Often our liver needs extra support. This is especially necessary in a number of pathologies affecting the cells of this organ, as well as when taking certain medications. Protect the liver will help special medications, which are called hepatoprotectors. Among them, Progepar is quite popular and receives good reviews. What is this drug and does it have analogues?
Composition and action
The basis of the drug is cyanocobalamin, inositol, cysteine and choline bitartrate, which have a beneficial effect on liver cells. They increase the regenerative ability of hepatocytes, maintaining their viability. As a result of reducing the intensity of liver cell death, the synthetic potential of fibroblasts decreases - the processes of cirrhosis and sclerosis slow down, that is, the replacement of the parenchyma with functionally inactive connective tissue. This is the prevention of the development of chronic liver failure. Additionally, the blood circulation of the liver improves, which prevents hypoxia and necrosis as a result. This effect gives the drug "Prohepar". Use must be supervised by a physician.
When is the drug prescribed?
"Prohepar" is necessary whendiseases and conditions when there is damage to the liver parenchyma or there is an increased load on the organ. Among the factors requiring the use of hepatoprotectors are:
- cirrhosis of the liver (to slow down the course of the disease);
- hepatopathy;
- chronic hepatitis - alcoholic, viral, medicinal;
- drug intoxication;
- radiation sickness;
- psoriasis;
- treatment with cytostatics.

As a rule, hepatoprotectors are well tolerated by patients, as they have practically no restrictions on their use. Hypersensitivity is an absolute contraindication. It can lead to skin rashes, itching, hyperemia (allergic reaction). In addition, the drug is not used in childhood and during pregnancy. These are the features of the drug "Prohepar", analogues have fewer contraindications.
"Prohepar" is taken enterally, that is, inside. Release form - tablets. As a rule, 1-2 pieces are prescribed 3 times a day, however, the treatment regimen can be adjusted by the attending physician. Depending on the pathology, the duration of therapy with Progepar is determined. Price - 1700-2000 rubles for 100 tablets.

Progepar Reviews
The drug is mandatory for the treatment of liver diseases characterized by the death of hepatocytes. Diagnostic studies of patients taking Progepar for a long time,show a slowdown in the processes of sclerosis of the liver parenchyma. This helps to maintain its function and increase the life expectancy of the patient. It should be noted that the effect is observed only with complex treatment. The choice of therapeutic measures depends on the disease and individual characteristics of patients.
Those who have been treated with this drug note its effectiveness. After taking many patients, the indicators of liver function diagnostics stabilized, and their general condition improved. The downside for most consumers is the high price. This is noted in almost all reviews.
"Prohepar" - analogues
Among hepatoprotectors, there are other drugs that have a similar mechanism of action with Progepar. Replacement with an analogue is allowed only with the permission of a specialist. Medicines that help protect the liver may differ in active substance, application features, but their main goal is to prevent the death of hepatocytes.
The medicine is of plant origin - the active substance is milk thistle fruit extract. This component of the drug affects the metabolism of hepatocytes, stabilizing their membranes (toxins lose access to the cell) and reducing the activity of dystrophic phenomena. The peculiarity is that "Silimar" can be used in childhood. Usually 1-2 tablets are used per day, and the course of such treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the therapy is repeated. Among the side effects, only allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes are possible. Thus, the drug issafer than Progepar, but its effectiveness is slightly lower. In severe pathologies accompanied by intense sclerosis, it is better to give preference to a stronger medicine. The price of the drug is 100-150 rubles. The drug receives positive reviews due to safety. Progepar has more contraindications.

The drug additionally has a detoxifying and antioxidant effect. The active substance (ademetionine) affects the synthesis of phospholipids, which are a component of membranes. Among the contraindications are not only hypersensitivity and age up to 18 years. The drug is not prescribed if there are any genetic disorders that affect the methionine cycle. The full use of the drug in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy is allowed, since no pathological effect on the fetus has been established. For the rest of the gestation period, as well as during lactation, it is better not to take the drug. Therapy is possible only if there are strict indications. Price - 1500-1700 rubles.

Hepatoprotectors are a component of complex therapy for liver diseases. They contribute to the protection of hepatocytes and stimulation of regeneration. The choice of drug and dosage is carried out by the attending physician. More often, doctors prescribe based on survey data and reviews.
"Progepar", along with its counterparts, performs a very important job - it stabilizes the functioning of the liver.