How is laryngitis treated? Laryngitis: treatment with antibiotics. How to treat laryngitis in an adult?

How is laryngitis treated? Laryngitis: treatment with antibiotics. How to treat laryngitis in an adult?
How is laryngitis treated? Laryngitis: treatment with antibiotics. How to treat laryngitis in an adult?

Laryngitis, the drugs for the treatment of which will be described below, is a

laryngitis than to treat drugs
laryngitis than to treat drugs

inflammatory process that affects the larynx. As a rule, pathology is associated with infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, measles, whooping cough. Several factors contribute to the progression of laryngitis. First of all, it is hypothermia, drinking alcohol, smoking, breathing through the mouth, straining the larynx.

Causes of pathology

The disease can be long-term (chronic) or short-term. As a rule, the development of pathology occurs quickly. The disease lasts about two weeks in a short-term form and more than 2 weeks in a chronic form. Acute laryngitis develops as an independent pathology as a result of excessive strain on the larynx (for example, in teachers or singers) or hypothermia. This form may also be one of the symptoms of a common acute infection (measles, influenza andothers). Inflammation can spread to the entire larynx or mucous membrane of the epiglottis, walls in the subvocal cavity, vocal cords. The chronic form develops as a result of recurrent (repeating repeatedly) acute laryngitis or prolonged inflammatory processes in the pharynx, nose and sinuses.

How does the disease manifest itself in the acute stage?

Against the background of acute laryngitis, there is a significant reddening of the mucosa. In the area of the walls of the vestibule there is a strong swelling. From the inflamed, dilated vessels, blood may appear, as a result of which purple dots may be found on the mucosa. Often, the inflammatory process extends not only to the region of the larynx, but also to the trachea. Pathology is accompanied by a strong cough, usually with sputum, which is produced by the mucosa of the trachea and larynx.

Signs of a chronic course of the disease

Chronic laryngitis occurs against the background of a general deterioration in the condition, often there is an increase in temperature. A laboratory study in the blood reveals an increase in the content of leukocytes, an acceleration of the ESR. In the case of predominant localization of inflammation in the area of \u200b\u200bthe posterior wall or epiglottis, pain may appear when swallowing. The narrowing of the glottis (due to spasm, swelling, and in some cases due to an abscess) provokes difficulty in breathing. The patient complains of a feeling of itching, dryness, scratching in the throat. The voice becomes hoarse. First, a dry cough is noted, and then sputum begins to be expectorated. The condition is accompaniedheadaches, slight (up to 37.4 degrees) fever. If the patient observes bed rest, then the duration of the pathology does not exceed 7-10 days. What is the treatment for laryngitis? More on this later in the article.

General therapeutic measures

how to treat laryngitis in an adult
how to treat laryngitis in an adult

In the acute form of pathology, treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes that provoked the condition. To create complete rest in the larynx, the patient is prescribed not to talk for five or seven days. It is necessary to exclude the use of alcohol-containing products, spicy dishes, seasonings and spices. Smoking is strictly prohibited. In addition, a warm drink, gargling is prescribed. Inhalations with laryngitis with a nebulizer are especially effective. The drugs that are used for these procedures will be described below. Applying heat to the neck area (warm compress or bandage) is also recommended.

Chronic laryngitis. How to treat?

Drugs to eliminate the symptoms of pathology should be prescribed by a doctor. Patients with a chronic form of the disease should certainly be examined by a specialist. In accordance with the overall clinical picture, therapeutic measures will be recommended. What is the usual treatment for laryngitis? As a rule, the doctor prescribes lubrication or irrigation of the pharynx, physiotherapy, and medications. In severe cases, surgery may also be required.

The most popular and effective medicines

What medications can be used for laryngitis in adults? As it wasmentioned above, the composition of therapeutic measures includes various procedures, including irrigation of the pharynx. An effective remedy is a mixture of 0.9% saline (200 ml) and 10% iodine tincture (5 drops). Irrigation is carried out 2-3 times during the day. The dosage of the composition for one procedure is forty-sixty milliliters. Duration of application - from 5-6 days. Alkaline-oil inhalations are also used to eliminate the symptoms of laryngitis. The duration of therapy with this method is five days in the presence of viscous sputum and crusts in the larynx.

inhalation with laryngitis nebulizer drugs
inhalation with laryngitis nebulizer drugs

Emollients and anti-inflammatory agents

What other drugs are prescribed for laryngitis in adults? As emollients and anti-inflammatory agents, infusions into the larynx of 1.5-2 ml of a one-percent oil solution of sea buckthorn oil and menthol are recommended (for ten days). An astringent and cauterizing effect is exerted by solutions such as Resorcinol (0.5%), Protargol (2%), Collargol (1-3%). Dosage - 1.5-2 ml. Infusions into the larynx of these funds are carried out daily for ten days.

And what to do if there is a cough with laryngitis, how to treat it? To liquefy sputum, infusions are made into the larynx of a solution of "Trypsin" or "Chymotrypsin" (1.5-2 ml each), peach or sea buckthorn oil. In case of insufficiency of the activity of the neuromuscular system of the larynx, electrophoresis with a five percent solution of calcium chloride is prescribed on the collar region. Recommended12-15 treatments lasting 15-20 minutes.

Broad spectrum products

How to treat laryngitis in an adult? What other effective means exist? The drug "Gentamicin" has proven itself well - a 4% solution for injection. This tool can also be used for inhalation. The drug is able to act on most pathogenic microorganisms. For inhalation, the recommended dosage is 2 ml of the drug dissolved in 3 ml of saline.

how is laryngitis treated
how is laryngitis treated

Means "Dioxidin" (0.5%) has a disinfecting effect. It is prescribed for patients with chronic and acute pathologies of the pharynx. The dose for inhalation is 5 ml.

Means "Lazolvan" is also used with saline (mixed 1:1).

The drug "Fluimucil", the active ingredient of which is acetylene, promotes liquefaction of sputum, due to the destruction of polymer bonds. This medication is not advisable to use for dry cough with a small amount of viscous secretion.

All indicated drugs for inhalation with laryngitis can be used with different types of devices. The exception is evaporating type devices. For the procedure, 3 ml of the solution is recommended twice a day. Indications for the use of these funds include not only laryngitis. Treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is also used for bronchitis, purulent pathologies of the lungs and other diseases of the respiratory system.

laryngitis antibiotic treatment
laryngitis antibiotic treatment

Exacerbation of pathology in a child

Children of 6-8 years of age are often diagnosed with a special form of pathology - false croup. The manifestations of the disease are similar to those of diphtheria of the larynx. The risk of such a condition is high in the acute form of laryngitis. A complication is dangerous with the likelihood of a sharp difficulty in breathing due to narrowing of the lumen of the larynx. Along with this, the condition is accompanied by spasms of the glottis. Usually false croup develops suddenly, during sleep. The condition is manifested by increased sweating, difficulty breathing, anxiety. Blue lips are also noted. After 20-30 minutes the condition stabilizes. During an attack, the temperature remains within the normal range or rises slightly. The aggravation may recur the next or even that night. When the first signs of pathology appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. To weaken the attack, it is recommended to put a mustard plaster, give the child a warm drink (milk, for example). A hot foot bath (about 39 degrees) for five to seven minutes stabilizes the condition somewhat.

cough with laryngitis how to treat
cough with laryngitis how to treat

Treat laryngitis at home

As you know, there are various folk remedies to get rid of certain pathologies. How is laryngitis treated? Here are some common recipes.

An effective remedy is eucalyptus herb or oil. In a large saucepan (with a wide bottom) you should put a few tablespoons of dry raw materials and, pouring boiling water, put on fire. Instead of grassuse three to four drops of eucalyptus oil. Medicinal plants such as chamomile, sage or St. John's wort are also effective. It is recommended to add soda to the composition (1 tbsp. L). When the solution boils, you should stand next to the pan and inhale the vapors. If a small child is sick (up to one and a half years), then the baby should be picked up and held near the boiling solution. The emitted vapors have a bactericidal effect. Such inhalations are recommended three to four times a day.

medicines for laryngitis in adults
medicines for laryngitis in adults

Other folk recipes

Before treating laryngitis in an adult with medicines, traditional medicine recommends using natural remedies. So, for example, you can chop an onion on a grater and put the resulting mass into boiling milk (half a liter). Without bringing to a boil, remove from heat and strain, cool. A glass of warm solution is drunk at night, the rest - in the morning (also warm). You need to take the remedy for several days. With hoarseness and hoarseness, it is recommended to take 100 grams of carrots and boil them in milk (0.5 l). The drink is filtered, taken in small sips. Rinsing with fresh cabbage juice is also effective. In the acute form of laryngitis, a decoction of dry apples helps. It is taken 0.5 cup with honey 1-2 times a day. Drink the decoction should be hot. Potato decoction is suitable for inhalation. You should boil the potatoes "in uniform", drain the water. Leaning over the pan and covering yourself with a towel, you need to inhale the vapors through your mouth.

treat laryngitis at home
treat laryngitis at home


First of all, measures to prevent the development of laryngitis are aimed at preventing colds. Experts recommend, first of all, to pay great attention to hygiene. Wash your hands regularly and use disposable tissues. Do not touch your nose or mouth with dirty hands. If possible, contact with people with a cold should be avoided. It is very useful to be in the fresh air more often, while protecting the body from hypothermia. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of the vocal cords. You should not talk in the cold; in winter, be sure to wear a scarf and a hat. The living quarters must be regularly ventilated. Temperature and humidity must be maintained at an optimal level. If the work activity is associated with hazardous production, then after contact with toxic compounds, it is recommended to carry out inhalations to eliminate these substances from the body. It is better to warn in time than to treat laryngitis. In an adult, the body is more resistant to the harmful effects of external factors. But children are more susceptible to diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out activities from an early age that strengthen the baby's body.

How to prevent illness in a child?

laryngitis drugs for treatment
laryngitis drugs for treatment

Above we told how laryngitis is treated. And what can be done to prevent its occurrence in children? Among the main preventive measures should be called hardening. Regardless of the season, you need to regularly walk with your child in the fresh air. Very effective douchecold water, contrast shower. Clothing should be chosen according to the season to protect the body from overheating or hypothermia. An essential condition for the normal development of immunity is a balanced diet. With food, a child, as, in fact, an adult, should receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins. Be sure to follow the daily routine. Physical and mental stress should be distributed rationally. The child should not be overworked. The main direction of preventive measures in general is to strengthen the immune system. Among other things, this is facilitated by the additional intake of adaptogens: aralia tincture, eleutherococcus extract and others. However, a pediatrician should be consulted before giving any medication to a child.
