Why does the labia itch?

Why does the labia itch?
Why does the labia itch?

Such a phenomenon as genital itching in women can be caused by various reasons. Most often, the labia itches if there is any sexually transmitted infection. However, the reasons why not very pleasant sensations may arise can be divided into certain groups.

itchy labia
itchy labia

The most important thing is not to diagnose yourself, since only a doctor can determine exactly the reason why the labia itch a lot after conducting a set of studies. The following are the most common sources of itching and redness in the genitals in women.

The use of inappropriate hygiene products always causes an allergic reaction. In this case, the labia often itch and hurt, and the appearance of a rash, as well as severe redness, may be characteristic. Panty liners and tampons, as well as low-quality synthetic underwear, can cause such a reaction when in contact with delicate skin.

Failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene leads to the growth of bacteria - sometimes that's why the labia itches. To avoid this result, daily hygiene procedures should be carried out usingcosmetic products suitable for this purpose.

the labia are very itchy
the labia are very itchy

Note that regular soap can also be irritating.

A more serious condition, accompanied by severe itching of the woman's genitals, occurs as a result of an infectious infection. If you are not sure about your partner, then using a condom during intercourse is not only desirable, but also a mandatory measure. If your labia itches, you can regard this as a signal to go to a venereologist for research and testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

Do not forget about such a common cause of itching as candidiasis, popularly called thrush. In this case, too much irritation and a pronounced "itch" of the genital organs will be accompanied by curdled discharge. Despite the fact that thrush is considered a sign of a violation of the microflora of the vagina, this phenomenon is often a harbinger of more serious sexually transmitted infections.

In the event that your labia itches, but no sexually transmitted and infectious diseases have been identified, you should pay attention to the possibility of endocrine disruption in the body. In addition, unpleasant itching may indicate a malfunction in metabolic processes and secretion. In this case, it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist to make an accurate diagnosis.

itchy and sore labia
itchy and sore labia

Less common, but still deservingAttention to the cause of itching of the genital organs - taking medications that cause allergic reactions. However, in this case, the allergy is likely to manifest itself in other parts of the body, for example, on the face or on the hands. An allergy test is also required in this case to exclude the possibility of an infectious disease.
