In diseases of the nervous system, bulbar paralysis and paresis, as well as in organic lesions of the central nervous system that occur with motor disorders, cholinesterase inhibitors are used. Often prescribed drug "Neuromidin". Analogues of this pharmacological agent - "Aksamon", "Amiridin".
Cholinesterase inhibitors stimulate the conduction of impulses in neuromuscular synapses due to the blockade of potassium channels in cell membranes. In addition, they increase the effect of acetylcholine, adrenaline and serotonin, as well as histamine and oxytocin on smooth muscles.

This drug restores neuromuscular transmission and provides impulse conduction in the peripheral NS, which is impaired due to inflammation, trauma, as well as under the action of antibiotics, local anesthetics, potassium chloride.
Have you been prescribed Neuromidin? The price (tablets are a cheaper form of the drug) ranges from 640-1128 rubles
The tablet form of the drug is recommended to be taken three times a day, 20 mg. For severe disorders, the dose may be doubled.
Sometimes during therapy, patients developadverse reactions (nausea, bradycardia, rash). This is due to the increased sensitivity that causes the remedy "Neuromidin". Analogues can be a way out of the situation.

The injectable form of the drug is also prescribed for pathologies of the peripheral nervous system, demyelinating pathologies and intestinal atony. With such ailments, the drug "Neuromidin" (injections) is indicated. The price for this form of the drug is somewhat higher than for tablets, but it should be noted that it is the injections of this drug that give the maximum therapeutic effect, since the active substance quickly enters the tissues. At the same time, its content in blood serum does not exceed 2%.
It should be noted that this form of the drug does not have a teratogenic or allergenic effect, does not affect the endocrine system, but is prohibited for the treatment of children.
Injections of Neuromidin cause moderate stimulation of the central nervous system, therefore, after a course of treatment, patients notice an improvement in memory (during therapy, on the contrary, a sedative effect of the drug is detected, so special care should be taken when working with mechanisms).
Characteristics of analogues
Analogues are drugs that have the same active ingredients and similar pharmacological effects. If we talk about the drug "Neuromidin", its analogues are as follows: "Aksamon" or "Amiridin".

The drug "Axamon" is prescribed for neuritis,polyradiculopathy and polyneuritis, myasthenia gravis and Alzheimer's disease, as well as with weak labor activity. The drug is used only for the treatment of adults. The dosage of this medicine depends on the type of pathology that the patient has, and can be from 20 to 200 mg per day.
When taking high doses, m-cholinomimetic reactions are observed - bradycardia, bronchospasm, rash, as well as hypersalivation, nausea and diarrhea.

Means "Amiridin" has the same indications for use. In addition, it is prescribed for functional disorders of the central nervous system, which manifest themselves in the form of memory loss, inability to concentrate, or in the form of disorientation and emotional lability. The drug "Amiridin" is also recommended for encephalopathy of vascular or traumatic origin, in violation of cerebral circulation and after traumatic brain injury, in the presence of cerebral dysfunction, which occurs with the complication of learning among children.
If the drug "Neuromidin" is prescribed, analogues of this pharmacological agent can be taken only with the consent of the doctor. Despite the same active ingredient, each drug has its own characteristics of use and appropriate dosing, which must be taken into account.