Vietnam is known throughout the world as a power that has kept its unique traditions and secrets for centuries. Quite curious are the approaches to medicine practiced in this country, where non-traditional directions of treatment are still very strong. Tinctures and roots are not what they treat in Vietnam; such simple remedies have been replaced by specialized industrial Vietnamese medicines, very different from what is available to us. Consider the features of these funds.
What is it about?
Although popular medicinal products are produced by large industrial concerns, manufacturers use the wisdom accumulated over the centuries in their manufacture. Traditional recipes are not forgotten and do not give up their positions. Modern products presented in Vietnamese pharmacies are amazing products created by industrialists based on centuries of observations and the latest technologies and discoveries. High quality products available forpurchase within Vietnam, allows you to get rid of a variety of diseases at minimal cost, because the prices for pharmacy products are low, therefore they are available to both the local population and guests of the state. When planning a trip to Vietnam, it is worth budgeting a separate line for the cost of medicines that you should bring home from there for yourself, friends and relatives. Such purchases are guaranteed not to disappoint.
Today, Vietnam produces a fairly large variety of pharmaceutical products that have become famous in different parts of the world. For some, the best Vietnamese medicines are perhaps the main reason for traveling to this country, because it is very difficult to buy them outside the country.
About the most famous: snake venom
Among the most popular is the Vietnamese medicine for the joints, produced under the name "Cobratoxan". It is available in the form of an ointment and is considered perhaps the most reliable way to cure sciatica. The drug was created to combat back pain and eliminate ligament sprains. It is used in the treatment of various joint diseases and injuries. The medicine is made using snake venom, which has established itself as a strong analgesic. The effectiveness of the drug is due to the ability of the active ingredient to penetrate deep into the muscle fibers. As experienced travelers note, if you happen to be in Vietnam, you should not save money: you can safely buy Cobratoxan in large packages, because everything will come in handy at home and will be used up.

And no colds
The Vietnamese medicine for colds is exceptionally known to the whole world - the Asterisk balm. Previously, it was produced in the form of a specific "washer" filled with the product. Today, a wide variety of forms are available to customers: there are liquid products, pencils, classic balms and inhalation formulations. The medication was created to eliminate the common cold and prevent such a disease. It is used so that the head does not hurt, poisoning due to an insect bite passes faster. The drug is produced using essential components that are highly valued by the local population and are used for treatment even in their pure form. "Asterisk", as many believe, is a true miracle of the pharmaceutical industry. Just a few hours after use, the person feels completely healed.
Vietnamese medicine Linh Chi is made using the mushroom of the same name. Its name in the native language makes sense: it can be translated as “gift”, “strength”. In pharmacies in Vietnam, you can find several pharmaceutical products using linchi mushrooms, and all of them deserve attention. An alternative name for this component in English is ling zhi. In the eastern lands, the product has long been known as the bestower of immortality. It was used in folk medicine, and thousands of years of experience have been accumulated. To this day, linchi is revered as a unique and unusual medicine that can cure almost any disease. It is believed that it has a very wide range of effectiveness, but negative reactionsthe body does not cause at all.
Among the most famous pharmaceutical products based on this ingredient, it is worth noting Ling Zhi-F. The tool is designed to stabilize the concentration of cholesterol in the circulatory system. The drug normalizes blood pressure and protects the liver. It is believed that its regular use increases the ability of the immune system to fight harmful external factors.

It so happened that travelers, once in Vietnam, most often look for local medicines that protect joints, ligaments - fortunately there are a lot of them on the pharmacy shelves. There are pharmaceutical products that restore the discs between the vertebrae, stabilizing the state of cartilage in different parts of the body. Mostly such Vietnamese medicines are made using glucosamine. In the domestic industry, this compound has also found its application, but Vietnamese drugs are traditionally considered to be perhaps the best in the world. The most famous is presented in pharmacies under the name Glucosamin.
Before starting a therapeutic course, you should seek help from a doctor. The duration of the therapeutic program, the dosage of the drug are determined by the characteristics of the disease and the age of the patient.
Cobras: can they be useful?
Nayatox is considered good. Its main ingredient is the venom of a particular species of cobra. Under this name, buyers are presented with an ointment that is effective in the treatment of inflammatory foci. It is believed that the drug- a reliable analgesic. Its use allows you to get rid of joint pain and alleviate the condition of the muscles affected due to any disease. The ointment is used in the fight against arthritis, it shows a good effect in rheumatism. The drug is used when necessary to treat fibrosis or sprain.

Plant products for human benefit
Cebraton is considered a very good Vietnamese medicine. It is produced using herbal ingredients, extracts. In the manufacture of Vietnamese pharmacists use plants that have been known since ancient times as beneficial to human he alth. The combined product improves memory and affects brain activity. It is believed that its regular use allows a person to concentrate more effectively, more successfully cope with stress factors. Those who took the drug noted that they were less likely to have headaches, the quality of sleep improved, and insomnia disappeared. It is not uncommon for Vietnamese doctors to prescribe Cebraton to stroke survivors. It is believed that the beneficial ingredients of this drug facilitate recovery and accelerate regeneration.
Goodbye diabetes and atherosclerosis
On the shelves of Vietnamese pharmacies you can see the drug "Diabetes". This tool is a unique development of local pharmacists. It has no analogues anywhere in the world. This medication is designed specifically for people with diabetic disease. The main ingredient is a plant-derived substance called “hymnema sylvestre asklepiadace”. This product is considered to behas a very, very high effect in the case of diabetes. The use of the drug reduces blood sugar levels. Today "Diabetes" is common in anti-diabetic treatment in various parts of the world. This drug is approved by physicians of all nations.
No less useful and amazing Vietnamese medicine is produced under the name "An Mach Ich Nan". It is designed to improve the quality of blood flow. It is believed that the components of the drug stabilize cardiac activity and vascular patency. The tool is used to prevent atherosclerotic plaques, diabetes. The drug improves the quality of coronary blood flow.

Is ginger he althy?
Among other Vietnamese cold medicines, ginger oil attracts attention. However, why only from a cold? This tool is used for rubbing with a variety of diseases. It is sold under the name "Thai duon". Vietnamese pharmacists advise using this product in the fight against a variety of diseases. The main ingredient is obtained from ginger rhizomes, which have been used since ancient times in the treatment of various diseases. Oil prepared with root extract is effective against puffiness and rids the body of excess moisture. Known antiseptic properties of the product and the ability to fight various microorganisms, inflammation. The oil is used in the treatment of rheumatism, to relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
For him and for her
Vietnamese medicines for women and men are highly valued all over the world. Since antiquitytraditional healers in this country knew how to increase sexual activity and human he alth. Often, pharmaceutical products made in Vietnam are used to treat uterine fibroids. Drugs are used as an element of complex treatment. Among the most famous it is worth noting "An Nu Dan". To stabilize the hormonal background, women are advised to use Eva Hoi Xuan. This remedy is indicated in menopause.

For men, the actual problem is prostatitis. To combat it, Vietnamese pharmaceutical companies have developed several different products that have proven effective throughout the world. The most famous option is the drug Fitograph-F. It was created to fight prostatitis and improve sexual activity, maintain a he althy reproductive system for many years. The tool contains ingredients that eliminate inflammation in the prostate gland. When used correctly, a person's sexual activity increases.
Artichoke in the fight against disease
Vietnamese weight loss drugs are popular. Often travelers, finding themselves in a Vietnamese pharmacy, cannot deny themselves the purchase of drugs prepared with ingredients derived from the artichoke. This plant is used to prepare a wide variety of medicines. Artichoke extract is a completely natural and completely safe remedy. To obtain it, the foliage of the plant is used. In medicine, an extract and preparations prepared with it are used.application. Many Vietnamese cosmetics are made with artichoke extract.
Artichoke is used in the production of drugs to get rid of excess weight. It has been proven that the extracts of this plant reduce the content of sugars and cholesterol fractions in the circulatory system. If a person has received a sunburn, the components of the plant will accelerate the regeneration of the skin and improve the general condition. They are effective in the fight against acne, rashes on the skin. Proper internal intake improves the activity of the digestive system. When using artichoke, well-known Vietnamese medicines for the liver are made, as the agent stimulates cell regeneration. The artichoke activates the secretion of bile, reduces fever and calms the person. With its use, tea is produced that is effective for various diseases. Artichoke extract and tea with plant components are sold in almost any Vietnamese pharmacy. Artichoke extract is the main ingredient in the Vietnamese cancer cure. Gold or the "gold standard" of traditional medicine in Vietnam to fight cancer - that's what they call this extract.
More about kilograms
When planning to buy a weight loss product, you should take a closer look at the pharmaceutical product "Giam Can Biwipi". It can be purchased not only in the country of origin: popularity has made the drug in demand in different parts of the world. The drug is produced in plastic jars. One package contains 60 tablets. It is believed that the drug is a reliable fat burner that allows you to get rid of excess weight without additional effort. itcapsules have proven to be completely safe, made from medicinal herbs.

Alcohol tinctures
When you find yourself in a Vietnamese pharmacy, you should take a closer look at the local tinctures. They look pretty specific. For example, a jar may contain a cobra with a scorpion in its mouth, while others are made using chicks or rats. There are special shops selling alcohol tinctures. Most of these drugs are prescribed for the treatment of sciatica, although there are tinctures to improve cardiac function and increase sexual activity. Snakes, as the people of Vietnam assure, protect against dark spirits and improve human he alth, make a person wiser.
Tinctures are of two types: drinking and medicinal. The former are relatively tasty, but are used more for their own pleasure than for he alth benefits. Medicines have an unpleasant taste and are designed to stabilize metabolism, improve blood flow, and are used to achieve other similar goals.
Python fat
This remedy can be found in almost any Vietnamese pharmacy. It is used to activate regenerative processes after burns. Python oil is useful for frostbite and for treating sunburn. It is used for the rapid healing of ulcers, wounds. The remedy has almost no contraindications. The medication is applied to the skin in need of it up to three times a day. The composition includes not only fat, but also tocopherol, tanama.
About tigers
In Vietnamese pharmacies there are twopreparation, called tigers - one is white, the other is red. "White Tiger" is a medicinal product made from plant products. For its manufacture, mint, menthol, sandalwood, cinnamon wood are used. The balm improves blood flow, relieves swelling, relieves pain, improves joint mobility and stimulates cartilage regeneration. It is used in the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The balm is applied in a thin layer and rubbed into the skin for about five minutes.
"Red Tiger" is a more powerful balm with a pronounced warming effect. It is advised to athletes, as the remedy is well suited for pre-workout body treatment. You can apply the composition after injury to accelerate regeneration. The drug is considered a reliable warming agent, used in the treatment of colds.
For liver he alth
Vietnamese medicine for hepatitis "Naturen-Z" is popular. The tool was developed in the 70s of the last century, when it was necessary to treat soldiers who suffered from the use of chemical weapons. The achievements of that era proved the effectiveness of a multicomponent composition. The drug is recommended to stabilize the digestive tract and activate the excretory function of the glands. The tool is intended for the treatment of hepatitis, fatty degeneration, as well as the normalization of hepatic functionality. It can improve the condition of people with alcoholism, smokers and coffee drinkers.
In the composition of the preparation "Naturen-Z" there are herbal natural ingredients. The manufacturer used papain, peroxidases, cystine, garlic extract, beta-carotene and ingredients that activate the supply of oxygen to the liver cells.

For kidney he alth
When you find yourself in a mysterious and unusual Asian country, you can buy a reliable Vietnamese medicine for the formation of kidney stones - it is produced under the name "Bai Chach". The tool has established itself as a reliable method for the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Taking it regularly helps reduce the likelihood of needing urgent surgery. The tool is in demand all over the world. The drug without pain, gently and harmlessly eliminates stones. The product comes in the form of capsules, so it is convenient to take it at home and on the go. The drug is used before a meal, a single dose - three capsules. It is necessary to take the medicine three times a day.
Before you start taking, many people prefer to first get acquainted with reviews of Vietnamese medicines. From kidneys to colds - what can not be cured with such means. In particular, "Bai Chach", as assured by those who took it, allows you to remove kidney stones within a month's course without any undesirable consequences. This effectiveness is due to the composition: the preparation contains turmeric, palm extract and orange, skullcap and wormwood ingredients.
And no coughing
Vietnamese cough medicine is considered reliable. It is known to our compatriots as the "White Dragon", and in the original language it is called "Bach Long". The drug is made in the form of a dragee, sweetish in taste. The manufacturer used herbal ingredients, citrus extracts. The tool can be used for coughs of various origins, including those caused by smoking. It is believed that the drug makes it easier to quit nicotine.
Where to buy?
To find out for yourself what are good and really good for the heart and lungs, for weight and immunity, for the liver, Vietnamese medicines, you need to know where these are sold. The easiest way for travelers planning a trip to this country. There are pharmacies there on almost every corner, in most points all the mentioned means are presented. You can buy them at a low price. If visiting Vietnam is not planned, you should use the services of domestic pharmacies. Many of our outlets offer Vietnamese products. It is sold both in regular pharmacies and in virtual stores.
Some of the presented products have been known for many decades, others have appeared recently and are still gaining popularity, but in general, all products of the Vietnamese pharmaceutical market are considered to be of high quality and reliable. This is due to the fact that diseases in people proceed in the same way, regardless of nationality, therefore, what is useful for the Vietnamese is just as valuable for the Russians.
Will it help or not?
If you believe the reviews, Vietnamese medicines show a very good result. The best impressions are those who sincerely believe in the power of traditional medicine. Much depends on the disease and treatment measures. In severe illnesses, such pharmaceutical products are best used as an additional method of therapy. According to reviews, Vietnamese medicinesthey combine well with domestic ones, but you must first ask the doctor how and what to apply. It is not easy to create a comprehensive program on your own, there is a possibility of a mutual reaction of medicines, and this will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition.