A smile is a calling card of a person. Scientists have proven that it is easier for a person with attractive teeth to establish contact with others than for a person with crooked and sloppy fangs. However, modern medicine allows you to get a Hollywood smile. Dentists help to make teeth even and snow-white thanks to innovative technologies. For example, dental lamination is one of the most popular procedures in aesthetic dentistry, as it allows you to hide defects in the oral cavity and make your smile truly seductive. Let's take a look at what this procedure is and how it works.
What is dental lamination?

The procedure is a process of coating tooth enamel with thin plates of ceramic or photopolymer. As a result, a film of durable material is applied to the teeth, which makes their surface strong and gives them a white color. The technology of lamination was invented by American scientists who found a way to correct defects in the oral cavity without the use of serious methods of dentistry.
Often dental laminationconfused with the installation of veneers, however, it should be borne in mind that these are two different processes. The second procedure is used for the complete reconstruction of the oral cavity, while the first corrects minor defects in the tooth enamel.
Types of lamination

There are two types of procedure, each of them has its own nuances. Check them out below.
- Direct lamination of teeth is a fast, convenient and effective method of smile correction. As a rule, this procedure can be carried out in one visit to the dentist, as it does not take much time. During direct lamination, the doctor removes enamel from the surface of the teeth and replaces the old coating with a new composite material. After that, he applies a special varnish. In order for all materials to harden, an ultraviolet lamp is used. The disadvantages of this method include fragility: after 1-2 years, you will have to carry out a correction so that the smile is snow-white again.
- Indirect tooth lamination - takes longer than the previous procedure, but the results are much more durable. The thinnest ceramic plates are superimposed on the surface of the teeth. For their manufacture, you need to make an impression of the teeth. After the doctor installs them with a special adhesive solution. Indirect lamination of teeth, the cost of which is much higher than direct, lasts for decades.
Choose the type of procedure should be based on personal preferences and available funds.
Indications for dental lamination

This procedure is recommended in the following cases:
- Dim enamel or yellow teeth. A factor such as an unnatural shade of a smile can ruin a good impression of a person. Lamination will help to correct the defect by applying a composite material.
- The presence of a gap between the teeth. Scientifically, this pathology is called diastema. In some cases, it can even look cute, but in most cases, the gap only ruins the smile.
- Small bite defects. If your teeth are slightly crooked or one sticks out of the dentition, then lamination will replace wearing braces and plates. But keep in mind that this dental procedure will only help if the errors in the location are not too strong.
Teeth lamination can also be done by anyone who wants to improve their appearance and make their smile more beautiful. The average cost of this aesthetic procedure ranges from 3 to 4 thousand rubles.
Lamination Reviews

Find out how effective tooth lamination is, reviews will help. People who have undergone the procedure claim that it passes quickly enough and does not cause pain. To fix the results for a long time, you should take care of your teeth: do not expose them to excessive stress, do not drink a lot of coffee and visit the dentist at least once a year. Feedback from people who ignored these tips shows that they had to go for correction more often than those who followed the recommendations.
WhatAs far as prices are concerned, dental lamination in St. Petersburg and other large cities of the country is more expensive than in the provinces. However, in elite dental clinics, the quality of service is also an order of magnitude higher.