Umbilical hernia is a disease that occurs most often in infants. Premature newborns suffer from it mainly. But this pathology also occurs in adults. Quite often, people over the age of forty who are diagnosed with an umbilical hernia seek surgical help.
Causes of pathology
In a child, an umbilical hernia occurs, as a rule, due to a hereditary predisposition. The probability of pathology, which appears due to weakness of the muscles located in the anterior abdominal wall, is almost 70 percent in the case when the mother or father of the child suffered from this disease in childhood.

In adults, an umbilical hernia appears after excessive physical exertion. It also occurs with an incorrect distribution of weights during lifting. The cause of the pathology may be the divergence of the fibers of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy. After surgery, a postoperative umbilical hernia may also occur. It is localized in the scar zone.
Umbilical hernia. Symptom of disease
Any hernia is outwardly manifested by an abnormal protrusion of a part of the organ at the place of its appearance. Not even a specialist can detect a pathology in a child. If the baby has an umbilical hernia, the symptom of the pathology is manifested in the thickening of fatty tissues in the navel.

A sign of illness in adults is the exit through the umbilical ring of pathological contents. It is not difficult to identify the disease by its external signs. But it is worth remembering that when the first symptoms appear, it is important to immediately consult a specialist. Only then will it be possible to finally make sure that the changes that have arisen are an umbilical hernia. The symptom of this pathology is similar to the manifestation of some tumors. These include lipoma, dermatoma, and dermatofibroma. These neoplasms are benign and not dangerous to human he alth. However, there are cases when a protrusion in the umbilical region can serve as a manifestation of spreading metastases of malignant tumors. In this regard, an examination in a medical institution should be carried out without fail.
What is the danger of the disease?
Should you be worried if you have an umbilical hernia? The symptom of the disease is sometimes expressed in circulatory disorders. This, in turn, threatens with tissue necrosis in the area of pathology. This situation occurs when the disease becomes more complicated.

Pathology can provoke the development of peritonitis. This happens when you get insidehernial sac part of the peritoneum.
Causes and symptoms of complications
The aggravation of the disease occurs after overexertion caused by lifting any weights. However, slight physical exertion, such as coughing or laughing, can also cause infringement. Sometimes there is a complication and with an incorrect rhythm of bowel movement.
A sign of infringement is a sharp pain that occurs in the umbilical region. The hernial sac is hot and tense to the touch. It's impossible to set it up. Symptoms of infringement of an umbilical hernia are also signs of intoxication. They manifest as nausea and vomiting, headaches and fever, as well as pain in the lower back and joints.
Treatment of pathology
Umbilical hernia in adults is removed by surgery. If there are no complications, then the operation can be performed at a convenient time for this. In the event that the pathology has led to the occurrence of infringement, the intervention of the surgeon should be immediate.