Althea syrup is a natural medicine used as an auxiliary component in the treatment of infectious pathologies of the respiratory system. The main active ingredient of the drug is famous for its expectorant, anti-inflammatory and enveloping properties. It is thanks to these characteristics that marshmallow syrup helps to quickly cope with an annoying cough and protect the mucous membranes of the respiratory apparatus.
Every mother must have experienced a cold in a small baby, so the problem of choosing a safe and effective medicine that can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of this disease is extremely relevant for all parents. Althea syrup is considered to be such a drug. However, parents should know how to use the remedy correctly and whether it is acceptable to treat young children with it.
Composition and release form
The drug is produced in the form of a clear syrup with a brownish tint, with a thick consistency, a sweet unobtrusive taste and a specific aroma. In order for the substance not to loseits useful properties, it is placed in dark glass bottles. One pack of product weighs 125 g.
The main active ingredient of the product is marshmallow root extract. This plant has pronounced healing properties due to the high content of useful trace elements. Marshmallow root is rich in pectin and plant mucus, due to which it is actually able to reduce the density of sputum and facilitate its removal from the respiratory system. This also determines the pronounced gastroprotective effect of the syrup: getting into the digestive tract, it envelops its walls and protects the organ from the aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid.

In addition to pectin, marshmallow root extract contains a lot of minerals, amino acids, essential oils and vitamin A. 100 ml of syrup contains 2 ml of the main active ingredient. And the role of auxiliary components are:
- sucrose - to improve, soften the taste;
- sodium benzoate - a preservative to increase the shelf life, which does not affect the pharmacological properties of the drug;
- distilled water.
The demand for the drug today is associated with the natural composition of the product, its high performance, safety and pronounced medicinal properties. In the case of proper regular use, the therapeutic effect comes pretty quickly.

Mechanism of action
Marshmallow root extract activates the formation of mucus in the respiratory system, and also significantlyimproves the motility of the respiratory tract, due to which the syrup based on it is considered an expectorant. This drug has several medicinal properties.
- The suspension envelops the mucous membranes and remains on the surface for a long time, thereby protecting the organs from irritation. As already mentioned, the syrup owes this property to a large amount of pectin located in the root.
- Means softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory apparatus and helps to remove sputum. This indicates the benefits of marshmallow syrup with a dry cough and in the case when the attacks became productive, and the sputum remained too thick.
- Suspension reduces the severity of the inflammatory process and activates the regeneration of injured tissues.
It is worth saying that all these healing properties have a beneficial effect not only on the respiratory system, but also on the digestive tract. In addition, the remedy significantly helps with damage to the mucous membranes of the larynx and oral cavity.

Healing characteristics of the plant are provided not only by pectin, but also by other substances, including oils, starch, vitamins and trace elements. During the application of marshmallow syrup, they allow you to get rid of general malaise and nervousness, and also have a positive effect on the patient's appetite and sleep.
Indications for use
According to the instructions for use, marshmallow syrup is recommended for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the formation of a viscoussputum and painful bouts of coughing. Most often, the remedy is used for the treatment of bronchi, but it is also suitable for patients with other diseases with similar clinical pictures. So, marshmallow syrup is advisable to use when:
- tracheobronchitis;
- pharyngitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- laryngitis;
- tracheitis;
- pneumonia.

Other Applications
But in some situations, a specialist may recommend a healing suspension to patients suffering from pathologies of the digestive tract. Pectin and vegetable mucus, which are contained in the root extract of marshmallow, protect the stomach from injury caused by hydrochloric acid, which is produced in excess during gastritis. Sometimes marshmallow syrup is indicated for gastroenterological diseases:
- colite;
- peptic ulcer;
- enterocolitis;
- duodenal lesion.
However, both young children and adult patients should not use the suspension without a doctor's prescription. After all, as is the case with any other medicines, when using syrup, the patient may experience all sorts of side effects.
How many years can I take
According to the instructions for use, marshmallow syrup can be given to children from birth. But due to the high likelihood of developing an allergy to such a medicine at an early age, when the baby’s immunity and digestive apparatus are still not functioning well enough, the suspension is not recommended untilyear.
That is why it is undesirable for babies under the age of six months to give syrup without the appointment of a specialist. If there are indications for the use of the drug, the pediatrician can prescribe the drug to an infant up to a year old, reducing its single dose. If the child is already a year old, then parents can safely use marshmallow cough syrup according to the instructions.
Drug suspension is considered a natural product, so there are very few reasons for not using it. However, in some situations it is still better to turn your attention to other, similar drugs. For example, it is advisable to stop using marshmallow syrup for diseases such as:
- isom altase and sucrase deficiency;
- disorders in the absorption of galactose and glucose;
- fructose intolerance;
- individual intolerance to marshmallow itself and other ingredients that make up the medication.

In addition, the product contains sucrose - this fact should be taken into account when choosing a therapeutic regimen for patients suffering from diabetes. It is undesirable to use the drug for people with disorders in carbohydrate metabolism, since it contains quite a lot of sugar. For these people, it is best to choose identical products in tablet form with lower or no sucrose content.
In addition, it should be noted that the marshmallow cough syrup, according to the instructions, helps only in the initial stagesdiseases. If the pathology has become chronic, the use of this remedy will be ineffective.
Side effects and overdose
Marshmallow root extract is a strong allergen, so therapy with its use may be accompanied by negative reactions of the body. Most often, patients have skin pathologies, such as urticaria, itching, eczema, rash. If any of these signs appear, seek medical attention immediately.
However, in most cases, treatment with syrup does not provoke negative reactions and is well tolerated by patients of all ages.
If you accidentally take a large dosage of medication, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting. In such a situation, the treatment will be symptomatic: the patient will wash the stomach with saline and prescribe sorbents. In this case, you should stop using the syrup further.

For children, marshmallow syrup is used only after meals in a certain dosage prescribed by the attending physician. But if the patient has not received individual recommendations, he can use the drug according to the scheme described in the drug insert.
- Children under 6 years of marshmallow syrup, according to the instructions, should be given half a teaspoon no more than 5 times a day. The therapeutic course can last a maximum of 10 days.
- At the age of 6 to 12 years, a child can take a teaspoon of the suspension 4-5 times throughout the day. The duration of treatment in this case is 2 weeks.
- Teenagers and adults are advised to take a tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day. The duration of therapy can be 2 weeks.

Before use, it is desirable to dissolve the suspension in a small amount of warm water. It should be taken 15-20 minutes after eating.
Parents who gave marshmallow cough syrup to their children were generally satisfied with the result. Positive feedback relates primarily to the naturalness of the composition, pleasant taste, the speed of the onset of the effect and low cost.
As for the shortcomings of the medicine, they often include the excessive sweetness of the syrup. In addition, in some babies, the remedy causes the development of allergies. However, many small patients perfectly tolerate the drug. Children like the sweet taste and even drink the suspension with pleasure.
You can replace marshmallow syrup with medicines with similar healing properties. The most common analogues of the remedy are:
"Gedelix" or "Prospan" - also produced on the basis of vegetable raw materials, allowed from birth;
"Doctor Theiss" - contains plantain extract, has excellent expectorant properties;
"Gerbion" - made from ivy, primrose or plantain, in demand in the treatment of young patients;
"Linkas" - can be used from six months, perfectly dilutes sputum andreduces inflammation.