Drugs 2024, October

"Venitan Forte": instruction, reviews, description, composition

"Venitan Forte": instruction, reviews, description, composition

Topical preparations are considered safer than oral preparations. However, before using them, it is also necessary to study the annotation and all the nuances of therapy. Thus, you can save yourself from the unpleasant consequences of treatment and get only benefits. The presented article will tell you about the drug "Venitan Forte"

"Magne B6": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

"Magne B6": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Deficiency of magnesium and vitamin B6 adversely affects all body systems: the central nervous system, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal tract. In order to make up for the lack of these elements, there is a drug "Magne B6", the instructions for which you can read in this article

Anti-cold drugs: a list of the most effective. The right choice of drugs for colds

Anti-cold drugs: a list of the most effective. The right choice of drugs for colds

During the seasonal fluctuations in temperature, it is difficult to avoid a cold. Everyone should know which drugs should be used in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible

How to apply "Vundehil" - an ointment for the treatment of skin diseases

How to apply "Vundehil" - an ointment for the treatment of skin diseases

For the treatment of ulcerative skin lesions and poorly healing wounds, the drug "Vundehil" is often used. This ointment is based on natural ingredients, so it almost does not cause side effects, except for cases of individual intolerance to the components of the drug. The ointment is used to accelerate the healing of serious skin lesions, even sluggish purulent processes

"Paracetamol": application, instructions, reviews

"Paracetamol": application, instructions, reviews

In this article, we will consider the instructions for the use of Paracetamol tablets 200 and 500 mg. This remedy is an effective analgesic and antipyretic drug that has been used for decades. On its basis, many medicines are produced, including in the form of syrups for children

Cholesterol-lowering drugs: types, an overview of the best drugs

Cholesterol-lowering drugs: types, an overview of the best drugs

To fight the increased concentration of cholesterol in the circulatory system, it is recommended to eat right and introduce dosed physical activity into your daily routine. If such sparing measures do not give the desired result, the doctor prescribes cholesterol-lowering drugs. There are several types of medicines in pharmacies that are effective for different root causes of the pathological condition

Thiamin hydrochloride - instructions for use, composition, reviews and contraindications

Thiamin hydrochloride - instructions for use, composition, reviews and contraindications

The value of vitamin B1 (thiamine) for the human body can not be overestimated. Unfortunately, in modern medicine, there are often cases when additional administration of this substance is simply necessary. It was then that the use of the drug "Thiamin hydrochloride" was shown

Remedy for foot fungus: a review of effective drugs, dermatologist advice, reviews

Remedy for foot fungus: a review of effective drugs, dermatologist advice, reviews

Such a dermatological disease as foot fungus is one of the most common skin problems in humans. This is due, first of all, to the fact that this disease spreads easily and can not cause any discomfort for a long time. In the process of treatment, it is extremely important to choose the remedy for foot fungus, which will certainly help to completely get rid of the problem, and not eliminate only some of its external signs

"Antistax" or "Detralex": which is more effective, instructions for use, composition

"Antistax" or "Detralex": which is more effective, instructions for use, composition

Varicose veins in the modern world suffer from many people, regardless of age, place of residence, social status. This disease is characterized by a malfunction of intravenous valves, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, venous deformity, the formation of vascular nodes, which eventually appear under the skin

"Adepress": instructions for use, reviews. Drug analogues

"Adepress": instructions for use, reviews. Drug analogues

Antidepressants were created to help a person solve problems with the nervous system. And this area is perhaps the most mysterious. However, sometimes doctors are forced to prescribe drugs such as Adepress to their patients. Instructions for use, indications and contraindications, as well as side effects are described in this article

"Bisoprolol": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Bisoprolol": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

The drug "Bisoprolol" is prescribed not only for arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, but also for heart failure and heart rhythm disturbances. Reviews of patients show that after two days of admission, shortness of breath disappears, pain in the heart region disappears

"Hexaspray": instructions for use, reviews

"Hexaspray": instructions for use, reviews

Is there a throat spray that can eliminate bacteria, fungi and viruses? Can it be safe for all patients, including pregnant women and children? Fortunately, there is such a drug - it is Hexaspray. Instructions for using the drug are detailed in this article. The reader will also learn what qualities of the spray consumers consider the most valuable

"Glutargin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues and prices

"Glutargin": instructions for use, reviews, analogues and prices

The drug "Glutargin" refers to hepatoprotective drugs, the action of which is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in liver cells by removing toxic substances from them and stabilizing the state of cell membranes

"Naloxone": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Naloxone": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

In medical practice, there are situations in which the use of drugs leads to an overdose or a negative reaction from various organs and systems. The drug "Naloxone", the instructions for which are discussed in detail in this article, helps to eliminate the consequences of an overdose and identify drug addiction

Diclofenac sodium: side effects, description, instructions, use, contraindications, composition, storage

Diclofenac sodium: side effects, description, instructions, use, contraindications, composition, storage

Diclofenac sodium is considered the most affordable non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Does it have contraindications and other features of the application? Learn about it from this article

"Melbek": instructions for use, analogues and reviews of doctors

"Melbek": instructions for use, analogues and reviews of doctors

Are you suffering from joint and muscle pain? The doctor suggested taking the drug "Melbek", but you doubt its effectiveness? Do you want to know more about this medicine? Then you should read this article

"Dulcolax": instructions for use. Tablets, suppositories and drops "Dulcolax": reviews

"Dulcolax": instructions for use. Tablets, suppositories and drops "Dulcolax": reviews

Do you still not know how to effectively and safely deal with constipation? We offer you to get acquainted with the drug "Dulcolax". Reviews, instructions for use and description of drops, tablets and suppositories - all this you can find in the article

"Sibutramine": reviews of losing weight about the drug. Side effects of Sibutramine

"Sibutramine": reviews of losing weight about the drug. Side effects of Sibutramine

Many people who want to lose weight know that doing so is not at all easy. After all, you need to have great willpower to follow a diet. And after you managed to lose those extra pounds, you need to moderate your appetite in every possible way so that excess weight does not return at a double rate. Very often, those who want to lose weight resort to the help of medications. These drugs, at least many of them, contain a chemical called sibutramine

Cream "Lipobase": reviews, price, analogues and instructions for use

Cream "Lipobase": reviews, price, analogues and instructions for use

This article describes some of the properties of the Lipobase cosmetic line cream, as well as customer and doctor reviews about it. Here is information about analogues and excerpts from the instructions for use

"Listata": reviews, instructions. "Listata" for weight loss

"Listata": reviews, instructions. "Listata" for weight loss

Few can boast of a graceful figure and wasp waist. Some were awarded overweight by mother nature, while others gain extra pounds throughout their lives. And the reasons for this may be different, for example, treatment with hormonal drugs. For the most part, people strive in every possible way to get rid of fat deposits in the form of folds. In cases where diets and physical activity practically do not save, those who want to lose weight resort to the last method - pharmacy products

Instructions for use and analogue of "Sirdalud". List of cheap analogues of Sirdalud

Instructions for use and analogue of "Sirdalud". List of cheap analogues of Sirdalud

This article was written in order to get acquainted with the drug "Sirdalud" and instructions for its use. All information posted here is an addition and simplification of the annotation to this medicine

"Neo-Penotran Forte": analogues, instructions, reviews. Candles "Neo-Penotran forte"

"Neo-Penotran Forte": analogues, instructions, reviews. Candles "Neo-Penotran forte"

This article is not a guide to the use of the therapeutic drug "Neo-Penotran Forte". These are small excerpts from the annotation on the use of this medication, patient reviews, opinions and advice from doctors. Also here is information about some analogues of "Neo-Penotran Forte". Before you start using this drug, you should consult your doctor. Self-medication is not allowed

Drug "Cough medicine for children dry"

Drug "Cough medicine for children dry"

Maybe you didn't come across, or maybe you just didn't pay attention to the fact that there is a medicine with such a simple name: "Cough medicine for children is dry". The absence of medical terms does not underestimate the medicinal properties of this remedy

Not a new and practical remedy "Ketotifen". What is it from?

Not a new and practical remedy "Ketotifen". What is it from?

There are drugs that have been tested by time. And although there are drugs of a new generation, quick action and instant effect, but for some reason the cheap anti-allergic drug "Ketotifen" continues to hold its ground. Let's try to figure out what kind of drug it is

Is paracetamol contraindicated while breastfeeding?

Is paracetamol contraindicated while breastfeeding?

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, a woman's body is more prone to various ailments. But dealing with them in the usual ways is not always acceptable. That is why the instructions for any drug must directly indicate the safety or prohibition of the use of this drug. But do not forget that the drug market operates according to the same laws of competition and advertising as regular markets. What matters most to you is your he alth and that of your baby

The world we live in: today children's inhalers are needed in almost every home

The world we live in: today children's inhalers are needed in almost every home

Our ecology, way of life, habits and environment lead to the fact that every mother is faced with the problem of allergies or constant colds in a child. Often, respiratory diseases become manifestations of allergies and inflammatory processes in children. But with the development of diseases, medicine and medical technology also develop. If you are faced with such a problem with your child, then get acquainted: a modern, effective and safe remedy - a children's inhaler

You don't need an analogue! "Hilak forte" meets all the requirements for its intended purpose

You don't need an analogue! "Hilak forte" meets all the requirements for its intended purpose

Are you looking for the best prebiotic for you or your baby? And if you are also breastfeeding, then both of you "Hilak forte" can be a good helper. This is an excellent drug designed to solve a number of problems. However, don't forget to consult your doctor

Drug "Enterosgel" during pregnancy

Drug "Enterosgel" during pregnancy

Preparation "Enterosgel" is a modern, effective and reliable analogue of activated carbon. It has no contraindications and revealing reviews. It is a real panacea for most stomach problems, in the fight against toxicosis and even for allergies in babies

Looking for an analogue of "Espumizan": a few tips for young parents

Looking for an analogue of "Espumizan": a few tips for young parents

"Espumizan" and its analogues are preparations containing simethicone. But their performance is different, and the prices are different. To say definitely which remedy is more effective, and what will help you, no one will undertake. Therefore, in this case, you will have to look for the optimal solution on your own

Rectal anesthetic suppositories: manufacturer reviews

Rectal anesthetic suppositories: manufacturer reviews

Pain-relieving suppositories are produced on the basis of analgesic substances that contribute to the local removal of discomfort. Depending on the site of application, suppositories can be intended for both rectal and vaginal administration

"Klimadinon": analogues, instructions for use, composition and reviews

"Klimadinon": analogues, instructions for use, composition and reviews

Medication is a drug of natural origin with an estrogen-like principle of action. It is highly effective in disorders that are caused by menopause or menopause in women. The drug can also be prescribed as part of complex treatment against the background of estrogen deficiency or after surgical removal of the ovaries at reproductive age

Daily requirement for iodine: consumption rate, signs of iodine deficiency, prevention of iodine deficiency, consequences and advice from an endocrinologist

Daily requirement for iodine: consumption rate, signs of iodine deficiency, prevention of iodine deficiency, consequences and advice from an endocrinologist

Today we invite you to talk about the daily requirement for human iodine. In addition, we will consider no less interesting questions: why is it needed, what will happen if there is a shortage of this element, what are the consequences of its overabundance, and so on

Pills for immunity: indications, method of use. Immune Boosting Drugs

Pills for immunity: indications, method of use. Immune Boosting Drugs

Pills that strengthen the immune system are increasingly being prescribed by doctors for various diseases. Most of them also have an antiviral effect. Such drugs not only increase the natural protective functions of the body, but also prevent the disease from progressing. However, tablets for immunity can also be used for bacterial, fungal or other types of pathology. They are often used as a preventive measure

The most effective ointments for corns: reviews

The most effective ointments for corns: reviews

In the summer, corns on the heels cause a lot of trouble. Not only is it ugly, it is also rather painful. Today we want to tell you about the best ointments for corns

"Coronal": indications for use, reviews. Drug analogues

"Coronal": indications for use, reviews. Drug analogues

The development of diseases of the cardiovascular system is slow and imperceptible in the early stages. In most cases, a person learns about his heart problems when the pathology is already progressing. Heart disease is dangerous because it occurs almost without symptoms. They are one of the main causes of death on earth

Blue iodine: doctors' reviews, uses and properties

Blue iodine: doctors' reviews, uses and properties

In viral diseases, drugs such as Lugol's solution, iodinol and others are often used. They are mainly used for external use (for lubrication and gargling), because they contain toxic and highly irritating substances. The main active element in these preparations is iodine. Reviews of doctors over time began to converge that iodine can be effective in the treatment of many diseases and inflammations of internal organs

"Tenoten": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

"Tenoten": instructions for use, indications, composition, analogues, reviews

The article describes the principle of action of the drug "Tenoten". The causes and consequences of diseases that can be treated with this homeopathic remedy are determined. Special attention is paid to the use of the drug in childhood

Ointment for allergic dermatitis: names, list, types and classification, composition, instructions for use, purpose and contraindications

Ointment for allergic dermatitis: names, list, types and classification, composition, instructions for use, purpose and contraindications

This is skin inflammation - that is, inflammation of the human body system, which is located on the surface and is fed by an extensive vascular network. When there are no violations of the integrity of the skin cover, and it has an acidic pH, the barrier function is performed well, the substances that have fallen on the surface are not allowed to be absorbed. As soon as allergic or microbial inflammation develops, or inflammation resulting from a burn, the epidermis becomes permeable to many substances

"Befungin" in oncology: reviews and instructions for use

"Befungin" in oncology: reviews and instructions for use

The drug "Befungin" is widely used to treat cancer patients. But besides this, it has a number of positive therapeutic effects

"Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues

"Unidox Solutab" from ureaplasma: reviews. Antibiotic "Unidox Solutab": price, analogues

The drug "Unidox Solutab" is an antibiotic of the tetracycline series, which is used in the treatment of genital ureaplasmosis. It has been proven to be highly effective in the treatment of this disease