Ointments for diathesis for a child: an overview of drugs and instructions for use

Ointments for diathesis for a child: an overview of drugs and instructions for use
Ointments for diathesis for a child: an overview of drugs and instructions for use

There are various drugs for diathesis approved for use at a tender age. For a child, ointments developed by modern pharmaceutical companies are quite safe. Of course, we are talking only about those that are intended for the treatment of young patients. Why are these medicines in such high demand? Let's take a closer look.

What is it about?

Many parents are faced with the need to choose a diathesis ointment that is safe for the child. This pathological condition is not an independent disease. The term is used to denote a specific predisposition to sensitization, in most cases due to genetic characteristics. Diathesis is accompanied by a number of pronounced symptoms that create considerable discomfort in everyday life for both the patient and his parents. Most often there are foci of rashes, redness on the skin. These areas are disturbed by itching, soreness. To alleviate the manifestations, it is worth turning to various drugs created specifically for this.

diathesis ointment for children of the year
diathesis ointment for children of the year

Causes and consequences

The need to treat a child with diathesis ointments occurs if the body is exposed to the aggressive influence of some allergen. The baby's immunity is rather weak, not fully formed, so it is especially difficult to resist an aggressive substance. In infants, various rashes are a fairly common problem. In the case of diathesis, they will not be the only symptom of the condition. Rashes can be removed using special ointments, but they cannot cure the root cause. Therefore, it is additionally recommended to transfer the baby to a safe diet. The doctor will also prescribe probiotics, antihistamine pharmaceutical products.

Diathesis: what happens?

As mentioned above, diathesis is not an official disease, but only a word that implies a tendency. It hides abnormal deviations, inadequate reactions to simple foods, aromas and other irritating factors. Doctors distinguish several types of diathesis in children:

  • exudative-catarrhal;
  • nerve-arthritic;
  • neurasthenic;
  • metabolic;
  • spastic;
  • allergic-dermatitis;
  • lymphatic-hypoplastic.

The most common is exudative-catarrhal. Relapse is usually attributed to food, infection, prolonged exposure to cold.

About ointments

All ointments acceptable for the treatment of a child from diathesis are divided into hormonal and non-steroidal. The former have corticosteroids as their main ingredient. This composition providespronounced and rapid effect on the patient's body. Just a few applications allow you to notice significant relief. Most commonly used drugs:

  • "Celestoderm";
  • Elokom;
  • "Advantan".

If it is necessary to choose a therapeutic course for a newborn, the doctor may advise a non-steroidal drug. Such a tool prevents the appearance of foci of inflammation, weakens the peeling of the skin. The application of the ointment relieves itching, moisturizes the skin.

desitin on the use of children
desitin on the use of children

About hormones

Some parents are firmly convinced that this category of medicinal products will not help their child at all. But doctors call it a prejudice against the use of hormonal pharmaceutical products. In fact, corticosteroids are not as dangerous and harmful as many people are used to thinking about them. The main condition is correct, correct use. But if you use such funds inaccurately, then you can easily provoke side effects.

Steroid drugs are mostly intended for the treatment of children one year of age and older. When choosing medicines for infants, in the general case, the option of non-steroidal formulations is considered preferable. Hormonal products are more often prescribed for a running, difficult process that brings severe discomfort.


Quite often, parents have to see diathesis on the cheeks of a child. Treatment with Elokom ointment, as can be concluded fromnumerous responses in specialized sources and on resources dedicated to the aggregation of user opinions, gives a quick and reliable result. This tool effectively constricts blood vessels, has a drying effect, which improves the condition of the integument affected by rashes. It is necessary to apply the product in a thin layer on the diseased areas of the body, carefully distributing the drug. It is advisable to apply the ointment once a day. The duration is determined by the attending doctor. In most cases, it does not exceed a week. It is believed that prolonged use of a corticosteroid medication may cause unwanted effects. If during the period of treatment the manifestations of diathesis did not disappear, you need to choose a more effective composition. In addition to the ointment, there is a lotion of the same name on the pharmacy shelves.

ointment advantan from diathesis
ointment advantan from diathesis

Hormonal: what else to try?

Celestoderm has a good reputation. It has a pronounced antihistamine effect. The use of the drug allows you to stop the activity of inflammatory foci. Duration of application - from one to one and a half weeks. The drug is distributed over the skin in a thin layer. The frequency of use per day is chosen by the attending doctor, based on the severity of the symptoms and the age of the child.

Advantan ointment is no less reliable in the treatment of diathesis. It also belongs to the class of steroid drug formulations. The product contains a relatively low dose of the active compound. This allows the use of the drug for children from six months of age and older. In addition to the ointmentsale there is an emulsion of the same name. "Advantan" produces in the form of a gel, cream. All these forms effectively eliminate the manifestations of diathesis. The duration of the therapeutic program reaches a month. The frequency of application will be chosen by the doctor. Having decided on the form of the drug, it is regularly applied to diseased skin areas with a thin layer.


When choosing an ointment suitable for the treatment of diathesis in children of 1 year old, it is worth taking a closer look at the Fenistil pharmaceutical product. The tool has proven to be a quick and pronounced effect. It is considered one of the safest. You can prescribe the drug and children under one year of age. From pediatric practice, it is known that the ointment is used to treat monthly babies.

"Fenistil" in a short time reduces itching, soothes the child. It is advisable to use the product shortly before going to bed. The ointment is distributed in a thin layer over the diseased skin. After application, exposure to direct sunlight is strictly prohibited. The ointment is intended for a seven-day or shorter course.

ointment for diathesis
ointment for diathesis


If there is no desire to use a hormonal diathesis ointment, for children you can choose the Epidel remedy. It belongs to the category of non-steroidal. It is believed that the remedy quickly eliminates rashes, but it is used very carefully. Ointments have some side effects. It is known that the drug can somewhat weaken the body's natural defenses. In childhood, this is especially risky.


Such pharmaceutic althe product is in the medicine cabinet of almost any modern person. Especially often it is used by women who have recently given birth to a child and breast-feeding a child. The product is known for its emollient and moisturizing properties. It stimulates the regeneration of nipple cracks, relieves dryness. Under the influence of a reliable ointment, itching quickly disappears, the feeling of skin discomfort caused by an allergic reaction remains in the past. True, one cannot count on miracles: Bepanten will not cure the root cause of diathesis. The most effective will be a joint application program. Bepanthen ointment is applied locally, antihistamines or drugs that strengthen the immune system are given systemically.

zinc ointment diathesis children
zinc ointment diathesis children

Pastes: time-tested

The pharmacy can make Guzhienko pasta. This drug is made to order. In its manufacture, diphenhydramine, zinc ointment is used. The product is approved for use by babies over the age of six months.

It has long been known that zinc ointment helps with diathesis in children. It is effective and completely safe. The drug is used to treat pregnant and lactating mothers, newborns. The tool dries the foci of rashes, is an antiseptic. The drug protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Zinc ointment can be regularly applied to the skin for no more than a month in a row. The continuation of the course must be agreed with the doctor.


This product is made with zinc oxide. As can be found in the accompanying instructions forapplication, for children "Desitin" is allowed. The preparation contains auxiliary ingredients: water, petrolatum, cod liver oil, lanolin, aromatic inclusions, talc, anisole, benzoate. This combined remedy has pronounced anti-inflammatory qualities. It is intended for topical use, developed as a method of eliminating diaper dermatitis. The ointment effectively protects the skin from the aggressive effects of urine and other substances, makes the integument softer.

To understand why the product is effective, you should read the instructions for use attached to it. "Desitin" for children and adults is prescribed, since zinc oxide and cod oil, when combined with lanolin and petroleum jelly, form a high-quality barrier on the skin, mucous membranes, protecting the integument from irritating external agents. The drug prevents the formation of rash zones. It guarantees long-term protection against moisture, especially significant at night, while in diapers. The drug has a slight astringent effect, which allows its use as an anti-inflammatory product and a protective agent. It is allowed to use the ointment in the treatment of scratches, burns. It relieves eczema and improves skin condition with minor lesions.

hormonal ointment for diathesis in children
hormonal ointment for diathesis in children


This drug attracts attention with numerous positive reviews. Instructions for use for the ointment "Flucinar" indicates the presence of an active ingredient that determines the effect of a pharmaceutical product - fluocinolone acetonide. The drug belongsto the class of hormonal drugs intended for local application. It prevents and facilitates the course of the inflammatory process, eliminates an allergic reaction, fights itching, and has an anti-exudative effect. Tests have shown the ability to reduce and eliminate foci of inflammation on the skin.

ointment for diathesis
ointment for diathesis

Application Features

In the instructions accompanying the pharmaceutical product, the manufacturer notes the need to apply Flucinar ointment externally, distributing a thin layer over diseased skin. The drug is used from one to three times a day. The pediatrician will determine the specific frequency of use when prescribing the remedy. The duration of the course is also determined by the attending doctor and depends on the nuances of the development of the situation.

It is noted that improper and unreasonable use can provoke dermatitis, secondary infection. With a long course and regular treatment of large areas of the body, there is a risk of systemic side effects. To exclude such a complication, you must clearly follow the program developed by the children's doctor.

Lorinden C

In some cases, the pediatrician recommends stopping on this medicinal product. As can be inferred from the responses, he has a pretty good reputation. This is a combination product that contains two active ingredients. They are indicated in the instructions for use accompanying the Lorinden C ointment: clioquinol and flumethasone. One gram of the drug contains 30 mg of the first substance and 0.2 mg of the second active ingredient. Just one package - 15 mg ointment.

As stated in the instructions for use, Lorinden C ointment is intended for external use. It is a white oily substance that may have a grayish undertone or a light yellow tint. It is possible to include soft crystals, but only single ones are allowed. As additional ingredients in the manufacture of the product, beeswax and petroleum jelly are used. Before starting the course, you need to make sure that the bee products are well tolerated by the baby.
