The article will provide instructions for use for "Sodium chloride".
It belongs to the group of drugs intended for rehydration and detoxification. This pharmacological agent is produced in the form of transparent, colorless solutions. 1 liter of the drug contains 9 g of the active compound in the form of sodium chloride. Water for injection is used as an additional component.

Pharmacological effect
According to the instructions, "Sodium chloride" exhibits detoxifying and rehydrating properties. It helps to compensate for the lack of the trace element sodium in various diseases and for a certain time increases the volume of fluid circulating in the body.
Sodium is of great importance in the processes of impulse transmission in nerve endings, takes an active part in various electrophysiological reactions that occur in the heart, and is also of great importance inmetabolic process in the kidneys.
The drug is excreted from the body to a greater extent with the help of the urinary system. Some drug substances are excreted through the intestines and through perspiration.
Indications for prescription
As the instructions indicate, "Sodium chloride" is prescribed drip, with the development of the following pathological conditions:
- deficiency in the body of the trace element sodium;
- dilution or dissolution of drugs to be administered parenterally;
- dehydration isotonic extracellular;
- decrease in blood potassium concentration;
- excessive fluid in the body;
- acidosis;
- use of glucocorticosteroids in high dosages;
- acute stages of left ventricular failure;
- extracellular hyperhydration;
- appearance of circulatory changes that indicate the likelihood of cerebral or pulmonary edema;
- pulmonary or cerebral edema;
- hypernatremia;
- hypokalemia;
- hyperchloremia.

Inhalation use
In accordance with the instructions for use for "Sodium chloride", a 0.9% solution of the drug is sometimes prescribed for mixing with bronchodilator drugs used by inhalation. Means such as "Lazolvan" or "Berodual" are diluted with this physiological solution in 3-4 ml. So it says in the instructions for "Sodium Chloride". Forinhalation using a nebulizer.
The final dose when mixing sodium chloride and bronchodilators is set by a specialist. It is not recommended to do this on your own. The medical compound can be used undiluted (0.9%), 3 ml per single application, the frequency of the procedure is also determined by the doctor.
Inhalation with medication is carried out one hour after eating.
What else does the instructions for "Sodium Chloride" tell us?
Dosing regimen
This medication is given as an intravenous drip. The dosage is determined by a specialist, taking into account the stage and type of disease, body weight, fluid loss and age of the patient. In this case, it is necessary to control the amount of electrolytes in plasma and urine.

The dosage of the medicinal product for adult patients is 500 ml 3 times a day.
The dosage for children is 20-100 ml per day per 1 kg of the child's weight.
Dosages to be used when dissolving or diluting other drugs are in the range of 50-250 ml per dose of the drug administered. The rate of administration is determined by the recommendations for the use of the medication.
In the case of using the drug "Sodium chloride" according to the instructions in a dosage that exceeds therapeutic norms, the following undesirable symptoms may occur:
- increase in blood pressure;
- fever;
- decrease in salivation and lacrimation;
- pain in the abdomen in the form of spasms;
- dyspepsia, vomiting,
- palpitations;
- excessive sweating;
- thirst;
- disturbed stool in the form of diarrhea;
- pulmonary edema;
- cephalgia;
- increased anxiety;
- dizziness, weakness;
- excessive irritability.
In case of an overdose, therapy is carried out aimed at suppressing unwanted symptoms.

Drug interaction
This medication works well with most other medications. Due to this property, it is often used as the main solvent.
During lactation and pregnancy, sodium chloride solution is allowed.
Side effects
The use of a pharmaceutical product can provoke the following negative symptoms: when using the drug as the main solvent for other drugs, the likelihood of adverse reactions is determined by the characteristics of these drugs. In such a situation, with the development of side effects, it is necessary to stop the administration of the medication, assess the patient's well-being, and take appropriate therapeutic measures.
The drug "Sodium chloride" is not prescribed in the following situations:
- whenarterial hypertension;
- in the presence of peripheral edema;
- with chronic heart failure.

Special Recommendations
Instructions for the "Sodium chloride" solution must be strictly followed. Injection with this pharmacological agent requires monitoring the patient's well-being, his clinical and biological parameters, the necessary attention should be paid to the accounting of plasma electrolytes. In children, due to the immaturity of the urinary system, inhibition of sodium excretion may occur. As a result, with repeated infusions, they can only be started after determining the amount of sodium in the child's blood.
The medicinal product is allowed to be used only if the packaging is intact, and also in the absence of foreign inclusions. Containers must not be connected one at a time, as this may cause an air embolism due to the ingress of air remaining in the first package.
Solution for injection "Sodium chloride" must be administered under sterile conditions, observing the principles of antisepsis. In order to prevent air from entering the infusion set, it should be filled with solution and completely deflated from the plastic packaging.
It is allowed to add other medications during the procedure or before it, by injection into the area of the package that is specifically intended for this manipulation.
After one use, the medicine package should bedisposed of. Any unused dosage is also discarded.

Analogues of a medical product in terms of pharmacological effects are:
- "Physiodosis";
- "Physiology";
- "Salin";
- "Sodium Chloride Bufus";
- "Sodium chloride-Senderesis";
- "Sodium Chloride Brown";
- Aqua-Rinosol;
- "Sodium Chloride Bieffe".

Practically everyone knows what saline is. The scope of its application is quite wide - this is the dilution of medicines, and the washing of the mucous membranes, and inhalations, and much more. Patients say that it is impossible to imagine treatment without the use of this solution, and this applies to a huge range of diseases. The article described in detail the instructions for using the "Sodium chloride" solution.