Modern life is very difficult. Work plays an important role in it. Because of the work, there is little free time. This contributes to the fact that people entering into interpersonal relationships tend to develop them faster. When it comes to intimacy, people sometimes forget about the most important thing - contraception. However, this should always be remembered, because with protection, people not only protect themselves from undesirable consequences, but also take care of their loved one, future children.
Modern means of contraception are varied. They are divided into several groups (non-hormonal, hormonal, emergency, etc.). One of the contraceptives is a spermicidal cream. What is it, how does it work and how effective is it? We will try to find answers to these important questions.
What are spermicides?
Spermicides are contraceptives related to chemical methods of protection. They are substances that adversely affect those entering the vaginaspermatozoa, destroy them, prevent their penetration into the uterus. This effect is explained by the presence of a special chemically active component in the composition of spermicides.
Spermicides originated in ancient times. Women used to do douching with potassium permanganate, soda, injected lemon slices, aspirin tablets into the vagina. Modern spermicidal agents are presented in different forms. There are tablets, suppositories, foams, tampons. One of the remedies is a spermicidal gel (cream). Consider its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of spermicidal cream
One of the main advantages of this contraceptive is its availability. The drug in the form of a cream can be easily bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. The tool is relatively inexpensive, which is considered a definite plus. The benefits of spermicidal cream include its safety. The product does not contain hormones. It can be used by both women who have given birth and those who have not given birth.
Spermicidal creams are easy to use. They are inserted into the vagina 20-30 minutes before sexual intercourse and usually act within 1 hour. The effectiveness of these contraceptives is not high enough. According to statistics, out of 100 women, 25-30 get pregnant.
Disadvantages of spermicidal cream
The disadvantages of modern spermicidal creams are associated with the presence of side effects. Partners after sexual intercourse may feel burning and itching in the vulva, face manifestations of an allergic reaction. Another disadvantage of spermicides is that their use does not exclude the possibility of infecting partners with sexually transmitted diseases.
Another disadvantage of contraceptives is the inability to use spermicidal cream often or constantly. This drug belongs to chemical contraception. With frequent or constant use, irritation or damage to the vaginal mucosa may occur. This, in turn, can lead to HIV transmission.

Composition of spermicidal creams and a list of common products
Spermicidal products contain certain active ingredients:
- Surfunkts. These substances include benzalkonium chloride, menfegol, octoxynol, nonoxynol-9. The first of them is considered the most effective. Studies have shown that benzalkonium chloride destroys sperm entering the vagina within 20 seconds. Its advantages include not only high efficiency, but also the ability to kill bacteria and viruses.
- Inhibitors of active enzymes. This group of substances includes A-gene 53 (A-gen 53), Sin-a-gen (Sin-a-gen).
In the manufacture of spermicidal creams, the active substance (benzalkonium chloride or some other) is introduced into its future carrier - into a tool that promotes the distribution of the component in the vagina and gives an enveloping effect.
It is known about the existence of different spermicidal creams. Here is their list:
- Pharmatex;
- "Dolphin";
- Concepttrol;
- Coromex;
- "Ortho";
- Ortho-Ginol;
- "Ramses";
- "Rendell";
- Alpagel.

Pharmatex: description of the drug
Effective spermicidal vaginal agent is "Pharmatex" with the smell of lavender. The composition contains a 50% aqueous solution of benzalkonium chloride. Auxiliary substances are citric acid, lavender oil. Spermicidal cream quickly destroys the membranes of spermatozoa. It also protects against certain diseases, infection with gonococci, trichomonas, chlamydia.
Pharmatex vaginal cream is convenient to use. The manufacturer has created a special dispenser with which you can take the right amount of the product from the tube and insert it into the vagina. It was said above that spermicidal agents act within 1 hour. The spermicidal cream "Farmateks" has a different effect. The instruction indicates that it is valid for 10 hours.

Other drugs
The spermicidal agent in "Delfin" and "Concepttrol" is nonoxynol-9, in "Alpagel" - benzalkonium chloride, in other preparations - octoxynol. It is known that "Alpagel", as well as "Pharmateks", acts within 10 hours, and other spermicidal agents - within 1 hour.
The listed active ingredients make contraceptive creams effective. It is impossible to name prices for drugs, because all of them are not available in modern pharmacies. The exception is Pharmatex. It can be bought at any pharmacy, ordered on the World Wide Web. Its price is about 400 rubles for a small tube. Pharmatex is commercially available not only in the form of a cream. Those who wish can purchase this drug in other dosage forms that are most convenient for them (for example, in the form of vaginal tablets or capsules).
Tips for using spermicidal creams
When using a vaginal cream, certain rules must be followed to maintain its effectiveness:
- 2 hours before sex and 2 hours after intimacy, do not use soap to wash the genitals, as it has a destructive effect on the spermicidal cream;
- before each repeated sexual intercourse, a new dose of the drug is introduced;
- after sexual intercourse, it is only allowed to carry out the external toilet of the genital organs with clean water;
- after applying the spermicidal cream, you can not take baths, swim in the pool, the sea.
If some disease occurs or a chronic illness worsens, then the use of spermicidal contraceptives is temporarily abandoned. Re-start using vaginal creams only after the effective completion of the prescribed course of treatment.

About barrier contraception
So we've looked at spermicidal creams. It was said above that these drugs belong to chemical contraception. In turn, it is included in a large group of barrier methods of protection. Their principle of action is simple and can be seen from the name. essenceis to create an obstacle on the way of the sperm to the egg.
Barrier contraception consists of more than just chemical methods of protection against unwanted pregnancies. It also includes mechanical methods, which are realized through the application:
- condoms;
- aperture;
- cervical caps;
- femidons (female condoms).
Using condoms
The most famous and popular means, which includes barrier contraception, are condoms. They have been used by mankind for a very long time. Their history goes back to the time of the Roman Empire. In this state, people used to use the bladder of animals to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Today, condoms are made from thin latex. They are made with different relief, treated with special lubricants. Condoms are the most common because they have many benefits:
- they are easy to use and affordable;
- protect against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV;
- relieve the unpleasant symptoms that women experience when they are allergic to sperm.

Which is better: spermicidal creams or condoms?
People who are thinking about using contraceptives face a difficult choice. They do not know which method of protection to focus on - to choose condoms or spermicidal cream. The composition of the lattercan adversely affect the genitals of partners with constant use, therefore, the remedy is recommended to be used only for those people whose sexual intercourse is rare. Also, an indication for the use of creams is a break when using combined oral contraceptives (hormonal drugs).
Regarding condoms, it is worth noting that they protect against most sexually transmitted infections. This is an important advantage of these funds over spermicidal creams. However, the contraceptive effect of condoms is very low. Thin latex can tear. To reduce the chance of an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to use condoms in combination with other methods of contraception - with combined oral preparations.

Thus, it is impossible to give a specific answer to the question of which contraceptive is the best. Both spermicides and condoms have specific advantages and disadvantages. It is worth making a choice of means taking into account your lifestyle, age, personal preferences.