Heartburn - an extremely uncomfortable burning sensation in the esophagus, accompanied by belching and nausea - is a fairly common phenomenon in our time. This is not surprising, given the increased pace of modern life, the abundance of harmful substances and allergens in food, constant stress. Those who constantly or from time to time suffer from heartburn, without even going into details about the causes of this pathology, know that getting rid of it, and, importantly, getting rid of it quickly is possible with the help of antacid medications. "Gastal", instruction, application, the analogues of which will be discussed in the article, is only one of the representatives of this vast group of drugs, and quite popular.

What are antacids for
Before understanding the advantages and disadvantages of this drug and, possibly, looking for a cheaper analogue of Gastal, it is necessary to present the characteristics of antacids in general: the principle of their action, due to the chemical composition, possible complications fromreception and other nuances.
Antacids are widely used to treat acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, caused by the aggressive action of gastric juice in relation to the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach, duodenum. These diseases include gastroesophageal reflux disease, in which there is a constant reflux of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, dyspeptic disorders, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis.
Heartburn may not be associated with any specific disease and may appear only from time to time after the use of any product or medicine, smoking - and in such cases, antacids will come to the rescue.
By neutralizing excess hydrochloric acid in gastric juice due to a simple chemical reaction, antacids, including "Gastal" (analogues cheaper have a similar effect), significantly improve the well-being of patients, eliminating heartburn, stomach pain, nausea. In addition, modern agents of this group also work as adsorbents, have an enveloping effect, increase the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. A cheap analogue of Gastal may not have these advantages, working solely to quickly neutralize an excessively acidic environment in the stomach.

History of antacid use
With heartburn - the main symptom of acid-related diseases - people have struggled since ancient times, using powder fromcoral, belladonna extract, sodium bicarbonate or, more simply, baking soda. It must be said that many drugs have been developed that not only neutralize the already produced hydrochloric acid, but also reduce its secretion. First, these were anticholinergics, then histamine H2 receptor blockers, and, finally, the most modern development - proton pump inhibitors. However, these drugs do not act immediately, have contraindications, and, moreover, are more expensive than the same "Gastal". Any cheaper analogue of "Gastal" has a fairly quick effect - this is the main advantage for consumers of antacids, so it is unlikely that these drugs will leave the domestic pharmaceutical market in the near future.
Active ingredients in antacids and their classification
In antacid pharmacological agents, compounds of sodium, magnesium, aluminum, calcium, silicon and bismuth act as active substances. Attempts to classify this group of drugs have taken place repeatedly. Perhaps the most logical is the division of all antacids into soluble, and, therefore, absorbed into the blood, and insoluble - drugs that do not have a systemic effect on the body.
Means of the first group include soda, burnt magnesia, magnesium and calcium carbonates, as well as the popular drugs Tams and Rennie. The effect of taking such drugs is very fast, but does not last long, in addition, there are side effects: belching, bloating (due to the resulting carbon dioxide chemical reaction),increase in pressure (due to the influence on the water-s alt balance of the body), as well as the so-called "acid rebound". This term refers to an increase in acid production after the end of the antacid. As a result, heartburn returns quickly and with renewed vigor.

Non-absorbable antacids, among which is Gastal (analogues cheaper can belong to both the first and second groups), are devoid of the listed disadvantages. As a rule, these are combined products, which include various compounds of magnesium and aluminum, as well as additional components that have antispasmodic, laxative and carminative effects.

"Gastal": composition and release form
This antacid contains two components as active substances: aluminum hydroxide-magnesium carbonate in the form of a dried gel (450 mg per tablet), and magnesium hydroxide (300 mg). The use of magnesium and aluminum compounds in a duet is justified: the first component has a mild laxative effect, neutralizing the fixing effect of the second. As a result, Gastal has no pronounced effect on the motor-evacuation function of the intestine.
Sorbitol, mannitol, lactose, starch, talc and others are used as auxiliary components in this preparation.
Produced "Gastal" in the form of tablets for resorption of a cylindrical shape, with a risk. It is impossible to swallow these tablets whole, and it is difficult - they are enoughlarge. You should not chew them: the best effect of the drug is achieved through gradual resorption. Thus, the convenience of tablets is combined with the effectiveness of the suspension.
This tool is available in three types: tasteless mint flavored tablets, cherry, and mint. Cardboard packs contain 2, 4, 5, 8 or 10 foil blisters with 6 tablets of the drug in each.

The action of "Gastal" on the body
"Gastal" very effectively neutralizes excess acidity in the stomach and, at the same time, does not lead to a further increase in the secretion of hydrochloric acid. The action of this drug begins immediately after taking it, which is confirmed by positive reviews, and lasts about two hours. During this time, a normal level of acidity is maintained.
In addition to being effective for its intended purpose, "Gastal" has protective properties in relation to the stomach lining, increasing the production of mucus, suppressing the action of aggressive factors, enhancing the regeneration of its damaged areas.
If the patient does not have impaired renal function, then Gastal does not have a systemic effect, and the spent active components of the drug are completely excreted in the form of insoluble s alts in a natural way.
Dose of the drug. Contraindications
It is recommended to take no more than 8 tablets of "Gastal" per day, 1-2 tablets at a time, an hour after meals and at bedtime. It is also possible to use the drug episodically - if necessaryeat something known to be unhe althy, for example.

Recommendations on the frequency and dose of administration, set out above, apply to patients over 12 years of age. For children 6-12 years of age and patients with low (below 50 kg) weight, the dose is halved.
Do not use this drug for more than 2 weeks. It is known that long-term use of magnesium and aluminum preparations can lead to calcium leaching from bones and destruction of bone tissue, stool disorders, and kidney damage. Among the contraindications to the use of "Gastal" - individual intolerance to any of its components, impaired renal function, Alzheimer's disease. Any cheaper analogue of Gastal has almost the same list of contraindications.
During pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be used with caution, although it is known that it does not enter the systemic circulation and is not excreted in breast milk.
Interaction with other drugs
"Gastal" significantly affects the absorption of many drugs. Among them are tetracyclines, iron preparations, barbiturates, fat-soluble vitamins and many other medicines. Therefore, you should not take Gastal at the same time as other medicines: you should separate their intake by at least an hour. In general, this applies to all antacids, and not just such a representative as "Gastal": analogues and substitutes for the drug should also not be taken together with any medications. This is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
There are no drugs that are absolutely identical to Gastal in composition. But there are analogues, the effect of which on the body is expressed in a similar way. At the same time, they contain other active substances. Among the most common antacid drugs, among which you can find a cheap analogue of Gastal, we can mention Almagel, Gaviscon, Maalox, Rennie, Phosphalugel.
The cost of these drugs depends on the form of release and the manufacturer. Drugs produced in Western Europe (Gaviscon, Maalox, Phosphalugel) cannot be called cheap. More accessible to the consumer analogues of "Gastal" from Bulgaria, Poland, Croatia, Yugoslavia, India. We are talking about such antacids as Almagel, Alumag, Ajiflux, Relzer.
There is an opinion that the cheap analogue of Gastal is Rennie. Indeed, the price of the last drug in pharmacies, as a rule, is somewhat lower. But we should not forget that "Renny" belongs to the group of absorbable antacids, its action is short-term, and it can cause side effects in the form of "acid rebound", and therefore it is better to use it occasionally.

Russian antacids
Among antacids, no matter how long their list is, it is quite difficult to find the Russian analogue of "Gastala" - cheap and effective. There is a synonym for "Rennie" of domestic production - the drug "Inalan", containing exactly the same active ingredients: calcium and magnesium carbonates.
Combined antacid drugs are also produced in Russiadrugs: "Vikair" and similar in composition and mechanism of action "Vikalin", produced by several pharmaceutical companies. The last two drugs are interesting in that they contain not only compounds of magnesium, sodium and bismuth that reduce acidity and protect the gastric mucosa, but also plant components: calamus rhizomes and buckthorn bark, which have antispasmodic and laxative effects. We can assume that "Vikair" is an analogue of "Gastal" cheap - the price for it, like for "Vikalin", is only 25-30 rubles for 10 tablets, while "Gastal" costs about 150 rubles for 12 tablets.