Drugs 2024, October

Distance from the eyes to the monitor: features, requirements and norms

Distance from the eyes to the monitor: features, requirements and norms

On average, a modern person spends about 50 hours a week looking at a computer screen. Is this related to eye fatigue, headaches, blurred vision and focusing difficulties, and what should be the distance from the eyes to the monitor so that these problems can be avoided or at least minimized?

What kind of wart ointment to use: doctor's advice

What kind of wart ointment to use: doctor's advice

Why do warts appear on the body? What ointments are best used for treatment? What is the composition of such funds and how to use them correctly?

The best cure for papillomas: a list of drugs. What is the most effective medicine for papillomas?

The best cure for papillomas: a list of drugs. What is the most effective medicine for papillomas?

Papillomavirus infection is currently a common pathology. The causative agent of the disease affects mainly the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genital organs. They select a cure for papillomas after passing the examination, during which it is possible to determine the type of virus

Eye drops "Systane Balance": instructions for use

Eye drops "Systane Balance": instructions for use

Eye drops "Systane Balance" have proven themselves in many countries. This drug solution moisturizes the cornea and reduces the evaporation of tear fluid from the surface of the conjunctiva. The drug is used in diseases accompanied by "dry eye syndrome"

"Systane Ultra": instructions, rules of use and reviews

"Systane Ultra": instructions, rules of use and reviews

The eyes are a sensitive organ. It is easy to break his work. Every day, a person is faced with the negative impact of environmental factors. Chemicals, computer screen radiation, adverse climatic conditions can worsen the condition of the eye apparatus. As a result, vision may be impaired. To avoid this, many use goggles and drops, such as "Systane Ultra"

Note for beginners: how to take BCAA 5000 Powder in powder or capsules?

Note for beginners: how to take BCAA 5000 Powder in powder or capsules?

In order to restore muscle tissue during intense physical exertion, athletes and bodybuilders often use BCAA 5000 Powder from Optimum Nutrition. This high-quality complex of essential amino acids - BCAA 5000 Powder (Optimum Nutrition) in capsules or in powder - is one of the world's leaders in the effectiveness of drugs intended for sports nutrition

Remedy "Termikon" (ointment). Instruction

Remedy "Termikon" (ointment). Instruction

The drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of skin fungal infections, mycoses of the feet, including epidermophytosis (inguinal), as well as skin lesions provoked by dermatophytes

Effective medicines for sinusitis: comparison of the best drugs and reviews about them

Effective medicines for sinusitis: comparison of the best drugs and reviews about them

After suffering infectious acute diseases that have arisen in the upper respiratory tract, influenza, scarlet fever, measles, inflammation of the sinuses often occurs, which is called sinusitis. The treatment of this disease is complex. Medicines for sinusitis prescribed by a doctor

The best laxative candles for children and adults: list, manufacturer reviews

The best laxative candles for children and adults: list, manufacturer reviews

If a person experiences difficulties and for a long time cannot independently get rid of the accumulated stool in the body, then this phenomenon in medicine is called constipation. To cope with this problem, you can use special candles. Which is better to choose? This is what the consumer is facing. In this article, it is proposed to read reviews and a list of the most popular products in this area

Ointment Vishnevsky: reviews. Ointment for external use

Ointment Vishnevsky: reviews. Ointment for external use

How to use Vishnevsky's ointment? What is this medication used for? We will answer these and other questions that relate to the mentioned drug in this article

Ointment for external hemorrhoids: a description of the best and most effective drugs

Ointment for external hemorrhoids: a description of the best and most effective drugs

Hemorrhoidal disease is a common pathology that is formed due to the weakness of the venous walls. With this disease, the rectal area suffers. Simultaneously with hemorrhoids, varicose veins, anemia, and heart disease can develop. Among these diseases, hemorrhoids are one of the "lesser evils". Modern pharmacology offers an effective treatment - ointments for external hemorrhoids. The article provides a description of the best and most effective means

Series "911": joint ointment

Series "911": joint ointment

Which joint ointments from the "911" series are considered the most effective? What properties do Revmalgon preparations and ointment with chondroitin have? How to use the ointment with chondroitin and the drug "Revmalgon"?

How to bring down a high temperature in children: tips and tricks

How to bring down a high temperature in children: tips and tricks

If a small child has a fever, many parents, especially young ones, start to panic, try to bring it down in every possible way. In this article, we will consider the main questions that parents have when a child has a fever

The drug "Gedelix" during pregnancy. Possibility of reception and precautions

The drug "Gedelix" during pregnancy. Possibility of reception and precautions

Cough and colds in expectant mothers are treated well by the herbal natural preparation "Gedelix". Instructions for use, side effects are discussed in this article

Boro plus acne cream is a great solution for problem skin

Boro plus acne cream is a great solution for problem skin

Ointment "Boro plus" from acne perfectly solves skin problems. Its distinctive features: low price, natural composition and recognized effectiveness

The use of activated charcoal for weight loss: myths and reality

The use of activated charcoal for weight loss: myths and reality

Against the background of the constant struggle with excess weight and the search for the most affordable and safe methods of losing weight, the use of activated carbon has become widespread

Breast collection 4 during pregnancy: composition and use

Breast collection 4 during pregnancy: composition and use

Expectant mothers especially carefully need to take care of their he alth. In the treatment of cough, chest collection 4 will help them. The secret of the high efficiency and harmlessness of this decoction lies in its composition and the properties of all the herbs included in it

Drug "Omez" for gastritis. Treatment and results

Drug "Omez" for gastritis. Treatment and results

Sad as it may seem, but it is almost impossible to find a person who does not know what heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea or belching is, and these are the first signs of gastritis. Here, during his treatment, the drug "Omez" is prescribed

Gamavit preparation for cats: how to use it better?

Gamavit preparation for cats: how to use it better?

The drug "Gamavit" for cats has no contraindications, it goes well with other medicines. It is used as a general tonic for animals of any age - both for the prevention and treatment of existing diseases of various origins, including chronic ones

Eye drops "Taufon": instructions for use, composition and reviews

Eye drops "Taufon": instructions for use, composition and reviews

If there are initial sensations of discomfort, such as redness of the eyes, stinging, insufficient moisture, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist and take some preventive measures to prevent vision loss. Taufon eye drops are a vitaminized remedy that is ideal for the prevention and elimination of the primary symptoms of dryness

"Tylenol": instructions for use of the drug, description, composition and reviews

"Tylenol": instructions for use of the drug, description, composition and reviews

"Tylenol" is a drug used to treat colds, acute respiratory infections and flu, characterized by high efficiency and speed

"Antioxycaps" with zinc - vitamin and medicine

"Antioxycaps" with zinc - vitamin and medicine

"Antioxycaps" with zinc is widely used in the treatment of severe conditions in the withdrawal syndrome caused by alcohol abuse, and is also recommended when getting rid of nicotine addiction

Indications for the use of "Metformin": instructions and reviews

Indications for the use of "Metformin": instructions and reviews

"Metformin" is a vital tool for people suffering from diabetes. "Metformin Richter", indications for the use of which are suitable for most patients with diabetes, helps to reduce blood sugar, ensures that carbohydrate metabolism is maintained at the proper level, thereby improving the quality of life, as evidenced by numerous positive patient reviews

The drug "Baraclud": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

The drug "Baraclud": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

The drug is included in the group of vital drugs, and therefore some categories of citizens have been given free medication, as evidenced by the drug "Baraclud" instructions for use. The price of funds in pharmacies in Moscow starts from 12 thousand rubles

Medicine "Chondrogard": instructions for use, description of the drug, its analogues, reviews and contraindications

Medicine "Chondrogard": instructions for use, description of the drug, its analogues, reviews and contraindications

High molecular weight mucopolysaccharide chondroitin sulfate is the active ingredient of the drug "Chondrogard". Instructions for use informs that this substance affects the metabolic processes in the cartilage of the joints, reducing degenerative changes and restoring cartilage tissue

Effective pills to increase hemoglobin

Effective pills to increase hemoglobin

Many diseases can be diagnosed by the level of hemoglobin in a blood test. The substance is responsible for supplying oxygen to all tissues and organs. With its shortage, iron deficiency anemia develops, characterized by unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the patient must take pills to raise hemoglobin and follow a special diet

St. John's wort, antidepressant drugs: instructions for use and reviews

St. John's wort, antidepressant drugs: instructions for use and reviews

In large cities, people are forced to sleep only five or six hours in order to manage to get to work. There is an insignificant amount of time left for hobbies and recreation. This lifestyle inevitably leads to depression and mental disorders. Antidepressant drugs will come to the rescue. St. John's wort in the composition is a proven and safe component that has a rather mild effect on the mental state and nervous system

Immunoglobulin complex preparation "KIP": instructions for use

Immunoglobulin complex preparation "KIP": instructions for use

An immunoglobulin complex preparation or simply "KIP" is defined by the instructions for use as an immunostimulating drug designed to increase specific immunity. This tool significantly increases the content of antibodies to enteroviruses and enterobacteria such as salmonella, shigella and escherichia

Aerosol "Polcortolon TS": composition, indications, instructions for use

Aerosol "Polcortolon TS": composition, indications, instructions for use

What is Polkortolone TS aerosol for? Indications for the use of this remedy will be listed below

"Interferon ointment": application, reviews, instructions

"Interferon ointment": application, reviews, instructions

Modern pharmaceutical companies produce a wide variety of drugs. Some are produced in the form of tablets, others - syrups and suspensions. Also, drugs can be intended for external use. They have a gel or creamy texture. These include "Interferon ointment"

"Sanpraz": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Sanpraz": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

According to the instructions for use for "Sanpraz", the main substances of this medication are able to block the final stage of the production of hydrochloric (hydrochloric) acid, reduce the level of stimulated (regardless of the type of stimulus) and basal secretion of a substance in the stomach cavity

"Fenistil" with chickenpox: instructions for use for children and adults

"Fenistil" with chickenpox: instructions for use for children and adults

If we take into account the characteristic symptoms of chickenpox in the form of a watery rash that constantly itches, it becomes clear why doctors recommend remedies that significantly reduce such discomfort. The medicine "Fenistil" with chickenpox will relieve itching, which is important for babies who comb acne, thus opening the gate for infection

Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

Licorice syrup: instructions for use for adults and children

One of the most popular expectorants of natural origin is licorice syrup, instructions for use, reviews of which are given in the article. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of adults and children older than a year. Despite the fact that the instructions for use call licorice syrup a safe and non-toxic agent, it can only be used as directed by a doctor

Licorice root syrup: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Licorice root syrup: instructions for use, composition and reviews

Treatment with medicinal plants has not lost its popularity even with the current level of development of medicine. For the treatment of various diseases, drugs based on plant extracts are used. One of the most commonly used is licorice root. A syrup from it is sold in any pharmacy. It is often prescribed by doctors for colds and coughs, even for young children

Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews

Esculus ointment for hemorrhoids: instructions and reviews

What is Esculus ointment? What properties and side effects does the drug have? Methods of application and contraindications of the Esculus ointment

"Esculus compositum": instructions for use (reviews)

"Esculus compositum": instructions for use (reviews)

Why do you need such a tool as "Esculus Compositum"? Instructions for use, reviews and indications for the use of this medication are discussed below

Zinc for acne: effectiveness, use and reviews of dermatologists

Zinc for acne: effectiveness, use and reviews of dermatologists

Zinc is a very important trace element. Without it, almost no cell will function. A large amount of zinc is found in the skin, liver, prostate gland. Many enzymes that are involved in important bodily functions contain zinc

Drops "Galazolin" - what is needed? Instructions, effectiveness, analogues of the drug

Drops "Galazolin" - what is needed? Instructions, effectiveness, analogues of the drug

The pharmacokinetics of the drug indicates that when using the drug at recommended doses, xylometazoline is practically not subjected to systemic absorption, plasma concentrations are so low that they cannot be determined by modern analytical methods

Pulse-lowering drugs: list, rating of the best, doctor's prescription, indications and contraindications

Pulse-lowering drugs: list, rating of the best, doctor's prescription, indications and contraindications

Drugs to stabilize the pulse at high and low pressure are taken when it is necessary to normalize the heart rate. Most often it is necessary to reduce the frequency, but sometimes it is necessary to increase it

"Acyclovir-Akrikhin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

"Acyclovir-Akrikhin": reviews, composition, instructions for use

The basis of the drug "Acyclovir-Akrikhin" itself is not active, but getting into the cells affected by the virus, it is converted into the active substance acyclovir triphosphate. It is it that has the ability to destroy the DNA of the virus without harming the cells of the human body