Spermatozoa in the urine do not appear just like that. This is a manifestation of the failure of the natural withdrawal of sperm from the seminal canal. This pathology is called retrograde ejaculation.
Illness has no effect on well-being. But if a man has found such a failure in himself, he should contact the appropriate specialist - a urologist or andrologist. The possible causes, symptoms of this phenomenon, as well as the diagnosis and principles of treatment should be discussed in more detail.
Briefly about pathology
Spermaturia - this is the name of the condition, manifested by the appearance of sperm in the urine. Normally, a small amount of them is permissible after ejaculation. But if the ejaculate enters the urine constantly, and in a noticeable amount, there is cause for concern.
In such cases, as a rule, pathological spermaturia is diagnosed, the cause of which usually lies in abnormal development of the genital organs or in other diseases.
Goodejaculate enters the urine from the urethra. However, if spermaturia is pathological, then the bladder becomes its source.
It is important to know that this phenomenon is often a symptom that signals the presence of more dangerous problems for well-being.

Retrograde ejaculation
This is the most common reason for the appearance of sperm in the urine. With this disorder, the ejaculate goes straight to the bladder, and not to the peripheral parts of the urethra.
It should be noted that this pathology is also called "dry orgasm". With retrograde ejaculation, despite the full sensations of orgasm, ejaculation does not occur. By the way, this phenomenon is one of the most common causes of infertility in men.
Retrograde ejaculation is partial. With her, one part of the ejaculate exits through the urethra, and the other enters the bladder. In men with complete retrograde ejaculation, semen does not pass through the urethra at all.
Normally, the bladder sphincter contracts at the moment of "climax". So the body of a man prevents the seed from entering it. But it happens that the sphincter is not compressed. This is the reason why the ejaculate gets there.

Causes of retrograde ejaculation
If sperm are found in the urine, it is likely that one of the following was the provoking factor:
- Taking certain medications. In particular, "Tamsulosin", whichis an effective tool in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia.
- Multiple sclerosis.
- Problems with the nervous system.
- Spinal cord injury.
- Past prostatitis.
- Taking antidepressants.
- Prostate surgery.
- Impaired functioning of the bladder sphincter.
- Hemorrhoids.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Pelvic venous congestion.
- The habit of closing the opening of the urethra at the end of masturbation, which prevents full ejaculation.
- Defects of the seminiferous ducts of congenital origin.
The condition is aggravated by depression, psycho-emotional disorders, sperm stagnation, denial of sexual life, and impotence.

Disease detection
You can detect the pathology in question with the naked eye. If urine washes out spermatozoa, and this is constantly observed, then the man has spermaturia. Often, by the way, urine becomes cloudy due to the ejaculate contained in it.
It happens that retrograde ejaculation, due to which a seed appears in the urine, is confused with the so-called aspermatism (another name is anejaculation). This is a rarer disorder. It is characterized by the absolute absence of ejaculation. The difference between these phenomena is obvious. In anejaculation, there is no semen in the urine.
A diagnosis cannot be made at a routine examination by a urologist. The man himself must voice complaints and tell what he hassperm appear in the urine.
After the interview, the doctor will conduct a manual examination of the prostate gland and may recommend a spermogram.
Thanks to this analysis, it will be possible to find out if he has other diseases or not. According to the results of the spermogram, by the way, azoospermia is often detected. This is the name of the pathology in which there are no spermatozoa in the ejaculate.
Another diagnosis includes the following activities:
- Examination of the urethra with a ureteroscope.
- Determining the nerve pulse.
- Studying the bioelectric potentials of muscles.
- Ultrasound of the bladder cavity.
- Urine analysis after ejaculation. It allows you to determine whether sperm are actually present in the urine.
The causes of this pathology will also be able to be determined after the patient has taken the above measures.

It is compiled after the detection of spermatozoa in a urine test. Since this pathology is a symptom and not a disease, the prognosis always depends on the cause of the disease. As it was already possible to understand from the above, almost anything can provoke its appearance. Because of this, by the way, complex diagnostics are complicated in many cases.
The most favorable prognosis is for those patients whose spermaturia was caused by medication, hemorrhoids, spinal injuries (not very serious), multiple sclerosis and diabetesdiabetes. In such cases, general therapy and drug treatment may be sufficient.
If sperm in the urine of a man appear due to damage to the nerves or muscles (this can happen due to prostate surgery or due to radiation exposure), you will need to resort to surgical methods of treatment. However, so far they have not been studied enough, and therefore the results are doubtful.
Treatment regimen
What actions should be taken to stop the appearance of sperm in the urine? The type of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the etiological factor. Either a conservative or surgical technique is used. Be that as it may, the goal is the same - to restore the normal process of ejaculation.
If we talk about an inoperable technique, then here is what it is based on:
- Withdrawal of medication that may have caused this disorder. This is if a pharmacological predisposing factor was found during the examination.
- Acupuncture (healing effect on the body with needles).
- Electrical stimulation of the bladder or urethra.
- Taking drugs that can improve the functioning of the internal bladder sphincter.
- Physiotherapy treatments.
There is one more nuance, the knowledge of which can also help a person find the answer to the question of whether urine flushes sperm from the urethra. It is recommended to engage in sex only with an unemptied bladder. Otherwise, there is a risk of ejaculate entering the urine.

Medicines for treatment
Drugs indicated for use by men with spermaturia are aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sphincter of the bladder. Specialists usually prescribe the following medications:
- Tetracyclic antidepressants. In particular, Amitriptyline and Imipramine.
- Phenylephrine and Ephedrine.
- Antihistamines containing chlorphenamine.
The listed medicines help eliminate spermaturia if it was caused by malfunctions and disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.
Unfortunately, conservative methods of treatment do not always help. Therefore, some men are prescribed an operation. The intervention may include the following activities:
- Reconstruction of urethral strictures.
- Sphincteroplasty of the bladder.
- Plasty of the urethra.
Usually these procedures help to return normal ejaculation. And they are required in rare cases.

Incurable cases
It is also necessary to briefly talk about them. It is believed that if the cause of spermaturia was an unsuccessful operation on the urethra, then the treatment will be useless. And all because in such cases there is injury to the nerve endings of the bladder. Unfortunately, it is impossible to restore them.
This causes infertility. But if a man plans to have children in the future, he should not worry too much. In such cases, resort toartificial insemination. His seminal fluid is taken from the urinary cavity, where it ejaculates. The ejaculate is collected by catheterization. And then they fertilize the egg.
Such patients are not recommended to take antidepressants. They also need to control their blood sugar levels. Especially if diabetes is the cause of retrograde ejaculation.

Ladies theme
Oddly enough, but there are people who wonder where the sperm in the urine of women come from.
So, a girl's body cannot produce ejaculate. After all, sperm is produced in the prostate gland and testicles, and only men have them. Therefore, if a woman has ejaculate in her urine, 100% he got there from the body of her partner after sex.
How exactly? First in the vagina. Then the woman collected urine in a container without having previously carried out hygienic procedures (this is necessary if the plans include passing urine for analysis). Accordingly, along with her, the male seed also got there.
This, by the way, will affect the results of the analysis. With microscopic examination, spermatozoa will definitely be noticed.
In order for a man not to face spermaturia, he needs to carefully monitor his he alth in order to prevent the development of retrograde ejaculation. To do this, you need:
- Be active.
- Give up bad habits.
- Control blood glucose levels.
- When it occursthe need to treat a disease of the male genitourinary system, give preference to operations that are minimally invasive.
- Avoid radiation exposure if possible.
- Only take medications prescribed by your doctor. It is important to strictly observe the daily rate and duration of admission.
- At least twice a year to be examined by a urologist or andrologist.
- Maintain your immunity. Eat food enriched with vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements, drink clean water, herbal decoctions. Refuse junk and fatty foods, try not to use preservatives.
Of course, spermaturia is not the most pleasant state of the body. But it is relatively harmless. However, even taking into account this nuance, it is not recommended to leave this phenomenon unattended.