Ligaments are dense bundles that consist of fibrous tissue. Their task is to hold the joints and provide mobility. They are elastic and durable, with a minimum degree of extensibility. When they are injured, a partial tear of the fibers occurs.
General information
The severity of the injury depends on which structures were damaged. When the surface beams break, they speak of stretching. With an injury to the deep layers, a partial or total rupture is diagnosed. In this case, the joint almost completely loses mobility and stability, which can cause damage to muscle tissue, nerve bundles and bones.
Sprains mainly affect children and people involved in sports. At risk are women who prefer high-heeled shoes. The number of injuries increases sharply in winter. Doctors identify the following reasons that lead to breaks:
- unnatural joint movement;
- excessive load when falling;
- strike;
- weight lifting;
- sharp pull.
Doctors identify the most dangerous sports for the ligamentous apparatus. It's about football, gymnastics, martialmartial arts, weightlifting, athletics, tennis. However, there are a number of factors that contribute to stretching:
- heavy weight;
- pathological condition of the joints;
- inflammatory processes;
- nerve dysfunction.

Traumatologists distinguish three degrees of severity of injuries associated with ruptures. The first involves a violation of the integrity of a small area of fibrous tissue. At the same time, the mobility of the joint remains almost unchanged. There is swelling, moderate pain. This kind of injury can be self-healing. To do this, you need to use medicines from a pharmacy. They are sold without a prescription. Children are shown face-to-face consultation with a specialist.
The second degree is characterized by acute pain at the time of injury. There is a rupture of not only external, but also internal fibers. Possible joint damage. You can distinguish a second-degree sprain by extensive hematoma and swelling, which sometimes extends to the lower leg area.
The third degree is no longer a partial, but a complete separation of the ligamentous tourniquet. When it is observed instability of the joint. There are bruises, hematomas. When moving, there is severe pain. Sometimes a torn ligament is confused with a dislocation. An X-ray is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.
After the therapeutic treatment of sprains, a course of rehabilitation follows. It is aimed at restoring the tone of the muscle complex. Full recovery from the first degree of stretching usually occurs after a month. Quite often a gapthe third type requires surgical intervention. The recovery period may take several months.
Professional injuries
Tennis players most often suffer from elbows. Large and regular loads on the hands lead to a partial rupture of the ligamentous bundles. There is swelling. There are pain sensations when moving. Runners face inflammation in the knee joints. The reason is frequent and intense friction.
The weak point of golfers is the forearm. Swimmers suffer from knee pain. The ligamentous apparatus of the femoral joints gives jumpers a lot of trouble. Such injuries occur not only in professional athletes, but also in ordinary people. Most often, in domestic conditions, the ligaments of the ankle, knee, and wrist joint are injured. All injuries are characterized by severe pain, swelling and hyperemia.
First Aid

If a sprain is suspected, it is necessary to provide the victim with rest. The injured part of the body must be immobilized. A tight elastic bandage is best suited for this. If not, any tight bandage will do. Doctors recommend keeping the injured limb above body level. Shown cold compress, ice, "freeze" in the form of a spray.
To relieve swelling at home, it is recommended to use an ointment for sprains. It is sold in any pharmacy. The choice of such drugs is huge. Most are sold without a doctor's prescription. There are contraindications and age restrictions. Ointment fromstretching helps relieve swelling. Reduces pain, has anti-inflammatory properties. The most commonly used are Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Diclofenac. There are a huge variety of them.
Non-steroid drugs

This group of pharmaceuticals includes ointments and gels that have a pronounced cooling effect. Their use is allowed from the first day after the injury. Non-steroidal sprain ointment reduces pain, shortens the recovery period. Products in this category:
- Ibuprofen.
- Diclofenac.
- Indomethacin.
- Ketoprofen.
- "Salicylic".
These drugs are designed to improve the movement of blood in the affected area. They are responsible for the prevention and prevention of blood clots. Relieve inflammation. Ointment for sprains is used from the first days until the end of treatment. It is indicated during the rehabilitation period in case of numbness, a feeling of heaviness, swelling. The list of the most effective coagulants includes the following drugs:
- Heparin.
- Hepatrombin.
- Lyoton.
This list of sprain ointments includes the following medicines:
- Troxevasin.
- Bengin.
- Menthol.
The funds listed above have a pronounced cooling effect. They provide relief from pain and inflammation in the affected area. Has a sedative and anticonvulsanteffects.
Warming gels
If cold is recommended to be applied in the first hours following an injury to the ligamentous apparatus, then heat is allowed to be used only after three days. As part of a warming ointment for sprains, bee or snake venom. These ingredients are perfectly absorbed into edematous tissues. Quickly and efficiently stop the inflammatory process. Poison based options:
- Apisatron.
- Viprosal.
- Virapin.
- Vipratox.
Sometimes bee products are replaced with herbal ingredients rich in essential oils. Such ointments from sprains quickly relieve pain by expanding blood vessels and improving blood flow. The most common warming preparations are Elaur and Kapsikam, as well as Capsoderma.
Medicines in this category are considered relatively new. They are used as an addition to the main course of therapy. Pharmacies sell Collagen Ultra. This ointment for bruises and sprains acts on the lesion from the inside.

The use of warming ointments "Kapsicam" and "Finalgon" is not always approved by practitioners. Their therapeutic effect on the area of the ligamentous apparatus affected by trauma is minimal. In this case, the drugs are applied in a thick layer, which provokes a burn of the epidermis and leads to increased pain.
To minimize side effects, apply to the affected skin arearefined vegetable oil. It partially neutralizes the active components of the warming ointment against bruises and sprains.
Folk remedies
Alternative medicine involves the use of extracts from medicinal plants and other herbal ingredients. Special formulations are prepared from animal fat. Add crushed leaves of the eucalyptus tree, sometimes garlic. The resulting mixture is heated, mixed well and applied to the inflammation site. Self-prepared ointment with muscle tension has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
In addition to the use of animal fats, a variety of clay mixtures are used. They add apple cider vinegar and garlic. The mixture is applied with gauze or a cotton napkin. Keep on the damaged area for no more than three hours.
It helps well and can replace the usual ointment for muscle strain crushed potatoes. Melted pork fat and crushed plantain leaves are added to the resulting mass. This remedy should be gently rubbed into the skin. The procedure is performed before going to bed. Course application has a pronounced anti-edematous effect. Its effectiveness is comparable to that of heparin ointment for stretching.

This medicinal product contains non-steroidal components, herbal and excipients. "Dolobene" has a complex therapeutic effect. It actively promotes the healing of injured ligament fibers. Apply it four timesday.
Rubbing anesthetic ointment on sprains is not recommended. Apply the drug in a circular motion until completely absorbed. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. For children under the age of five, Dolobene is contraindicated. Estimated cost in pharmacies is 330 rubles.
The advantage of this remedy is to effectively remove puffiness and relieve pain. This ointment, when stretching the ankle and other ligaments, is applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed and dried skin. The procedure must be repeated up to three times a day. Sometimes this drug is used in sports practice to improve blood flow during massage. The cost of Nikoflex does not exceed 200 rubles.

This remedy tops the list of warming stretch ointments. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Before the first use, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test. During the procedure, a small amount of the drug is used. To enhance the warming effect, the skin area is covered with a woolen flap or a cloth bandage. After application, wash your hands thoroughly using regular toilet soap.
"Finalgon" is prohibited for use in children under the age of twelve. The question of which ointment to use for sprains in preschoolers will be answered by a traumatologist or surgeon. The price of the drug is 300 rubles.
Another warming anti-inflammatory drug that is sold in a pharmacy without a prescriptiondoctor. In addition to the treatment of ligaments, it is used in the treatment of rheumatic pains and the restoration of peripheral blood circulation. Apply it no more than three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor. This is an inexpensive ointment for sprains. Its price does not exceed 200 rubles.
The main component of this drug is snake venom. The composition also includes fir oil, salicylic acid. The last ingredient is responsible for the pronounced antimicrobial effect. Use "Viprosal" is allowed only once a day. You need to apply the remedy before going to bed. The price in pharmacies is 250 rubles.

The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal. It has a complex effect. The ointment perfectly relieves pain, swelling and inflammation. Pharmacies offer a wide range of products with a similar active ingredient. They differ in cost and the presence or absence of age restrictions. Ketoprofen is not recommended for children under the age of twelve.
Use the drug two or three times a day. Apply a thin layer in a circular motion until dry. The maximum period of application is fourteen days. Price - 80 rubles.
The main purpose of the ointment is to relieve swelling and lower the temperature, which inevitably occurs with second and third degree ligament injuries. It is gently rubbed into the skin. The mode of application is established by the attending physician. The cost is 150 rubles.

Means, actionwhich is similar to the effect of the use of the above drugs. Promptly relieves attacks of pain in the affected area. The price of the drug exceeds 450 rubles.
The ointment contains a steroid hormonal substance and is widely used in medical practice. In addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, it has an anti-allergic effect. The cost of the ointment is minimal, does not exceed 50 rubles per tube.
The drug has a pronounced antipruritic effect. Quickly removes exudate from the affected area. The dosage is prescribed by a traumatologist. The price of the medicine is 12 rubles.
The mechanism of action of the ointment is to thin the blood. The tool prevents the formation of blood clots, improves the circulation of the ligamentous apparatus. Facilitates the resorption of edema that occurs at the site of injury. Apply "Heparin" several times a day. It is slowly rubbed into the skin.
Sometimes redness may occur. Some people experience a slight burning sensation. Use "Heparin" from seven to fourteen days. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor. The use of the ointment is not recommended on the first day after injury.
The tool belongs to the category of angioprotectors. It strengthens blood vessels, restores blood supply to the affected ligamentous apparatus. Its use helps the resorption of edema and hematomas. Apply "Venoruton" twice a day, usually in the morning and evening. Applications are allowed. May be used with an elastic bandage. Estimated cost - 700 rubles.
Different by the absence of side effects. Perfectly absorbed and tolerated by the epidermis. The price of the drug depends on the manufacturer. Usually it is sold for 250 rubles.
Deep Relief
The name of this ointment is well known to professional athletes. The product is gentle on the skin. It perfectly warms up damaged ligaments. Promotes the outflow of stagnant fluid, reduces swelling. It has a therapeutic and analgesic effect on the joints. The course of treatment is fourteen days. Price - 300 rubles.