"Vikasol": instructions for use during menstruation, composition and reviews

"Vikasol": instructions for use during menstruation, composition and reviews
"Vikasol": instructions for use during menstruation, composition and reviews

In the article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for the Vikasol preparation.

The drug is a vitamin remedy of synthetic origin, it is recommended to prevent and stop bleeding of various etiologies. May have a reversible effect on the blood coagulation system. It is prescribed against the background of serious liver diseases and in the presence of heavy uterine bleeding, this remedy is often used for menstruation. Instructions for use for "Vikasol" indicates that this composition is also allowed in late pregnancy. Widely used in veterinary medicine.

vikasol instructions for use during menstruation
vikasol instructions for use during menstruation

Composition and pharmacological effects

The active ingredient of this drug is a synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which is responsible for the processes of blood clotting in the human body.

According toinstructions for use, "Vikasol" is related to the group of anticoagulants. As part of absorption into the systemic circulation, it performs the following functions:

  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Providing a hemostatic effect.
  • Replenishment of vitamin K deficiency and stimulation of its further production.
  • vikasol for animals instructions for use
    vikasol for animals instructions for use

Mechanism of action

As we are informed by the instructions for use, Vikasol begins to actively act after twenty-four hours, which largely depends on its dosage form. The drug works according to the following scheme:

  • When released into the blood, it binds to plasma proteins.
  • When accumulated in the myocardium, liver and skeletal muscles, it stimulates the production of prothrombin and affects blood coagulation factors.
  • In the human body, it is transformed into vitamin K.
  • Further, it is excreted in the form of metabolites with urine.
vikasol instructions for use reviews
vikasol instructions for use reviews

Dose forms

The drug is produced in the following forms:

  • In tablet format. The drug in this case is packaged in 25 or 50 pieces per package. Instructions for use for "Vikasol" in tablets are in each pack. The content of the active ingredient is 0.015 grams per pill.
  • This drug is also available in ampoules. One package may contain from ten to one hundred doses. Instructions for use for "Vikasol" in ampoules will bepresented below. What other forms of the drug are available?
vikasol instructions for use in tablets
vikasol instructions for use in tablets

Many people ask in pharmacies for Vikasol candles. This form is not specified in the instructions for use.

"Vikasol" is a fairly versatile medicine. Next, we will figure out in which cases it is advisable to use the presented drug for treatment.

Indications for use

In accordance with the instructions for use, "Vikasol" produces a pronounced effect in the treatment of a complex of diseases and symptoms, depending on the composition of the blood and the degree of its coagulability. This medicine is taken when:

  • With vitamin K hypovitaminosis, including against the background of hepatitis and jaundice, which are associated with severe secretion of bilirubin.
  • With peptic ulcer, colitis, bleeding from the intestines and stomach.
  • Against the background of impaired pancreas function.
  • In the presence of prolonged uterine bleeding.
  • As part of stopping bleeding in the last trimester of pregnancy.
  • Against the background of prolonged nosebleeds.
  • With subcutaneous and mucous hemorrhages.
  • As part of the prevention and treatment of bleeding in newborns.
  • In the presence of radiation sickness.
  • In order to restore blood clotting after therapy with anticoagulants, which are vitamin K antagonists.
  • If the patient has persistent diarrhea.
  • In preparation for and after surgery.

Drugcan also be used against the background of heavy periods. "Vikasol" is also applicable in veterinary medicine for the treatment of injuries and postoperative bleeding in animals.

Indications for menstruation

As we are informed by the instructions for use for "Vikasol", the cause of heavy bleeding during menstruation is irregular, too strong and at the same time painful uterine contractions. This phenomenon in gynecology is called dysmenorrhea, it is often additionally accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, vomiting and nausea. For these reasons, with heavy menstruation, Vikasol is shown to women. It contains vitamin K, which relieves uterine cramps and causes relaxation.

"Vikasol" in the presence of uterine bleeding is often prescribed during puberty or immediately before menopause in order to normalize the patient's condition. In the event of the appearance of menstruation out of date, you should take this medicine only in order to reduce them before going to the gynecologist. A visit to the doctor is mandatory, as this may be signs of various diseases, for example, cancer or ailments that can only be de alt with surgically. In case of contact bleeding, that is, after intercourse, you also need to beware.

Let's take a closer look at the instructions for use for Vikasol during menstruation.

How should I take my period medication?

There are the following recommendations for the course of therapy and dosage:

  • Treatment duration is only three days, and if necessary, therapy can be extended up to fourdays
  • You can repeat the cycle of taking only after a four-day break.
  • The main rule is that it is not recommended to use pills to delay menstruation. This is confirmed by the instructions for use for "Vikasol" in tablets. Menstruation is a normal physiological process, the change of which causes the further appearance of all kinds of gynecological problems. This drug can reduce or even completely stop periods, which, however, will be fraught with very serious negative consequences.
vikasol instructions for use with monthly reviews
vikasol instructions for use with monthly reviews

Taking pills

One of the forms of release of the presented drug for heavy periods are tablets. One pill contains 15 milligrams of the active ingredient, that is, vitamin K3. The drug in this form should be taken in the following dosage: two pills per day. The maximum daily dosage is 0.03 grams. "Vikasol" against the background of pregnancy is taken only after passing the examination by a gynecologist and at the dose prescribed by him.

Use during menstruation "Vikasol" in ampoules

Ampoules serve as another form of release. In a pharmacy, they can be purchased in volumes of 1 or 2 milliliters. The maximum daily dose is 30 milligrams. The drug is administered intramuscularly bypassing the digestive system, and its single amount cannot exceed 15 milligrams. With prolonged use, be sure to observe four-day breaks. This method of treatment is used in more severe cases onbackground of uterine bleeding, when ordinary pills no longer help.

vikasol candles instructions for use
vikasol candles instructions for use

Contraindications for use

With caution appoint "Vikasol" during pregnancy and liver failure. This drug should not be taken with alcohol. This medicine is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Against the background of hypercoagulation syndrome.
  • For thromboembolism.
  • When developing jaundice in newborns.
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Drug overdose

In case of drug overdose, patients may experience the following reactions:

  • Appearance of itching, hives, bronchial spasms, redness of the skin.
  • In the case of injections, reddening of the injection site is possible along with local allergic manifestations.
  • The appearance of dizziness and pressure drop, as well as tachycardia.

In extremely rare situations, newborns may develop jaundice and seizures.

Consumer Reviews

Reviews about "Vikasol" on the Internet are mostly positive. People note the high effectiveness of the presented drug for the treatment of nasal and hemorrhoidal bleeding, as well as in the comments for heavy periods. The advantages of this drug are also the absence of side effects. That's what it says in the instructions for use. In reviews of "Vikasol" during menstruation, he talks about his quick help. Consumers alsopraised for its relatively low cost and ease of use.

"Vikasol" for animals

Vikasol is also widely used in veterinary medicine. In its structure, this compound is an analogue of natural vitamin K2. For the treatment of animals, this medicine is released in the form of a free-flowing powder that does not have a pronounced odor. It tastes bitter. This drug is highly soluble in water. Vikasol in ampoules is also widely used for the treatment of animals.

vikasol in ampoules instructions for use
vikasol in ampoules instructions for use

The drug can act on liver cells, stimulating the production of components such as prothrombin and proconvertin. These components are essential for blood clotting. They are directly involved in the regenerative process and wound healing. Thus, thanks to the existing forms of release, Vikasol is administered by injection and orally. The following treatment regimens are used:

  • For cattle, 0.3 grams per kilogram of body weight is prescribed.
  • For dogs, 0.01 grams per kilogram of weight.

As part of oral administration, the drug is used in the following dosages:

  • For horses and cattle, 0.4 grams per kilogram of weight.
  • For pigs and small cattle, 0.8 milliliters per kilogram of weight. Injections are carried out three times a day.

In accordance with the instructions for use, "Vikasol" for animals is used as an antihemorrhagic agent in the presence of variousbleeding. Among other things, this medicine can also be used to prevent internal bleeding immediately after surgery.

In addition, it is used against the background of mycotoxin poisoning and injuries. It is forbidden to use the medication for the treatment of animals that have increased blood clotting. The use of "Vikasol" in veterinary medicine in prescribed dosages, as a rule, does not cause adverse reactions. Animals treated with this drug may be slaughtered without any restrictions.
