"Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

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"Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
"Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Video: "Amantadine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

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The drug "Amantadine" refers to antiviral and antiparkinsonian drugs. Due to the pronounced effect on the central nervous system, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before taking it, and also find out with which drugs it should not be combined. As a rule, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of parkinsonism in complex therapy. It is rarely used as an antiviral agent. Usually choose other drugs that have fewer possible side effects.

amantadine - instructions for use
amantadine - instructions for use

How does the drug work?

The action of "Amantadine" is directed to glutamate receptors. Due to their blocking, the effect on the neostriatum decreases against the background of dopamine deficiency - this is how the anti-Parkinsonian effect is achieved. The antiviral effect is that the drug prevents the penetration of the virus (influenza A) into the cells of the tissues of the body.

The route of administration is oral. Further, "Amantadine" is absorbed in the digestive tract and enters the bloodstream, where its maximum concentration is observed after 4 hours. It should be noted the ability of the drug to penetrate the placental barrier, whichhas an adverse effect on the fetus. "Amantadine" (instructions for use - below) is contraindicated not only for pregnant women, but also during breastfeeding.

amantadine reviews
amantadine reviews


The active substance is amantadine sulfate, but there are other auxiliary components in the composition. They are especially worth paying attention to if there is an allergic reaction. The preparation contains lactose monohydrate, gelatin, talc, starch and cellulose. Also in the composition - magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide and titanium, polyethylene glycol.

amantadine - analogues
amantadine - analogues

When is Amantadine used?

This inexpensive antiviral is used to treat influenza A as well as preventatively. In addition, it can be used for herpes zoster (it is caused by the Herpes zoster virus) to reduce neuralgia. Another indication is parkinsonism.

drug amantadine
drug amantadine

"Amantadine": instructions for use

How to take the drug? Tablets "Amantadine" (the price depends on the place of purchase - 130-150 rubles) is recommended to be used in the morning, since excessive activation of the central nervous system is possible, and consequently, the occurrence of insomnia and other side effects (dizziness, headache). A single dose depends on the disease and the desired effect. It is determined only by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical case. With parkinsonism in the first week, as a rule, 100mg of the drug per day, and then increase the dose (maximum - 400 mg).

The treatment plan is adjusted according to the patient's comorbidities, eg renal insufficiency and the elderly, the dosage should be reduced. For a pronounced anti-Parkinsonian effect, the drug is combined with other drugs. Monotherapy is ineffective. You should not abruptly stop taking the drug, as there is a risk of worsening the symptoms of Parkinson's disease up to akinetic crises. This should be especially taken into account when pronounced side effects are detected - the withdrawal of the drug should occur smoothly, the dose is gradually reduced.

Antiviral therapy consists of taking medication every 12 hours. As a rule, the doctor prescribes 1 tablet (100 mg), but for elderly patients the dose is reduced (the maximum daily dose is 100 mg). Treatment should begin immediately after the onset of the first symptoms, the course of therapy is usually 5 days. For prevention, take 100 mg/day for 2 to 4 weeks.

Treatment for H. zoster neuralgia lasts about 14 days, and therapy should begin as soon as the diagnosis is made.

Side effects

"Amantadine" (instruction for use - included) has a long list of side effects, which is mainly due to its ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and affect the central nervous system. Among them - anxiety, headaches and dizziness, nervous excitement, nightmares,hallucinations (rare). Often there is a decrease in attention and confusion, therefore, during the period of treatment with Amantadine, one should not drive vehicles and perform dangerous work that requires high concentration. Other side effects are leukopenia, nausea, diarrhea, urination disorders, skin rashes, edema (especially in patients with heart failure).

drug amantadine
drug amantadine


Before taking the drug, you should carefully read the list of contraindications. Among them:

  • allergic to components;
  • kidney failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What drugs should not be combined with "Amantadine"?

The drug is usually combined with anticholinergic drugs, as well as other drugs for the treatment of parkinsonism, while there is a mutual enhancement of the effect. However, it is not recommended to combine this drug with Levodopa, as there is a risk of increased action on the central nervous system (psychosis, hallucinations, nightmares). For the same reason, "Amantadine" is not taken simultaneously with "Memantine".

amantadine price
amantadine price

It is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, as this leads to increased toxic effects on the central nervous system. In addition, the simultaneous administration of "Amantadine" with diuretics is not allowed, since in this case, the excretion of the antiviral agent is disturbed, and, consequently, its concentration in the blood.can reach toxic levels.

"Amantadine": analogues. What to buy?

Among the drugs, which include amantadine as an active ingredient (the instructions for the use of analogues are different), we can distinguish "PK-Merz" and "Neomidantan". The latter is available in the form of gelatin capsules filled with white powder. "PK-Merz" - orange-coated tablets. The list of indications for this drug is extensive. "PK-Merz" is also used for traumatic brain injury, endogenous intoxication, cerebrovascular accident, dementia, Huntington's chorea.


According to the reviews of doctors and patients, the drug gives a pronounced therapeutic effect in a short time. Those treated with this medicine for viruses note an early improvement in well-being. Among the side effects are usually observed nervous excitement and attention disorder, others are rare. Many doctors with parkinsonism recommend Amantadine as an adjunct to combination therapy, reviews in general about it are mostly positive. Although every drug has opponents.

inexpensive antiviral
inexpensive antiviral

Amantadine is an inexpensive antiviral that can also be used for parkinsonism. Before use, be sure to consult with a specialist who, taking into account the characteristics of the body and comorbidities, will select the required dose or suggest any other drug that has a similar effect.effect.
