascular system is not able to meet the needs of the myocardium. The cause of this pathology may be heart defects, which lead to an overload of the chambers with pressure or volume. However, most often, a decrease in the working mass of the myocardium due to the death of cardiomyocytes leads to chronic insufficiency. This can lead to myocardial infarction, as well as myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. The work of the heart is disturbed and as a result of external influences from the pericardium (its inflammation), this leads toviolation of the filling of the chambers of the heart in diastole.

The main manifestation is shortness of breath, which first occurs after exercise, and then bothers patients even at rest. Also, patients note rapid fatigue. External manifestation - peripheral edema. First, swelling of the lower extremities is observed, and then the upstream parts of the body are also involved. Often, a forced position of the body is required (shortness of breath increases in a horizontal position). Often there is a dry cough, which is then replaced by a wet cough with a small amount of sputum.

Eltacin with VSD
Eltacin with VSD

Treatment of heart failure is based on the elimination of the causative factor (if possible) and the subsequent correction of violations. A whole range of non-drug and pharmacological measures is required. It includes agents that improve myocardial contractility, the drug "Eltacin" is one of them. Medications must be combined with restriction of physical activity and a special diet. You should try to fortify the diet, and it is better to limit the intake of s alt and liquid. The effectiveness of the drug reflect reviews. "Eltacin" is considered the most effective drug.

Vegetovascular dystonia

VSD is a symptom complex, the manifestations of which are associated with the functioning of many organs and systems. The reason for this violation is associated with insufficient activity of the autonomic nervous system. "Eltacin" in VVD has an antioxidant and antihypoxic effect, improving the condition of patients.

How it works"Eltacin"?

The drug is an antioxidant. It contains components such as glycine, cystine and glutamic acid.

The action of the drug is aimed at replenishing intracellular glutathione, as well as enzymes dependent on it. As a result, the normal course of redox processes is ensured, as well as the use of oxygen delivered by the blood to the tissues (antihypoxant effect) is regulated. The antioxidant effect provides protection of cells from the influence of free radicals, increasing their viability. All this has a beneficial effect on myocardial contractility, improving the condition of patients with heart failure.

Side effects and contraindications, price

The drug is completely safe, and in the list of contraindications - only hypersensitivity to the components. But despite its availability and safety, it can only be prescribed by the attending physician. According to the reviews, "Eltacin" in heart failure is used only in combination with other drugs.

Side effects - itching, rash, swelling of tissues that occur when there is an allergic reaction. If these symptoms are detected, you should stop taking the drug, replacing it with some other remedy.

The drug is used in a course of 3 weeks, in the future, you can take the drug "Eltacin" again. Its price is 150-170 rubles.

drug Eltacin
drug Eltacin

Interaction with other drugs

The advantage of the drug "Eltacin" (instructions for use confirms this) is the possibility of combination with drugs used to treat symptoms of heart failure. Combinations with ACE inhibitors, diuretics, aldosterone antagonists and adrenoblockers are allowed.

"Eltacin": instructions for use

For accelerated absorption of the drug into the blood, tablets are used sublingually, as there is an extensive network of blood vessels under the tongue. As a rule, 1 tablet of medicine is prescribed 3 times a day.

eltacin analogs
eltacin analogs

Reviews: "Eltacin"

The drug is very popular among cardiologists. It is he who is most often prescribed for the combined therapy of heart failure. Patients note the affordability of the drug and its effectiveness. In combination with other drugs, "Eltacin" regulates the work of the heart, being the prevention of relapses and complications.

Eltacin price
Eltacin price

What can replace the drug?

Among drugs that are similar in type of action to "Eltacin" (analogues), we can distinguish "Neurox" and "Cardioxipin".

"Neurox", like "Eltacin", has an antihypoxant effect and protects cell membranes, but its active ingredient is ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate. The drug is used for vegetovascular dystonia, heart failure and coronary artery disease (ischemic heart disease). Additional indications - a violation of the brainblood circulation, purulent inflammation in the abdominal cavity. Neurox also has laudatory reviews. "Eltacin" can easily be replaced with this medicine.

The antioxidant drug is Cardioxipin, its active ingredient is methylethylpyridinol. It is prescribed as an intramuscular injection. It is worth paying attention to contraindications, including not only an allergic reaction, but also pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 18 years of age. "Cardioxipin" improves the functioning of the heart, increasing contractility. The drug additionally protects the walls of blood vessels and expands the coronary vessels. Side effects:

  • drowsy;
  • allergy;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • headache;
  • blood clotting disorder (rare).

During the treatment period, coagulation and blood pressure control is necessary.

eltacin - instructions for use
eltacin - instructions for use

"Eltacin" (the price in pharmacies may vary) and its analogues help to improve the condition of patients with heart failure and vegetovascular dystonia. These drugs work only in combination with other drugs that the attending physician (cardiologist or neurologist) will select. Self-administration of only "Eltacin" is ineffective.
