Boric acid (alcohol): instructions for use

Boric acid (alcohol): instructions for use
Boric acid (alcohol): instructions for use

In medicine, a drug such as boric alcohol is widely used, which is a solution in ethanol (70%) of boric acid, the concentration of which can lie in the range of 0.5-5%. In order to understand the properties of this medication, it is necessary to take a closer look at its active substance and figure out what it is. We are talking about boric acid.

Boric acid: characteristics

This substance has a crystalline structure, has neither color nor odor, weak acidic properties. In medicine, boric acid (alcohol), the instructions for which will be discussed in the article, has been used since the 19th century as an antiseptic that does not irritate tissues, and even sometimes orally for certain gastrointestinal diseases.

boric alcohol instructions for use
boric alcohol instructions for use

Today, the toxicity of this drug has been proven, and its antimicrobial properties, in comparison with modern disinfectants, are not enougheffective. Boric acid preparations are generally contraindicated for children and pregnant women. However, this substance has areas of application in which it is widely used to this day. Boric acid is present in many medicinal pastes and ointments, and sometimes only as a preservative.

Boric acid, in addition to antiseptic, also has an anti-pediculosis effect and a mild antifungal effect. Used in foot bath recipes for excessive sweating.

Alcoholic solution of boric acid for otitis media

Very often you can find recommendations to bury a drug such as boric alcohol in the ear. Instructions for use states that otitis is treated in this way. I must say that at present, in official medicine, the use of this medication is not very welcome, since it is considered outdated and less effective compared to new developments. So it is rather a recommendation of traditional medicine. However, sometimes otolaryngologists in inflammatory processes in the middle ear prescribe such an affordable remedy as boric acid (alcohol). Instructions for its use are as follows: instill a solution warmed up in the palms or in water to a comfortable temperature, three drops into the ear canal of each ear 3-4 times a day. For more than seven days, such treatment is not carried out.

There is another, more gentle, way: soak cotton-gauze flagella with boric alcohol, insert into the ears and leave overnight. With purulent inflammation, it is better not to use the described drug at all.

Do not use fortreatment with boric alcohol without making sure the integrity of the eardrum, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable: from hearing loss to death. It is better to plan a visit to the otolaryngologist before experimenting with drugs.

boric alcohol in the ear instructions for use
boric alcohol in the ear instructions for use

Boric alcohol: instructions for use for children

As for young patients, who, according to statistics, suffer from otitis media most often, then up to one year the use of this drug is strictly prohibited. If the child is older, and in agreement with the doctor, it is decided to use boric alcohol for otitis media, the instructions for using it are somewhat different from those for adults. Both the dosage and the frequency of use of the drug are reduced: one drop of the drug is instilled into the ear canal of each ear. The procedure is repeated twice a day, after which it is recommended to isolate the ear canal with a cotton tourniquet so that it absorbs the remaining moisture.

boric alcohol instructions for use for children
boric alcohol instructions for use for children

Boric acid (alcohol) instructions for use for acne

There are situations when even the most expensive products are powerless for problematic skin. Perhaps you should try some simple and affordable traditional medicine recipe. Sometimes it can be unexpectedly effective. For example, you can purchase at a pharmacy such an inexpensive drug as boric acid (alcohol). Instructions for use of it claims that it has an antiseptic effect, which is likely to beBy the way, with acne and increased oiliness of the skin of the face. Boric alcohol narrows pores, helps with black spots, dries up inflammation, dissolves sebaceous plugs.

Using this remedy is no more difficult than regular lotion. With severe oily facial skin, you can wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in boric alcohol, or you can apply it pointwise - only on inflamed areas. In any case, after using such a drug, the skin must be moisturized. If excessive drying is useless, then you can not use alcohol in its pure form, but dilute it with boiled water in half. Earlier than a week later, the effect of boric alcohol should not be expected.

boric alcohol for otitis media instructions for use
boric alcohol for otitis media instructions for use

Contraindications and side effects

As with any other pharmacological drug, individual intolerance to boric acid (alcohol) is possible. In addition, this remedy is absolutely contraindicated in kidney diseases. Boric alcohol is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

The fact is that boric acid, including its solutions, can penetrate the skin and mucous membranes into the systemic circulation, accumulate in organs and tissues, causing intoxication, skin rashes, impaired renal function, and even shock. With short-term use of boric alcohol in small doses, as a rule, there are no side effects.
