A number of neurological diseases are characterized by progressive death of neurons. Complex therapy helps to stabilize this process, which includes "Karnitsetin" - a biological additive that protects cells and regulates impulse transmission.
"Carnicetin" - what is it used for?
The main indications for the use of the drug is dementia in the initial stage (Alzheimer's type and cerebrovascular). Also, this supplement is recommended for involutional syndromes that develop against the background of vascular encephalopathy, and peripheral-type neuropathies. Among the indications is reduced mental performance, characterized by a deterioration in memory and concentration.

The action of the supplement is aimed at increasing the level of acetylcholine, due to which the conductivity of the nerve impulse improves, this is what helps to make life easier for patients with Alzheimer's disease. Also, increased transmission of impulses between neurons improves memory and concentration. The drug is effective in times of stress and overwork, asallows you to quickly restore the normal functioning of the body. "Karnitsetin" (instruction for use is contained in each package) effectively modifies energy metabolism. Increased use of fatty acids as the main source of energy.
"Carnitine" (price - 550-580 rubles) is available in the form of capsules, and the main active ingredient is acetyl-L-carnitine.
Dementia: why it occurs and how to treat it?
Alzheimer's dementia is understood as senile dementia, this condition is in most cases associated with Alzheimer's disease. Pathology is characterized by progressive degenerative changes in brain neurons. Among the factors predisposing to dementia, there are (in addition to Alzheimer's disease) age over 80 years, as well as heredity. Obesity, physical inactivity, traumatic brain injury, and diabetes mellitus are considered additional conditions that increase the risk and degree of progression of the disease.

Dementia is morphologically associated with severe and irreversible damage to CNS cells. It can be the result of endocrine and autoimmune failures, systemic lupus erythematosus, and also occur as a complication of hemodialysis. As a rule, several factors are responsible for the development of pathology.
The drug "Karnitsetin" (instruction for use reports this) is effective only in the initial stage of the disease. The main symptoms of this period are memory impairment and impaired concentration. The patient is often unablerecall familiar things, find it difficult to navigate familiar terrain. Patients have difficulties with mathematical calculations and the analysis and evaluation of various phenomena is disturbed. As a rule, these manifestations are noted at the age of 60.
Therapy for such a disease only helps to suppress the symptoms, and does not contribute to a complete cure. "Carnicetin" (the price depends on the pharmacy chain where you buy it) in combination with other drugs helps to stabilize the disease - slow down its progression.

"Karnitsetin" with a decrease in mental performance
Overwork is the main cause of such a phenomenon as reduced performance. Often it is accompanied by stress and disruption of the daily routine, which leads to even greater depletion of the body. The state of the nervous system as a result of overload affects the physical functions of the body. A common complaint is muscle pain, but the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems often worsens.

Decrease in mental performance begins to manifest itself as a decrease in concentration. Patients have difficulty doing their usual work, they cannot concentrate on the desired object. Further, memory problems join, as well as symptoms of physical overload. The body cannot always cope with such a problem. The drug "Karnitsetin" (patient reviews will be confirmation) helps to fight not only the symptoms described, it also increasesstress resistance and uplifting.
"Karnitsetin" is not a drug, it is a biological supplement, so the list of contraindications is limited only to hypersensitivity. However, it should be borne in mind that it is prescribed with caution to patients with epilepsy. In such cases, careful monitoring by the doctor is necessary, since an increase in impulse transmission can lead to excessive stimulation of the epileptogenic zone, and, consequently, an increase in seizures. Constant monitoring of such patients is recommended.
"Karnitsetin": instructions for use
Supplement should be taken with food. As a rule, 1 or 2 capsules / day are prescribed, but it is better to consult a doctor before using the drug, especially if the supplement is used to suppress the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The course of admission is 1 month.
Side effects
As a rule, the drug is well tolerated by patients. Among the side effects are nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, as well as itching and rash in case of hypersensitivity to "Karnitsetin".
The supplement does not affect the ability to drive and perform tasks that require a high concentration of attention.

"Karnitsetin": reviews
The additive is effective during the period of reduced performance. Patients report an improvement in well-being after a course of treatment. This drug is especially recommended during periods of stress, sessions, difficulties at work. It also helps relieve symptoms in patients withAlzheimer's disease or dementia of another etiology, but in this case, the effect is observed only in complex therapy, as noted by the reviews.
Effectively to maintain the nervous system is used "Karnitsetin". Its analogues are not numerous, the most popular among them is Carnitex. The indications are similar (the list is presented above). The average daily dose is 6-12 capsules, and a single dosage and time of administration are determined by the doctor. With dementia, the maximum dose is 4000 mg / day, it is recommended to divide it into 2-3 doses. With neuropathies of various etiologies, 1500-3000 mg / day is prescribed. The exact dosage is selected individually for each patient.
Side effects include allergic reaction, nausea and heartburn. Some patients report a feeling of anxiety. In addition, urine and sweat often have a specific odor.
"Carnitex" should not be taken under the age of 18, and during pregnancy it is prescribed only under strict medical indications. The drug can be called safe if the instructions and instructions of the doctor are followed, but the combined use with certain drugs is not recommended. Do not combine Carnitex with Acenocoumarol. If simultaneous administration with "Warfarin" is necessary, careful monitoring of the patient's condition by the doctor is required.

The biological additive "Karnitsetin" (instructions for use is presented in the article) is an excellent tool for activatingmental activity and protection of the nervous system. The effect is observed after a course of taking the supplement. In the absence of the desired result, it is possible to replace the drug or adjust the dosage. The medicine "Karnitsetin" is well tolerated by patients and has practically no contraindications, but it is better to consult a therapist before taking it.